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What Can I Eat On Intermittent Fasting Meal Plan

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A Sample Day Of A : 4 Fast

Intermittent Fasting Meal Plan | FULL DAY IF Meal Plan (What I Eat)

7:00 am Wake and drink 500 mL of water with lemon

9:00 am Eat 1 boiled egg white, a handful of berries or 1 cup of green tea

1:00 pm Drink grapefruit juice, 1 cup of yoghurt or ½ cup of raw vegetables

8:00 pm Eat dinner containing protein, healthy fats and complex carbs

9:00 pm Drink 1 cup of warm milk with turmeric

10:00 pm Eat desserts such as dark chocolate or fruit custard

What Can You Eat On The 1: 8 Diet

This diet isnt suggesting you cram all the food you can into 8 hours. You need to make sure youre eating a balance of fat busting and health boosting foods. Experts have suggest making sure you get a balance of lean meat, eggs, dairy, vegetables, nuts and beans each day.

Make sure to eat a balanced diet.

Tom said, Many people fail the 16:8 diet by packing in too many calories into the 8 hour period, often trying to get some in before the 8 hours ends. You should still be following a strict diet with a complete nutritional breakdown, to ensure you are consuming a targeted number of calories, not to mention macro nutrients and ensuring youre not consuming too much sugar.

What To Eat During Your Eating Windows

What should you eat during your eating windows when you are intermittent fasting? Pretty much the same thing you should eat when you are not intermittent fasting: whole foods that support health. Avoid processed foods, excess sugar, and inflammatory foods. My Paleo 101 page is a good place to start.

Heres what you should keep in mind:

  • Avoiding processed foods means avoiding most prepackaged foods They usually contain additives and vegetable oils, which cause inflammation.
  • Eats lots and lots of vegetables. The Wahls protocol advises including 3 cups of leafy greens, 3 cups of sulfur-containing vegetables and 3 cups of colorful vegetables and fruits each day. I think its a good goal to improve or maintain your health.
  • Include lots of healthy fats in your diet. Healthy fats help keep you satisfied and they help regulate your appetite. Sources of healthy fats include coconut oil or MCT oil, olive oil, avocado, salmon, nuts and seeds.

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Mediterranean Chicken Breasts With Avocado Tapenade

My husband and I made this for dinner last night and our only complaint was that we ate too much of it, because it was so good! The only change I made was using garlic powder instead of roasted garlic in the tapenade as we were short on time.


Delicious! We topped it with shredded cheese, sour cream, cilantro, green onions and crushed tortilla chips. Ive also added ground meat to make it more of a meal!


How Does It Differ From The 1: 8 Method

A Rookie

This plan may sound very similar to the 16:8 intermittent fast with just a smaller feeding window, however, it is actually very different to execute. Heres why:

  • You are fasting the majority of the day whereas on the 16:8 most of your fasting time is done while you are sleeping which makes it much easier to stick to.
  • You are able to eat a small portion of specific foods during your 20-hour fasting window on the Warrior Diet.
  • The four-hour eating window makes it much more difficult to consume your daily calories and meet your nutrient needs in such a limited time. Its much easier to achieve this in eight hours.
  • The original Warrior Diet places a much greater emphasis on the types of food you should be eating throughout the day and during your four-hour overeating period. Although the modern 20:4 diet has relaxed to allow you to eat what you want in your 4-hour window.
  • The original Warrior Diet also included an exercise plan to maximise the fitness and weight loss benefits while dieting.
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    How Can I Suppress Hunger During Intermittent Fasting

    Eat high-fiber foods, such as nuts, beans, fruits and vegetables, and high protein foods, including meat, fish, tofu, or nuts, during your eating window, Varady advised. Chewing high-fiber gummies can also help.

    Drink lots of water. People tend to think they’re hungry, when they are really just thirsty, she said.

    Go for black coffee or tea, or cinnamon or licorice herbal teas. These beverages may have appetite-suppressing effects, Varady noted.

