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24 Hour Intermittent Fasting Schedule

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Fast For 12 Hours A Day

Intermittent Fasting Explained: How It Helps Weight Loss | Nutritionist Explains… | Myprotein

The rules for this diet are simple. A person needs to decide on and adhere to a 12-hour fasting window every day.

According to some researchers, fasting for 1016 hours can cause the body to turn its fat stores into energy, which releases ketones into the bloodstream. This should encourage weight loss.

This type of intermittent fasting plan may be a good option for beginners. This is because the fasting window is relatively small, much of the fasting occurs during sleep, and the person can consume the same number of calories each day.

The easiest way to do the 12-hour fast is to include the period of sleep in the fasting window.

For example, a person could choose to fast between 7 p.m. and 7 a.m. They would need to finish their dinner before 7 p.m. and wait until 7 a.m. to eat breakfast but would be asleep for much of the time in between.

Schedule #: Skipping A Meal Sometimes

Though it may not offer all of the physiological benefits of true IF, meal-skipping offers an easy way to ease into IF.

What it involves

There are a couple of ways to try this schedule.

Level 1: Wait until youre hungry to eat. You might remember this from chapter 4 as IF Lite. So if youre not hungry for breakfast when you wake up, for example, you might wait to have your first meal until 11am.

Level 2? Sometimes, dont eat a meal youd normally eat.

For instance, if youd normally eat dinner, and youre not actually hungry for it dont. Or skip lunch. Or breakfast. Try intentionally skipping a meal once or twice a week and see how you feel.

People who benefit

This is an approachable way for beginners to explore how their bodies and minds respond to hunger.

Youll discover: Are you the type of person who can experience hunger, ride it out, and use what you learn to graduate to more intense fasting schedules? Or are you better suited to regular meals and snacks?

If you try it

Hizbul Ulama And A Mistaken Understanding Of Mushhadah

The Hizbul Ulama timetable is one that has been adopted by a number of mosques around the UK including the recent Unified prayer timetable for London adopted by East London Mosque and Regents Park Mosque. The fact that these organisations have sought to unite the Muslim community is an extremely praiseworthy matter, indeed unity is one of the most important factors that leads to the strengthening of the Muslim community and I commend them for their sincerity. However, I sincerely believe that the Hizbul Ulama have overlooked many important fundamentals such as being unable to identify the main criterion for deciding prayer times they mistakenly assume that it is through individual Mushhadah. As a result of this, they have never compared their Mushhadah with the Mushhadah of others both within the UK and outside of it. They have opposed the overwhelming number of jurists and contradictorily claim that last years Mushhadah may be used for this year whilst maintaining that an individual may only pray when he himself has seen the Shar sign!

Don’t Miss: How Intermittent Fasting Works For Weight Loss

Intermittent Fasting Techniques: The 8/16 Program

The 8/16 periodic fasting technique is one of the most common. This is the least intrusive intermittent fasting technique as it includes a feeding period of 8-10 hours and a fasting period of 14-16 hours. The 8/16 approach is simple and consistent. Every day of the week you eat for an 8 hour window of your choosing and then fast for the remaining 16 hours. For women, the eating window can be longer. So the schedule is 10/14

The 8/16 system assumes that your diet is generally healthy and nutritionally balanced. It does not require specific dietary restrictions. In other words, the benefits of this fasting technique are largely due to the timing of meals. While a healthy diet will greatly improve your results, the emphasis is on the timing. You have to stop eating at the end of your eating window.

The advantage of this approach is that you can schedule the 16 hour fasting window to include sleep. So you are really only fasting for 4 hours before bed and 4 hours after you wake up.

Intermittent Fasting Plan: 21

Intermittent Fasting Plans &  Their Benefits

To help you kick-off your Intermittent Fasting journey in an easy, fun and sustainable way, we prepared a 21 Day Intermittent Fasting Plan that gives you an action for each day, with a detailed description and more learnings.

Scroll down and see a preview of the first 7 Intermittent Fasting days. If you feel like its time to take matters in your own hands and make Intermittent Fasting a sustainable lifestyle, join our 21-day Intermittent Fasting Challenge. It gives you access to the full 21-day Intermittent Fasting plan, daily emails and further tips and tricks for Intermittent Fasting Beginners .

Day 1

TODAYS TASK: 12 h Fast | 12 h Eat

TODAYS MISSION: Pick your Intermittent Fasting schedule

During the first week, you want to slowly ease into your intermittent fasting. This is why we suggest starting with 12 hours of fasting on your first day, and steady go up to 16 hours on Day 5, by adding 1 additional hour of fasting each day. That way it is easier for your body and brain to get used to the new way of eating, also you give yourself more time to get used to Intermittent Fasting.

On your first day, we also want you to choose the Intermittent Fasting schedule that fits your lifestyle best, and that you will stick to during the entire 21-day Intermittent Fasting Challenge. Consistency has proven to be one of the most contributing factors to success, see more in our talk with clinical researcher Megan J. Ramos.

