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Ketosis And Intermittent Fasting Results

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Reduces Your Appetite By Making Fasting Easier

Does Medication Slow Keto & Intermittent Fasting Results? Dr. Berg

Replacement of carbohydrates with fat on a keto diet may lead to a reduction in hunger, possibly owing to changes in appetite-regulating hormones. If your hunger is lower than usual after youve become fat-adapted on the keto diet and your body is burning fat for energy, youll find intermittent fasting easier.

Why Combining Intermittent Fasting And Keto Is Popular

This is especially true for individuals who have a very hard time losing weight on a typical regimen. For example, exercising alone while taking your diet for granted wont offer much help .

Individuals who need to improve their health numbers such as blood glucose, cholesterol levels, and blood pressure, will also benefit from this combined approach. This is done to lower their risk of disease or control/reverse their condition .

Keto And Intermittent Fasting: Fast And Easy Results

Sticking to your diet can be challenging and disheartening if you don’t see any results. Unfortunately, most diets take a while to show any lasting changes in your body. This means that you need to have long sighted determination to stick to the diet and keep working. One way to make the process a bit easier is to pick a diet with fast results. The keto diet and intermittent fasting are two ways to see results quickly. Especially if you put them together, you can expect to see lasting changes in a shorter amount of time. In this tutorial, I will give you an overview of the keto diet, intermittent fasting, and how you can use them together. Let’s get started.

Read Also: How To Speed Up Weight Loss On Intermittent Fasting

How Does Intermittent Fasting Work

The whole point of intermittent fasting is to allow ourselves to increase the amount of food we can intake at one time. Our bodies naturally can only take in a certain amount of food at once, so we are creating a sort of limit on our calorie intake.This is also a great method for people that overeat. I tend to see people that forget to count the snacks that they have throughout the day, and wonder why they are putting weight on.

Your body will adjust itself to fasting, and you will find yourself not as hungry as you used to be. This allows you to properly record and maintain the nutrient values of what you intake.

In this fasting state, our bodies can break down extra fat thats stored for the energy it needs. When were in ketosis, our body already mimics a fasting state, being that we have little to no glucose in our bloodstream, so we use the fats in our bodies as energy.

Intermittent fasting is using the same reasoning instead of using the fats we are eating to gain energy, we are using our stored fat. That being said, you might think its great you can just fast and lose more weight. You have to take into account that later on, you will need to eat extra fat in order to hit your daily macros . If youre overeating on fats here, you will store the excess.

How To Know You Are In Ketosis

Miriam Martin on Twitter: " The results of keto in 10 short weeks. #keto ...

At this point, you may be wondering whats the best way to measure your ketone levels? How do you know that you are in ketosis? For beginners, it can be useful and motivating to use a ketone monitor. As you gain more experience, you will know you are in ketosis just by the way you feel. You will start recognizing some signs in hour body, like feeling satisfied even if hungry , feeling energetic and focused.

If you would like to purchase a ketone monitor, I recommend you look up the Keto Mojo. My affiliate link will give you a 15 percent discount.

Read Also: Rules Of Intermittent Fasting For Weight Loss

Whats Ketosis You Ask

When your body uses fat instead of carbohydrates as fuel, it is in a state known as ketosis.

Your body switches to burning a different type of fuel while on a Keto diet: instead of relying on sugar that comes from carbohydrates, it now relies on ketones, chemicals produced in your liver when fat is burned for energy.

The keto diet is a popular diet that allows you to eat rich, high-fat foods like butter, cream, bacon, and nuts something that isnt usually allowed on other plans. You are kept full and satisfied for far longer by eating these rich high-fat meals.

The Disadvantages Of A Ketogenic Diet

Its Unsustainable For Most People

The ketogenic diet is a highly restrictive diet. Most people cannot sustain restriction and deprivation for very long, so a lot of the benefits can be short-lived. Ultimately, if you cannot see yourself eating in this way for the rest of your life, its a waste of your time, effort, and money. As a fat loss coach, I am interested in long-term behavioral change. The ketogenic diet, in most cases, is not sustainable.

It Can Perpetuate and Exacerbate A Negative Relationship with Food

I personally experienced this with the ketogenic diet, and it took me many years to get out of this way of thinking. Essentially the ketogenic diet labels all carbohydrates as bad. Labeling foods as good or bad is highly problematic for mental health and enjoyment of food. It is inevitable that you will eat more carbohydrates than you are meant to whilst following keto. This can bring feelings of shame, guilt and anxiety. The ultimate goal is to be able to enjoy carbohydrates AND lose weight.

Its Antisocial and Difficult to Implement

Fasting has been used for thousands of years by every religion and ancient culture. Intermittent Fasting is a modern take on this ancient practice. Its a simple process. Instead of waking up and eating regularly throughout the day, you break your day or week into fasting and eating windows. Everyone fasts overnight, which is why breakfast has its name break fast.