    Watch less TV: I know this sounds strange, but while you are watching TV, you are bombarded with dozens of ads for food. This can make you feel hungry, when in actuality, you are not hungry at all, she said.

    Remember, being “a little hungry” is the best thing that can happen to you, wrote Madelyn Fernstrom, health and nutrition editor at NBC News, calling it a “true mind-body connection” that helps you recognize fullness.

    Popular Ways To Do Intermittent Fasting

    Intermittent fasting has recently become a health trend. Devotees claim it can cause weight loss, improve metabolic health, and maybe even extend life span.

    Every method can be effective, but figuring out which one works best depends on the individual.

    Several methods of this eating pattern exist. But before embarking on an intermittent fast or deciding how often to fast, you should speak with a healthcare professional.

    Here are 6 popular ways to do intermittent fasting.

    Don’t Miss: How Long Do You Fast With Intermittent Fasting

    What About Supplements And Water

    So youve decided to fast, and you know when to eat food, but what about those things you consume that arent strictly food?


    For the purposes of fasting, supplements count as food, and should be consumed within your eating window.

    If you have supplements or medication meant to be consumed at a specific time of day, with or without food, we recommend you consult your doctor or health care practitioner to determine if fasting is right for you and how to choose the right schedule.


    Staying hydrated is always important, and especially so on a fast where you wont be consuming anything else.

    Plain water, unsweetened sparkling water, or coffee and tea without anything added are all acceptable beverages during your fasting hoursbut good old water is definitely your best bet.

    Why Intermittent Fasting Whats The Fuss

    What I eat when intermittent fasting (Meal plan)

    One of my answers to people who ask Why do you fast? Are you religious? is Because it can work for your goals!

    Its a no-brainer that restricting your calories plays an integral role in weight loss.

    But heres the thing when you fast, youre making this caloric restriction a walk in the park, especially if you use your sleeping period as a time to fast.

    When done correctly, a healthy person can experience consistent weight loss.

    Here are some other reasons why intermittent fasting is the way forward!

    Read Also: What Does Intermittent Fasting Look Like

    Should You Skip Breakfast

    Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Thats what conventional wisdom says, anyway.

    The validity of this wisdom depends on a few factors, including your goals. If your goal is weight loss, breakfast might not be helping.

    For example, one review of the literature found that the addition of breakfast probably doesnt aid in weight loss efforts. Another study, however, found that women who skipped breakfast had higher cortisol and blood pressure than breakfast eaters.

    Why this effect? Possibly because breakfast can enhance the circadian rhythm, our 24-hour wake-sleep cycle. Eating in the AM hours helps stimulate melatonin production at night to support restful sleep, which carries over into every aspect of health.

    The bottom line is that skipping breakfast works for some people, but not others. Youll have to experiment.

    Intermittent Fasting Aids In Weight Loss

    The best and most obvious benefit of intermittent fasting for men is that it aids in weight loss.

    During the hours you are eating, it’s important that you don’t pack in as much food as possible.

    You want to eat the normal amount of meals you would for the time period.

    Intermittent fasting will help you to eat fewer meals and snacks in a 24-hour period.

    Intermittent fasting also helps to improve the function of the weight loss hormone.

    As long as we dont snack, our insulin levels will go down, and our fat cells can release their stored sugar to be used as energy.

    Studies have shown that alternate day fasting blood sugar levels, which can be beneficial for both diabetics and weight loss promotion.

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    Intermittent Fasting Can Help Weight Loss

    IF makes intuitive sense. The food we eat is broken down by enzymes in our gut and eventually ends up as molecules in our bloodstream. Carbohydrates, particularly sugars and refined grains , are quickly broken down into sugar, which our cells use for energy. If our cells dont use it all, we store it in our fat cells as, well, fat. But sugar can only enter our cells with insulin, a hormone made in the pancreas. Insulin brings sugar into the fat cells and keeps it there.

    Between meals, as long as we dont snack, our insulin levels will go down and our fat cells can then release their stored sugar, to be used as energy. We lose weight if we let our insulin levels go down. The entire idea of IF is to allow the insulin levels to go down far enough and for long enough that we burn off our fat.