Day 2

TODAYS TASK: 13 h Fast | 11 h Eat

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

Don’t Miss: What Can You Eat With Intermittent Fasting

Fasting Is Said To Prolong Life

Nobody wants to live a short life, that is certain. Fasting is said to prolong life and delay aging . This was concluded after ample research done on animals.

A study on the effects of intermittent fasting upon growth and life span in rats was conducted . The study took all their lifespan, this is to say it started when they were weaning and ended when they died. 28 male rats were maintained on an ad libitum diet. 24 other rats were kept on an every other day diet.

The results showed that the mean life span of the rats on the every other day diet had an 83% increase compared to the ones under the ad libitum diet. The rate of aging was also retarded on the rats on the every other day diet. Their body weight and growth rate was also reduced in the every other diet but their growth duration was 75% longer compared to the other rats. This thus shows fasting delays aging and prolongs life span in rats.

What Is Meant By Ekadashi Tithi Begins And Ekadashi Tithi Ends

These are Tithi timings given in Panchang and help to decide the correct date to observe Ekadashi fasting. As Ekadashi Tithi might begin at any time of the day and mostly split over two days, on the basis of these timings one day is preferred over the other to observe fasting. Once you have fasting date you don’t need them and we list them just for information. These timings are not needed to observe fasting.

Don’t Miss: Is 14 Hours Enough For Intermittent Fasting

Periodic Fasting: Lose Weight Grow Healthy

There are many ways to incorporate a fast into your lifestyle. Whether you are looking to burn fat, lose weight, or just promote a healthier lifestyle, regular fasting can help you achieve your goals. Intermittent fasting, also known as periodic fasting and interval fasting, is becoming a popular fasting method.

For good reason. Periodic fasting is a highly effective fasting technique. It is also flexible and personalized. With periodic fasting you can plan your fasting schedule according to your preferences. You plan your fast based on what fits best with your schedule and activity level.

Periodic fasting is a way to harness the health benefits of fasting without having to significantly modify your life around periods of prolonged fasting. As long as you adhere to the system, you will see results.

We will get to the details. First, what is periodic fasting?

Daily Intermittent Fasting Plan

I fasted for 24 hours!!!

Try these various schedules, selecting the eating plan that works best for your lifestyle and fasting experience. Remember to repeat the same cycle every day.

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  • 14:10: Eat between 9 a.m.-7 p.m. fast between 7 p.m.-9 a.m. the following day.
  • 16:8: Eat between 10 a.m.-6 p.m. fast between 6 p.m.-9 a.m. the following day.
  • 20:4: Eat between noon-4 p.m., fast between 4 a.m.-noon the following day.
  • 23:1: Eat one big meal per day, at whatever hour you wish.

Also Check: How Do I Start Fasting And Praying

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However, more recent research reveals the exact opposite that there are several benefits of intermittent fasting, which is the practice of going extended periods without food. A fasting diet may boost metabolism, improve insulin sensitivity, and help transition your body into a fat-burning state.

Intermittent fasting works similar to a ketogenic diet, depriving your body of glucose to transition to a fat-burning state. Fasting has many health benefits, including weight loss, fat loss, and balanced blood sugar and insulin levels. It might also prevent Alzheimers and chronic diseases, reverse insulin resistance, and lead to a longer lifespan.

Many proponents of fasting say that mentally, fasting is easier to handle than calorie restriction or calorie counting. Intermittent fasting is extremely popular among those following low-carb diets like keto because it helps generate ketones and induce a state of ketosis, which can help you burn fat.

There are multiple approaches to fasting. Youll learn how to do intermittent fasting several different ways, and how it can benefit you based on your goals, lifestyle, and activity level.

How Intermittent Fasting Works

Before we dive into the different types of intermittent fasting, lets briefly review how it works.

Intermittent fasting is a weight loss strategy that involves alternating periods of eating and abstaining from food. Its based on the belief that our bodies become satisfied with smaller food portions while reducing calorie intake, leading to weight loss.

During the fasting cycle or phase, youre not allowed to consume any food or drinks . This fasting period can last anywhere from 12 to 24 hours or even longer.

After the fasting phase is over, you enter the feeding or eating phase, where youre free to eat whatever you want for a set period. This period typically lasts 8-10 hours.

When done correctly, intermittent fasting can help you lose weight, improve metabolism, and reduce inflammation. It can also help reverse type 2 diabetes and heart disease, improving overall health and quality of life.

Read Also: Best Protein Powder For Fasting

Editorial Sources And Fact

  • Fothergill E, Guo J, Howard L, et al. Persistent Metabolic Adaptation 6 Years After The Biggest Loser Competition. Obesity. August 2016.
  • Varady KA, Cienfuegos S, Ezpeleta M, et al. Cardiometabolic Benefits of Intermittent Fasting. Annual Review of Nutrition. October 2021.
  • Gabel K, Hoddy KK, Haggerty N, et al. Effects of 8-Hour Time Restricted Feeding on Body Weight and Metabolic Disease Risk Factors in Obese Adults: A Pilot Study. Nutrition and Healthy Aging. June 2018.
  • Catterson JH, Khericha M, Dyson MC, et al. Short-Term, Intermittent Fasting Induces Long-Lasting Gut Health and TOR-Independent Lifespan Extension. Current Biology. June 2018.
  • De Cabo R, Mattson MP. Effects of Intermittent Fasting on Health, Aging, and Disease. The New England Journal of Medicine. December 26, 2019.

