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HomeMust ReadHow To Do Proper Intermittent Fasting

How To Do Proper Intermittent Fasting

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Does Intermittent Fasting Boost Your Metabolism

How to properly do intermittent fasting (Complete Guide)

Intermittent fasting is an eating pattern that involves periods of food restriction, called fasting, followed by a period of regular eating.

This pattern of eating could help you lose weight, reduce your risk of disease, and increase your lifespan .

Some experts even claim that its beneficial effects on metabolism make it a healthier way to lose weight than standard calorie restriction (

4 ).

Studies have shown that when it comes to weight loss, intermittent fasting can be just as effective as traditional calorie restriction, if not more so .

In fact, a 2014 review found that intermittent fasting could help people lose an impressive 38% of their body weight in 324 weeks .

A 2016 review concluded that in people who have obesity or overweight, intermittent fasting may be a better approach to weight loss than very low calorie diets (

13 ).

There are a few different ways to try intermittent fasting. Some people follow the 5:2 diet, which involves fasting for 2 days per week. Others practice alternate-day fasting or the 16/8 method.

If you are interested in trying intermittent fasting, you can read more about it in this detailed guide for beginners.


Intermittent fasting is a powerful weight loss tool. It can also improve your metabolism and metabolic health.

So Is Intermittent Fasting As Good As It Sounds

According to metabolic expert Dr. Deborah Wexler, Director of the Massachusetts General Hospital Diabetes Center and associate professor at Harvard Medical School, says “there is evidence to suggest that the circadian rhythm fasting approach, where meals are restricted to an eight to 10-hour period of the daytime, is effective.” But still she recommends that people “use an eating approach that works for them and is sustainable to them.”

So, heres the deal. There is some good scientific evidence suggesting that circadian rhythm fasting, when combined with a healthy diet and lifestyle, can be a particularly effective approach to weight loss, especially for people at risk for diabetes.

What If Youre On A Hormonal Birth Control

It depends on what type of birth control youre on, but Shah generally notes that youll experience this same cycle of stress-sensitivityit just might be a more muted version.

You might not experience those big, recognizable changes in your mood and energy levels during your menstrual cycle, but you should still be mindful of Shahs tips to cut back on fasting, especially if youre feeling a little more stressed and tired than usual.

This method of intermittent fasting still works its just not as extreme, she adds.

Read Also: What Is Alternate Day Fasting

Choose An Eating Window You Will Stick To

If you decide to go on a 16hour/8hour fasting/eating schedule every other day, but that 16 hours lapse with your workout schedule, and you find yourself resisting food at an impossible time, you may want to change it up to work with your schedule.

Intermittent fasting is a great strategy for increasing your chances of weight loss, but it won’t help if you don’t stick to the plan.

There are several different ways to use intermittent fasting in a beneficial way:

  • Alternate day fasting
  • A specific number of days per week
  • Daily fasting schedule
  • 12 + hours of fasting

To optimize your rate of weight loss, you will need to develop a schedule that works for you.

The fasting schedule you build will need to consider the amount of weight you aim to lose, the number of calories you’re consuming, how much exercise you do, and any other concerns specific to your situation.

Foods List And Meal Plan

The Intermittent Fasting Trend: What Is the Best Way to Do It?

To maximize the potential health benefits of your diet, its important to stick to nutritious whole foods and beverages during your eating periods.

Filling up on nutrient-rich foods helps round out your diet and supports a healthy weight. Try balancing each meal with a wide variety of whole foods, such as:

  • Fruits: apples, bananas, berries, oranges, peaches, pears, tomatoes, etc.
  • Veggies: broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, cucumbers, leafy greens, etc.
  • Whole grains: barley, buckwheat, quinoa, rice, oats, etc.
  • Healthy fats: olive oil and avocados
  • Protein sources: eggs, fish, legumes, meat, poultry, nuts, seeds, etc.

Drinking calorie-free beverages like water and unsweetened tea and coffee, even while fasting, also helps control your appetite while keeping you hydrated.

Its best to avoid ultra-processed foods like packaged snacks, deep-fried items, sugary drinks, and most frozen meals. These negate the positive effects of 16/8 intermittent fasting and may harm your health.


To begin 16/8 intermittent fasting, choose an 8-hour window and limit your food intake to that time span. Be sure to follow a balanced diet based in whole foods.


Animal and human studies suggest that intermittent fasting may increase weight loss, improve blood sugar levels, and extend longevity.

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/5reasons Why Intermittent Fasting May Not Work For You

Diet trends are ever-changing and currently, Intermittent Fasting is all the rage. The fasting method that has been a part of myriad cultures for several years has now become a popular means to shed kilos and get in shape. The credit for the immense popularity of the diet among fitness enthusiasts goes to no restriction of food groups and a flexible eating window. It can be easily followed with a diet like low-carb and keto to expedite the weight loss process. Even though the fasting method is safe to follow, it might not be beneficial for all, that’s what Lifestyle and Wellness coach Luke Coutinho suggests.