    Do You Still Eat 3 Meals When Intermittent Fasting

    Intermittent Fasting Guide: Diet Plan, What To Eat, Meals ...

    Intermittent Fasting can still average to 3 meals a day when you do it mindfully. My first meal of the day is a combo of what Id call breakfast and lunch. Ive been making a breakfast burrito for this meal lately, and its so good.

    And in the afternoon, Ill have a large snack. If you follow me on , you already know its pretty much the same meal every single day because I love it so much!

    But dont worry, I appreciate variety, too! Check out this post on My Fave High Protein Snacks For Weight Loss.

    And last but not least, Ill have a small dinner. Most likely another wrap because theyre so easy to put together and filling, too!

    Recommended Reading: When To Eat While Intermittent Fasting

    How To Successfully Do The : 4 Intermittent Fast

    The Warrior Diet plan involves fasting for 20 hours during the day followed by overeating in a 4-hour window at night.

    For example, you may set your feeding window at 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm. During this time you can eat as much as you want with an emphasis on unprocessed, organic whole foods particularly those high in dietary fats and protein.

    After 10:00 pm, you fast or eat very small portions of specific foods such as raw fruit and vegetables until 6:00 pm the next day. Its important youre eating as fewer calories as possible during this time.

    The method is best suited for people who have tried intermittent fasting before or who already consume a low-carb/ketogenic diet.

    Hofmekler recommends you follow a three-week, three-phase plan initially before starting the Warrior Diet. This helps the body adapt to the eating and fasting schedule and become accustomed to using body fat as energy. This three-week introduction includes:

  • Phase 1 Detox4-hour evening eating period: consume salad with a dressing and a large or a couple of smaller meals of plant protein, whole grains, cheese and cooked vegetables.20-hour fast: consume vegetable juices, bone broth, yoghurt, cottage cheese, hard-boiled eggs, raw fruit and raw vegetables. Black coffee, tea, water and small portions of milk can be consumed during the fasting period.
  • Once you have completed the three-phase diet, it is recommended you start it again before following the 20:4 guidelines.

    The Benefits Of Intermittent Fasting For Men

    Intermittent fasting is a pattern of eating where a person cycles between eating and fasting.

    There are different variations of intermittent fasting.

    Some people may only do it a couple of times a week, while others do it every day or every other day.

    The benefits of intermittent fasting for men may slightly outweigh the benefits for women, but that should only be viewed as a positive result for men.

    The research is clear that intermittent fasting is beneficial for both men and women.

    Here are just a few of the benefits of intermittent fasting:

    Don’t Miss: When Should I Do Intermittent Fasting

    Is 16/8 Intermittent Fasting Right For You

    16/8 intermittent fasting can be a sustainable, safe and easy way to improve your health when paired with a nutritious diet and a healthy lifestyle.

    However, it shouldnt be viewed as a substitute for a balanced, well-rounded diet rich in whole foods. Not to mention, you can still be healthy even if intermittent fasting doesnt work for you.

    Though 16/8 intermittent fasting is generally considered safe for most healthy adults, you should talk to your doctor before giving it a try, especially if you have any underlying health conditions.

    This is key if youre taking any medications or have diabetes, low blood pressure or a history of disordered eating.

    Intermittent fasting is also not recommended for women who are trying to conceive or those who are pregnant or breastfeeding.

    If you have any concerns or experience any adverse side effects while fasting, be sure to consult your doctor.

    16/8 intermittent fasting involves eating only during an 8-hour window and fasting for the remaining 16 hours.

    It may support weight loss and improve blood sugar, brain function and longevity.

    Eat a healthy diet during your eating period and drink calorie-free beverages like water or unsweetened teas and coffee.

    Its best to talk to your doctor before trying intermittent fasting, especially if you have any underlying health conditions.

    How Long Should I Follow This Diet

    Intermittent Fasting Meal Plan For Weight Loss Recipes What I Eat

    There truly is no time frame or limit in place. If you want to try to lose a few pounds within a 3-month window, you can try the diet out for three months.