Hour Fast For Improved Body Composition

Intermittent Fasting 101

Many people who begin a 20 hour intermittent fasting protocol find that excess fat melt away. More often than not, this usually happens without the hunger pangs or lethargy associated with more conventional weight loss methods.

What makes such painless weight loss possible?

It all has to do with something called increased beta-oxidation a.k.a. fat-burning. After several hours in the fasted state, your body begins metabolizing its own fat reserves for energy. In this state insulin is low and norephedrine is high, setting the stage for your body to identify and select any excess fat stores for fuel.

20 hours of fasting is also sufficient to trigger your liver to produce energy molecules called ketones. When levels of ketones in your blood become elevated, youre in full fat-burning mode called ketosis.

Cycling in and out of a ketogenic state each day is an ideal way to maximize your bodys insulin sensitivity. With greater insulin sensitivity, when you do eat, the calories you consume will be directed towards muscle cells.

Read Also: Simple Intermittent Fasting Meal Plan

How Does Intermittent Fasting Work

Types of Intermittent Fasting

  • Start eating again at noon the following day
  • You may eat 2-3 meals during the 8-hour window

20/4 :

  • Fast for 20 hours
  • Eat during 4-hour window
  • Eat for five days at you usually would
  • For two non-consecutive days only eat 400-600 calories or less

Every Other Day Fasting

  • No eating on this day but if you must, only eat 500 calories or less
  • Other variations, eat less than 1000 calories

Whole-Day Fasting

  • Fast for 24 hours each week

Intermittent fasting consists of whole-day fasting, alternate-day fasting, and time-restricted eating windows, and have become popular over the last few years.

The regimen cycles through periods of normal eating, fasting, and regulated eating.

There are variations with each version, and the timeframe and number of calories also differ. Heres a complete break down of the categories and the type of plans they contain.

It Tends To Help You Lose Weight

If you are like most humans, you would probably love to drop a few pounds to feel better and fit into you clothes. The most obvious benefit of abstaining from all or certain food and beverages is that youll tend to decrease your overall calorie intake. This calorie restriction could help you to lose weight over time.

While fasting, your body burns all the glucose and fat while renewing its cells. A recent review states that if begin regularly practicing a 24 hour fast cycle for 24 weeks it could reduce your body weight by up to 9%, while significantly reducing your body fat.

Following a good exercise plan while fasting can work wonders for your weight loss plan.

So, if you are ready to give it a try, there are significant weight loss and fat loss benefits ahead.

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What Is A 24

A 24 hour fast is done by abstaining from food for 24 hours. This is a rather similar schedule to OMAD where you abstain from food for 23 hours and eat within a single hour.

The big difference is that OMAD is a rather strict continuous schedule, whereas the 24 hour fast can be done once a month, for example.

If you would have your meal at 6 p.m., you would have to abstain from eating until after 6 p.m. of the next day.

This is one of the more extreme intermittent fasting methods, due to the amount of time you need to abstain.

Among other types of time-restricted fasting periods, there are more beginner-friendly plans such as 14:10 IF and 16:8 IF.

Instead of losing weight over a shorter fasting period, the day-long fast targets body weight and body fat extremely efficiently. With this method, your body burns more fat cells, leading to longer windows of ketosis, autophagy, and insulin reduction, three of the most important stages of fasting.

This leads to kickstarting your digestive system and starts burning fat faster than ever, which is why its such a popular diet for people looking for a change faster than compared to other more traditional diets.

Risk Of Complications Of Fasts > 24 Hours

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As you progressively go longer in fasting, the benefits may accrue faster, but there is also more risk of complications. Since I often deal with patients with type 2 diabetes and hard to treat obesity cases, I tend to gravitate towards longer fasts, but you must understand that I always monitor very closely their blood pressures, blood work, and health progress. I cannot stress enough, that if you do not feel well at any point, you must stop. You can be hungry, but you should not feel sick.

Another major consideration is that medication must be carefully monitored by a physician. The major problems are diabetic medications because if you take the same dose of medication and do not eat, you will become hypoglycemic and that is very dangerous.

Blood sugars going low is not a complication per se, because that is generally the point of fasting. We want the sugars to go low. However, it does mean that you are overmedicated for that day. You must work very carefully with a physician to adjust medications and monitor sugars. Also, there are certain medications that may cause stomach upset on an empty stomach. NSAIDS, ASA, iron supplements, and metformin are the major drugs here.

In general, diabetic medicates and insulin MUST be reduced on the fasting day to avoid hypoglycemia. Exactly how much to reduce it should be overseen by your physician.

I do not recommend anybody who is taking medication to try longer fasts without clearing it with their doctor.

36-hour fasts

Recommended Reading: The Importance Of Fasting And Prayer

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