Schedule #: Fasting Mimicking Diets

Fasting-mimicking diets are similar to the 5:2 diet, except the time scale is longer:

  • The low-energy period usually lasts around 3-7 days.
  • Its done less often, generally once every 3-6 weeks.

What it involves

In practice, an FMD might include 1 week of low energy intake, say around 50 percent of normal needs, then 3-4 weeks of normal energy intake. Repeat.

People who benefit

This is an advanced fasting schedule that works best for people who have already mastered 5:2 eating or another less intense protocol.

Its ideal for people whose lifestyles reinforce the fasting schedule. Consider the life of a long-distance trucker who spends a week on the road followed by a couple weeks at home. Such a person might decide to eat very little while driving.

Why? For one, theyre quite sedentary, so their body doesnt need as much energy. Two, they may be incentivized to drive as long as possible and not want to take lots of breaks.

Then when that trucker arrives home, they might eat more normally.

If you try it

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Intermittent Fasting For Autophagy

The second primary reason for intermittent fastings burgeoning popularity is myriad health benefits.

Besides weight loss, so-called autophagy is predominantly responsible for the rejuvenating effects of fasting.

As soon as food becomes scarce, this intracellular recycling system kicks in, breaking down broken cellular parts and directing toxins out of the body.

In this way, autophagy prevents precisely those modern diseases that plague us today. For example, these may be cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, polycystic ovary syndrome , Parkinsons disease, or Alzheimers disease.

In this context, the positive effect of autophagy is so groundbreaking that it was rewarded with the Nobel Prize in Medicine .

But how is autophagy turned on and off?

To this end, three primary nutrient sensors exist in our bodies:

  • Insulin: Sensitive to carbohydrates and proteins.
  • mTOR: Sensitive to proteins
  • AMPK: Sensitive to lack of energy in cells

Since AMPK can also be affected by fat, any caloric food breaks a fast.

However, many experts forget that there are also non-caloric substances that can interfere with fasting.

Although they sometimes have only a marginal effect on blood glucose, intense non-caloric sweeteners can significantly increase insulin levels.

They can stop both autophagy and fat burning. For this reason, not only any calories but also sweeteners in drinks are a no-no during the fasting period.

Is Intermittent Fasting Safe

How to do INTERMITTENT FASTING the right way and LOSE WEIGHT!

Some people try intermitting fasting for weight management, and others use the method to address chronic conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome, high cholesterol or arthritis. But intermittent fasting isnt for everyone.

Williams stresses that before you try intermittent fasting , you should check in with your primary care practitioner first. Some people should steer clear of trying intermittent fasting:

  • Children and teens under age 18.
  • Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding.
  • People with diabetes or blood sugar problems.
  • Those with a history of eating disorders.

But, Williams says, people not in these categories who can do intermittent fasting safely can continue the regimen indefinitely. It can be a lifestyle change, she says, and one with benefits.

Keep in mind that intermittent fasting may have different effects on different people. Talk to your doctor if you start experiencing unusual anxiety, headaches, nausea or other symptoms after you start intermittent fasting.

Don’t Miss: What Is The Proper Way To Do Intermittent Fasting

When Should I Exercise

When Varady and her colleagues conducted a study that combined alternate day fasting and exercise, they allowed the participants to pick whether they wanted to exercise on a feasting or fasting day, and found there was no strong preference one way or the other. But the researchers were surprised the dieters actually reported feeling more energetic on fasting days.

Simple Intermittent Fasting Plans For Beginners

When you start intermittent fasting, you will surely think about how it will affect your body, metabolism, and mood.

Thats why the following two plans for beginners have proven to bring minimal changes to your everyday life through intermittent fasting.

Moreover, their rules are so simple that beginners can easily follow them.

Also Check: How Long Should You Fast For Intermittent Fasting

What Are The Rules Of Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting is an eating style that some people use to help control their weight. You follow an eating schedule every day, only consuming food during a set number of hours during a specific window of time, then fast for the remaining hours.

Some people find intermittent fasting appealing because you dont have to remember to follow specific diet rules, scrutinizing which foods are approved and which are not, says bariatric surgeon, James Nangeroni, D.O.Fasting for 12 or 16 hours each day may sound like a lot of time, but keep in mind that youll be asleep for 7 to 9 of those hours.

Why Shouldnt You Fast The Week Before Your Period

4 Ways Intermittent Fasting Improves Brain Function

According to Shah, the week before your period is when your body is most vulnerable to stress.

Your estrogen experiences a steep drop at this time, which leads to cortisol sensitivity . Thats why right before your period, you might experience changes in your mood and energy levels, or you might have some killer sugar cravings, which Shah says we can chalk up to this estrogen drop.

Because your body is more sensitive to stress, she recommends that you steer clear of any additional stressors in your life, including high-intensity workouts andyou guessed itintermittent fasting. Sometimes these hormetic stressors are a great thing, as they can teach your body to grow and become resilient, but Shah believes we should take it easy when our bodies are more stress-sensitive.

That week before your period when you feel naturally kind of down, give your body a little rest. Maybe go for a massage, spend some time in nature. Have some really good self-care time during that week, she tells me.