    However, eating one meal a day can be much more than just a short type of intermittent fasting.

    Eating one meal a day can truly become a lifestyle, just as it has for me. There are people who have literally followed the OMAD diet for years. They have maintained an exceptional physique, feel great, have the energy they desire, and state they will never go back to any other lifestyle or eating pattern.

    For some, it simply does not work. Some people do not have the dedication or focus and will start picking at food during the course of the day. If this is your case, you might be best served with trying to mix things up and do a few diets or eating patterns during the course of a week. This might help keep you motivated, focused, and help you avoid those hunger pains.

    The choice really comes down to you and whether you are in it for the long haul or simply trying something new. Maybe you like to mix things up during the course of a week and try the OMAD diet for a short of a period of time.

    We can help in our community forums to answer any questions about being on the OMAD diet if you are just starting out or have been doing it for any length of time.

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    What Can I Eat On An Intermittent Fasting Meal Plan

    Truth is, anything ! When it comes to an intermittent fasting meal plan, its not necessarily about the type of food youre eating but the timing.

    But you know me, I always suggest pairing IF with nutritious and well-balanced meals. I mean at the end of the day, if you eat 3 Big Macs during your eating window then you most likely wont reap the benefits.

    Ultimately, the good news is, you can be keto or clean eating or not even follow a specific lifestyle.

    PLEASE REMEMBER: Because this is a fast, your body is going to need love and nourishment. Which translates to nutrient-dense food!

    Science Of Intermittent Fasting For Weight Loss

    To understand the science of intermittent fasting, we need to look into the basics of nutrition.

    And it is quite straight-forward: the food we eat gets broken down to molecules and ends up in our blood, which feeds the cells in our bodies.

    Part of those molecules are net carbohydrates and our body turns them into sugar so our cells could use it for energy.

    To be able to use sugar for the energy we need insulin, which is produced in our pancreas and spikes each time we throw in some food with carbohydrates.

    Any excess sugars that we dont utilize get stored in the form of fat with the idea that we will use that fat for energy later, once we have no sugar left.

    The best way to NOT end up having huge fat reserves is to spend the same amount of energy you get from food.

    However, life is not perfect and many of us have lifestyles that limit our chances to move throughout the day. In fact, office workers tend to spend 75% of their waking hours sitting.

    So, what can we do to lose or not gain weight?

    One way to do it is to focus on increasing your energy expenditure through increased physical activity or in laymans terms exercising and doing sports. But you knew this one already, didnt you?

    Another way though is to focus on consuming less food than you need for the energy that day and as a result, creating a caloric deficit.

    And thats where intermittent fasting comes in.

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    Simple Rules Of Fasting

    There are a few rules you need to follow if you want intermittent fasting for men to work out for you.

    First, get plenty of sleep.

    Sleep is good for you anyway, but getting more sleep while doing intermittent fasting increases the likelihood you’ll stick with it because you are awake fewer hours during the day.

    That translates into less willpower needed to stick to the fast.

    For example, if you go to bed at midnight and get up at 6 a.m to go to work, you have to fight late-night cravings.

    If you go to bed at 10 p.m., it shaves 2 hours off your day, and you’re less likely to have a midnight snack if you’re already in bed and sleeping.

    Most people choose to fast for 14 to 16 hours.

    This means you effectively either skip breakfast or dinner. Most people choose to skip breakfast and eat lunch and dinner as normal.

    Drink coffee to hold you over.

    While some versions of intermittent fasting allow one shot of cream in your coffee, the choice is entirely up to you.

    The important thing is to not go crazy with it. For example, don’t add 2 or 3 shots of cream and a tablespoon of sugar.

    Finally, eat everything you’re going to eat for the day inside of 8 hours.

    This can be tricky if you’re not used to it.

    If you get up at 6 a.m. and eat by 7 a.m., you can eat a big breakfast and a moderately-large lunch, as long as you stop eating by 3 p.m.

    Alternatively, you can skip breakfast and eat lunch at noon, and dinner sometime before 8 p.m.

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