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Dr Alan Goldhamer Water Fasting

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About Ep 1: Alan Goldhamer Dc

The Insane Benefits of Water-Only Fasting: Dr. Alan Goldhamer | Rich Roll Podcast

Related Tags – Ep 142: Alan Goldhamer, D.C. – Is Water Fasting for You?, Ep 142: Alan Goldhamer, D.C. – Is Water Fasting for You? from PLANTSTRONG – season – 4, PLANTSTRONG – season – 4 Ep 142: Alan Goldhamer, D.C. – Is Water Fasting for You?, D.C. Ep 142: Alan Goldhamer, D.C. – Is Water Fasting for You?, Listen Ep 142: Alan Goldhamer, D.C. – Is Water Fasting for You?

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The Benefits Of Water

Lets begin this post by first understanding the benefits of water-fasting.

The biggest benefit its an efficient way of undoing the consequences of dietary excess people spend a lot of time accumulating. For example, we did a study with 174 patients with high blood pressure, and could lower their pressure enough to eliminate the need for medication. And yet, they are routinely used because its not recognized that high blood pressure is a reversible and containable ailment]. Dr. Alan Goldhamer

Through his experiment, Dr. Alan proved that fasting is a very normal and effective way to control ones blood pressure. Of course, no one can fast forever. Likewise, once youve finished fasting, youll want someone there to teach you how to sustain all those new health benefits. To eliminate the risk factors and the need for medication, you need medically supervised water-fasting.

We recognize that fasting could be and should be done safely every day by every patient. If theyre trying to lose weight or gain weight, it may depend on the duration, but we recommend 16 hours a day of fasting. By limiting the feeding window, you may be able to induce some of the benefits that happen with long-term fasting cumulatively and prevent overeating and other things that contribute to dietary excess. So the first thing is an examination to ensure there arent any primary issues with kidney or cardiac function or medications that would contraindicate fasting.. Dr. Alan Goldhamer

Why You Should Listen To This Dr Alan Goldhamer Episode Right Now

I hope that you enjoyed the first part of this two-part series of episodes. This enlightening conversation kept me glued to the end and helped me understand so much about the extraordinary benefits of a simple habit like fasting and other lifestyle changes. Be sure to check out the whole first part of this episode to cover up the valuable details I missed in this post.

Guys, if this episode of The School of Greatness was informative, inspiring, and valuable for you, then please do me a favor and leave me a five-star rating and your review on ApplePodcasts. I would also really love it if you could tag me @lewishowes on Instagram with a screenshot of your greatest takeaways from this episode.

Today, I am going to leave you with this quote by Deepak Chopra: If we are creating ourselves all the time, then it is never too late to begin creating the bodies we want, instead of the ones we mistakenly assume we are stuck with. It is never too late to start making incredible changes in your health and your life. You can start right now. And I hope this resource has been a powerful one for you to begin testing and exploring, and learning more about optimizing your health.

To Greatness,

Read Also: What Can I Eat Drink While Fasting

Whats Up With Water Fasting Dr Alan Goldhamer With Dave Asprey #780

In this episode of Bulletproof Radio, Im joined by Dr. Alan Goldhamer, one of the worlds leading experts on medically supervised, water-only fasting. Hes supervised the fasting and care of more than 20,000 patients at TrueNorth Health Center in Santa Rosa, California, since he founded it in 1984.

His mission is to expand evidence-based knowledge of how medically supervised, water-only fasting and diet impact human health train clinicians in the use of these interventions and share findings with researchers and the public.

We know using this protocol, this process can be done safely, he says. Weve actually published a fasting safety studythe first fasting safety study thats been published in a peer-reviewed journalthat involved tracking all the patients for five years, and all of the symptoms, and classifying them according to the CTCAE criteria, the adverse events criteria on hundreds of patients.

A few things you may not know about water fasting:

Our discussion covers research behind water fasting, what health conditions it may benefit and what happens during a water fast. We also get into a lot more information about health.

Enjoy! And get more resources at Dave.Asprey/podcasts

DAVE ASPREYS NEW BOOK LAUNCHES JANUARY 19, 2021!Pre-order Fast This Way: Burn Fat, Heal Inflammation, and Become the High-Performing Human You Were Meant to Be and youll receive special product offers and enroll in Dave Aspreys first ever Fasting Challenge:

Can Fasting Really Eliminate Type

The Insane Benefits of Water

The top cause of type-two diabetes is insulin resistance, and fasting has been shown to eliminate or reverse type-two diabetes. Heres what Dr. Alan had to say:

Insulin resistance is caused by diet , patients blood sugar comes barrelling down because they stopped the diet. Even before we with fasting, make the dietary changes. And then once we start fasting, blood sugar level comes down, and insulin levels normalize, assuming we adopt a whole plant food SOS-free diet. SOS is the international symbol of danger and stands for salt, oil, and sugar. Dr. Alan Goldhamer

Dr. Alan firmly believes that if we use fasting to normalize insulin function and blood sugar levels, and then adopt a health-promoting diet and exercise program, we can sustain the levels over the long term. But for those who are on medications, is it possible for them to achieve these levels?