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Do Add More Of The Right Foods To Your Meals

We all know that overcompensating with junk and other fast foods is a big no-no when it comes to intermittent fasting, but adding more of the right foods to your plate can speed up intermittent fasting weight loss results.

What do I mean by this? Our bodies crave and need 3 main groups of food to function protein, carbohydrates and fats.

Loading up your breakfast and dinners, for example, with starchy carbohydrates and saturated fats is obviously not great as not only can this cause digestive distress, but it also adds way more calories to your every day diet.

Loading your plate with heart healthy fats, wholegrain, unprocessed carbs and lean, high quality protein is actually encouraged during intermittent fasting and is a great intermittent fasting tip for beginners.

Again, the goal here isnt to starve, but to moderately decrease calorie intake whilst swapping out unhealthy foods.

Just make sure youre not massively overcompensating on your portion sizes i.e. eating a breakfast twice the size of what you would normally eat as this does defeat the object.

How To Fast Safely: 10 Helpful Tips

There are many different ways to fast.

Intermittent fasting is an increasingly popular eating pattern which involves not eating or sharply restricting your food intake for certain periods of time.

This fasting method has been linked to a range of potential health benefits, including short-term increases in human growth hormone and changes to gene expression .

Such effects are linked to longevity and a lower risk of disease. Thus, people who fast regularly often hope to lose weight or live a healthier, longer life.

However, fasting can be dangerous if not done properly.

Here are 10 tips to help you fast safely.

Also Check: How Many Calories Can I Eat During Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent Fasting Decreases Metabolism Less Than Continuous Calorie Restriction

When you lose weight, your metabolic rate goes down. Part of this is because losing weight causes muscle loss, and muscle tissue burns calories around the clock.

However, the decrease in metabolic rate seen with weight loss cant always be explained by the loss of muscle mass alone .

Severe calorie restriction over a long period can cause your metabolic rate to drop, as your body enters so-called starvation mode. The scientific term for this is adaptive thermogenesis.

Your body does this to conserve energy as a natural defense against starvation .

This has been demonstrated dramatically in a study of people who lost large amounts of weight while participating in The Biggest Loser, a reality show on TV.

Participants followed a calorie-restricted diet and intense exercise regimen to lose large amounts of weight .

The study found that 6 years later, most of them had regained nearly all of the weight they had lost. However, their metabolic rates had not gone back up and remained around 500 calories lower than you would expect for their body size.

Other studies investigating the effects of calorie restriction on weight loss have found similar results. The drop in metabolism due to weight loss can amount to hundreds of calories per day (

Alternate Day Fasting : 2 Method


Some people fast on alternate days to improve blood sugar, cholesterol, and weight loss. A person on the 5:2 method eats 500 to 600 calories on two non-consecutive days each week.

Some alternate-day fasting regimens add in a third day of fasting each week. For the rest of the week, a person eats only the number of calories they burn during the day. Over time, this creates a calorie deficit that allows the person to lose weight.

Resources on the Eat Stop Eat, Warrior, and Leangains fasting methods are available to purchase online.

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Intermittent Fasting Increases Several Fat Burning Hormones

Hormones are chemicals that act as messengers. They travel through your body to coordinate complicated functions, such as growth and metabolism.

They also play an important role in the regulation of your weight. This is because they have a strong influence on your appetite, the number of calories you eat, and how much fat you store or burn .

Intermittent fasting has been linked to improvements in the balance of some fat burning hormones. This could make it a helpful tool for weight management.

There Is Interest In Whether Autophagy Can Increase The Lifespan Of Whole Organisms Though So Far This Has Only Been Replicated In Animals

There is interest in whether autophagy can increase the lifespan of whole organisms, too though so far this has only been replicated in animals, like 1mm-long nematode worms and mice, and not humans . Until there are longitudinal studies of human intermittent fasters, it is too soon to say that it will extend our lifespans.

But, other animal studies have linked autophagy to improvements in immune system memory. The fact that autophagy is essential to maintain cell health has also generated interest in its role in cancer suppression. There might be more reasons than increasing lifespan to take interest in autophagy.

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For most of us, autophagy occurs in our sleep, but it is also brought on by exercise and starvation. Could controlled fasting help to trigger it?

Unlike calorie-restrictive diets , the purpose of intermittent fasting is to increase the amount of time between the last meal of one day and the first of the next. This could help to promote autophagy, but to understand how we should look at what happens to us after we eat.

Eating even a small bite before bed extends the “fed state”, meaning you may never achieve ketosis before your next meal

When you stop eating at 19:00 you will still be in the fed state until 22:00 because you will still be digesting nutrients, says Clarkson. Any carbohydrates in your diet will give you a nice supply of glucose, our premium source of fuel, for a few hours.

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Intermittent Fasting For Beginners: The Ultimate 101 Guide

No other diet has experienced as much growth over the past few years as Intermittent Fasting.

The reason for this is effective weight loss, proven health benefits, and a simplified daily routine.

But the supposedly simple diet always raises questions when you start.

Thats why this ultimate intermittent fasting guide for beginners provides you with the framework that guarantees a smooth start.

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