We see some severe hypersensitive patients may be on as many as five medications. Our study on those 174 patients showed that they had blood pressure low enough to eliminate the need for all medication. So people who started on 180 systolic blood pressure, their average drop will be 60 points and they dont have to go back on medication if they are willing to stay on the diet. But if they go back to the salty and fatty processed food diet, they can eventually develop obesity. Dr. Alan Goldhamer

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When You Hear The Word Addiction Our Attention Typically Turns To Mind

Typically overlooked in this conversation? Food.

But food addiction isnt just real, it just might be our biggest problem. In fact, the hyper-industrialized western world is firmly entrenched in an epidemic of dysfunctional eating, fueled by an outsized appetite for an ever-increasing array of highly processed foods that are scientifically designed with just the right amount of sugar, salt and fat to hijack our nervous system. Enslave us to compulsive habits that lead to illness. And ultimately render us wards of the pharmaceutical industry.

Meanwhile weve normalized this twisted and deleterious relationship. So much so that right now, more than two-thirds of adults in the industrialized world are overweight or obese.

Nonetheless, millions of people find it extremely difficult if not downright impossible to change their dietary habits and simply break the fatal, addictive grip.

So how does one effectively transition to a healthy diet sustained over time?

According to Dr. Alan Goldhamer, a great place to start is by fasting.

S.O.S. is the international symbol of danger and it also stands for salt, oil & sugar.

Dr. Alan Goldhamer

Im not talking about a couple days of drinking cold-pressed juice. Im talking about nothing but water for upwards of 40 days.

Can Fasting Change Your Life

Have you ever thought of fasting as being something more than just a medium to lose a few extra pounds? What if I told you that fasting is not only an effective way to become healthy and even prevent life-threatening diseases but a more powerful one?

Winston Churchill says, Healthy citizens are the greatest assets any country can have. And Tricia Cunningham said, The individual who says it is not possible should move out of the way of those doing it today.

I have been intermittent fasting lately, and its benefits are fascinating to me. Ive gone without food for up to 3 days and done a lot of 24-hour fasting, and its been amazing to see the results.

To teach us more about fasting, we have an expert on medically supervised water-only fasting. In 1984, Dr. Alan Goldhamer founded the TrueNorth Health Center in Santa Rosa, California, the largest facility specializing in medically supervised water-only fasting. Its also one of the premier training facilities for doctors looking to acquire certification in therapeutic fasting supervision.

The real culprits in modern-day health problems are excesses, not deficiencies. It is the subtraction of these excesses that will solve most of the problems, not the addition of medicines and supplements. Dr. Alan Goldhamer

Read Also: How Does 16 8 Intermittent Fasting Work

In This Episode You Will Learn:

  • The biggest benefits to water-only fasting
  • The best way to fast from the comfort of your own home.
  • How one of Dr. Goldhamers patients was about to overcome cancer through fasting and diet change.
  • How to reverse high blood pressure.
  • What the pleasure trap is and how to avoid it.
  • What a life without caffeine has done for Dr. Goldhamer.
  • Plus much more

Some Questions I Ask:

How To REVERSE YOUR AGE In 40 Days With WATER FASTING | Dr. Alan Goldhamer
  • Whats the longest time you can do water-only fasting?
  • How often do you do water-only fasting?
  • What are the effects of coffee and should you drink it during a fast?
  • What are the benefits of 2-4 week fasts?
  • How much do your mindset and attitude affect the healing process during fasting?
  • What kind of low-energy activities are good for fasting?
  • What has a life without caffeine done for you?
  • What is the best time of day to consume caffeine?

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Feb Dr Alan Goldhamer

Can Fasting Cure Cancer, Type-2 Diabetes, Tumors, Tinnitus, Lymphoma, High Blood Pressure and More? Find Out !! with Dr. Alan Goldhamer

Dr. Alan Goldhamer Health Fasting / Whole Plant Food Diet

Dr. Alan Goldhamer is the founder of True North Health center in Santa Rosa CA. Hes an expert on fasting, overseeing more than 20,000 fasting patients in what is now the largest medically supervised long-term fasting facility in the world.

Dr. Goldhamer is also a pioneer in plant based nutrition, advocating everyone, especially his patients, to adopt a whole plant-based diet for healing and great health!

From the TrueNorth Health Center website:

The TrueNorth Health Center was founded in 1984 by the husband and wife team of Dr. Alan Goldhamer and Dr. Jennifer Marano. Beginning with the concept that health was the result of healthful living, the focus of the Center was teaching patients healthful living practices. This involved encouraging an exclusively whole plant-food diet without the addition of SOS , as well as respecting the need for sleep and exercise.

Clinical psychologist Dr. Doug Lisle played a foundational role in the Centers development from the very beginning. As principal author of The Pleasure Trap and life-long friend of Alan Goldhamer, Dr. Lisle has been a critical force in the conceptual development of the Centers alternative approach to the restoration and maintenance of health and happiness.

Healthy Life Expectancy Is More Important Than Life Expectancy


Todays conversation explores all things water-only fasting, from its origins dating back thousands of years across many cultures and religious traditions to the protocol Dr. Goldhamer administers today.

We discuss how fasting can create the foundation to transition to a sustainable, healthy whole food plant diet.

And we explore why he advocates an SOS version of that diet.

But more than anything, this is a powerful discourse on our uncomfortable relationship with food. How most of us dont realize we are killing ourselves with our fork and knife. How our food, and our food culture, is making us fat, sick, and frankly miserable. And how almost all of us, despite weight and health, use food as an emotional crutch.

Im well aware that Dr. Goldhamer is controversial in certain circles. His approach represents a radical departure from our traditional western medical paradigm. But he also makes a lot of sense. And his results speak for themselves .

Final Note: Under no circumstances should anyone undertake a water fast of any length without the medical supervision of a trained professional. In other words, please do not try this at home.

The visually inclined can watch it all go down on YouTube. And as always, the podcast streams wild and free on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.

Peace + Plants,

Recommended Reading: Do Fasting Help You Lose Weight

Discover How A Stay With Us Can Help You

TrueNorth Health Center was founded in 1984 by Drs. Alan Goldhamer and Jennifer Marano. The integrative medicine approach they established offers participants the opportunity to obtain evaluation and treatment for a wide variety of problems. The staff at TrueNorth Health Center includes medical doctors, osteopaths, chiropractors, naturopaths, psychologists, research scientists, and other health professionals. The Center is now the largest facility in the world that specializes in medically supervised water-only fasting.

The doctors at TrueNorth Health Center have extensive experience in the evaluation and conservative management of high blood pressure, diabetes, autoimmune disorders, and a wide range of other health conditions. Participants come to fast and detoxify, lose weight, and make diet and lifestyle changes while enjoying a health-promoting diet derived from whole natural foods. The extensive educational program, including food preparation classes with Chef Ramses Bravo, makes this a unique place to rest, to rejuvenate, and to learn to achieve optimum health.

Who Is Dr Alan Goldhamer

Alan Goldhamer, dc: Water FastingThe Clinical Effectiveness of ...

Dr. Alan Goldhamer is a plant-based doctor, a visionary, and the founder of TrueNorth Health Center, a state-of-the-art facility that provides medical and chiropractic services, physiotherapy, counseling, massage, and bodywork. He has consulted hundreds of thousands of patients and has built a robust reputation for himself.

He completed his chiropractic education from the Western States Chiropractic College in Portland, Oregon, after which Dr. Alan went to Australia and became a licensed osteopathic physician. Its his mission to empower people stuck in a self-destructive lifestyle to bring about conscious change in their lives.

Your health is largely in your own hands and no one elses. Health is the natural, spontaneous consequence of healthful living. It is rarely the consequence of expensive or complicated medical care. Dr. Alan Goldhamer

Dr. Alan and his friend and colleague, Douglas J. Lisle, authored the hugely popular book The Pleasure Trap. They write about mastering the hidden force that undermines health and happiness. Dr. Alans other book, The Health-Promoting Cookbook, is another great resource if youre looking for some simple, healthy recipes.

The stories shared by Dr. Alan are crazy yet inspiring, so keep on reading to learn about water-based fasting and avoiding the perils of the pleasure trap. Lets dive in!

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Dr Alan Goldhamer On The Incredible Healing Power Of Water Fasting

Dr. Alan Goldhamer is one of the worlds leading experts on medically supervised, water-only fasting.

Hes an author and frequent lecturer and speaker on fasting, diet and treatment of chronic diseases to achieve optimum health.

In 1984, Alan founded and became Director of TrueNorth Health Center in Santa Rosa, California since then, he has supervised the fasting and care of more than 20,000 patients.

Watch the full video version of this conversation below.

In this episode, we discuss:

Medication Or Caffeine Escape From Your Pleasure Trap

We tend to directly jump to taking medicine rather than improving our diet, sleep, and overall lifestyle. This tendency makes it easy for us to fall into those pleasure traps that Dr. Alan consistently warns about.

Medicine is essentially one version of the pleasure trap. What is that instead of doing the hard work to the cause of the problem, you can just magically make the consequences of that problem go away. Thats an example of the pleasure trap. We are energy-saving and pleasure-seeking machines. So we do everything to get the most pleasure, the least pain with minimal effort. Dr. Alan Goldhamer

The fact is that short-term pleasure-seeking and self-indulgent behavior dont necessarily cause an immediate problem, but it definitely causes long-term issues. This hidden force is undermining peoples health and happiness, which they dont even realize. In many cases, the culprit is food or diet.

When you eat refined carbohydrates, your blood sugar levels go up, so your insulin goes up. Then your blood sugar goes down. Now you still have enough calories on board, but your brain thinks that you are starving again. So of getting something that give you the jolt again. And then the long-term consequence is dietary excess metabolic syndrome. think that you have to have caffeine in order to have high levels of energy? Its just a stimulant. there is compensatory depression. Dr.Alan Goldhamer

Also Check: What Do You Eat When You Do Intermittent Fasting

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