Read Also: Best Bone Broth For Intermittent Fasting

What Makes Keto So Appealing

In theory, a body in ketosis is better suited to use its own fat reserves for fuel compared to a higher carb diet, leading to weight loss without losing muscle tissue. Furthermore, fatty foods tend to be highly palatable and can keep you feeling full for longer, making this diet easier to stick to for those trying to maintain a calorie deficit in order to lose weight.

Fasting To Induce Ketosis


I already listed the three ways your body may end up in ketosis . The point of the article is to explain how intermittent fasting and ketosis work together to help you achieve your health goals, so I am going to explain how to use fasting to induce ketosis. Before we get to that, I need to explain the stages of intermittent fasting because how fast you move through all the stages will impact how you will be able to use intermittent fasting and ketosis.

Recommended Reading: What Are You Allowed To Eat During Intermittent Fasting

Are They Safe Together

In short, yes, it is safe to do intermittent fasting and keto at the same time. The trick is to make sure you are getting enough nutrition and calories to maintain function while still entering ketosis.

In ketosis, the body is ramped up into fat-burning mode and is feasting on all of those extra stores that accumulate around the body. Keto eliminates unnecessary carbs from the diet, so its easier to get all of your required vitamins, nutrients, proteins, and healthy fats.

By combining keto with a simple intermittent fast of 16/8, you ensure your body gets its nutrients while still eliminating stubborn fat cells.

The trick is to focus your keto diet to only include the good stuff. So eat lots of lean proteins, red meat, and dark, leafy vegetables.

What Is Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting is all the rage right now as an added strategy for nearly all types of diet plans especially the ketogenic diet. Many studies have shown that intermittent fasting comes with benefits such as improved metabolic health, getting sounder nights of sleep and feeling more energized and awake, improving your bodys immunity against diseases, and of course the best perk rapid and consistent weight loss. Because of all these benefits, it becomes easy to see why so many like myself have been combining this age old eating schedule with the keto diet to get incredible results.

While intermittent fasting is a proven way to lose weight, its best to view it less as a diet and more a lifestyle choice. Intermittent fasting is characterized as a strategic eating pattern where you cycle between periods of eating and fasting. Intermittent fasting does not dictate which foods to eat, but rather specifies at what times you should eat them, or at least how far apart your meals should be. While intermittent fasting doesnt have any diet guide to stick to, people have seen incredible results when combining it with the regiment of the keto diet.

So is intermittent fasting difficult? Fasting for 16 hours per day sounds like a daunting lifestyle choice

Recommended Reading: Times To Eat Intermittent Fasting

Is Intermittent Fasting Safe On Keto

It is perfectly safe to undergo intermittent fasting while sticking to the keto diet. Utilizing the keto diet and intermittent fasting in unison is a great way to scale up your weight loss and fat burning results. Because the keto diet is already designed to force your body into running off of ketones instead of carbohydrates, youre already fasting in a sense because youre restricting the amount of carbs and glucose that youre consuming. This means that if your goal of the keto diet is to enter ketosis, then intermittent fasting can help you get into ketosis even quicker.

There are some risks that go hand in hand with both, but these should not be deterrents as long as you are getting the right nutrients in your diet during your eating window. For the majority of people, there are no long term health risks in combining the keto diet with intermittent fasting. However if you experience seizures, struggle with diabetes, or have any sort of cardiovascular issues such as high cholesterol or high blood pressure, you may want to consider consulting with your doctor before fully diving into both.

Next, well take a deep dive into the benefits of combining these two, and get into the details on why keto and intermittent fasting together can be a dynamic duo when it comes to getting into the state of ketosis.

Side Effects Of Intermittent Fasting

How Long For Results Keto Diet

While there is clearly a world of benefits that come from intermittent fasting, it also has its side effects, and its important to remember that it isnt entirely risk-free. Before jumping into a fasting diet, you may want to consult with your doctor, because there are lots of other mitigating factors such as personal medical history and blood sugar levels that need to be taken into account first. Recent research also strongly recommends talking to a doctor before starting fasting if youre taking any other medications, as many medications require strict eating schedules that may not always work out with the new schedule of intermittent fasting.

Personal medical history, medications, and blood sugar situations aside, there are a few universal side effects that you might want to prepare for if you do decide to go all in on intermittent fasting. These include:

  • Excess Feelings of Hunger
  • Increased Chances of Becoming Dehydrated
  • It Can Affect Your Social Life
  • Potential Digestion Issues

Recommended Reading: What Can You Have When You Are Intermittent Fasting

Is It Safe To Follow Some Other Supplement Along With This Method

No, it is advised to use this method only for successful weight loss as it contains high proteins and effective results for the body. Other supplements might react to give harmful side effects to the body. Hence, this combination is the best way of reducing extra fat from the body.

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Intermittent Fasting And Muscle

Two ground-breaking studies have recently been published on the effects of intermittent fasting on males. One group of researchers studied the effects that 16 hours of intermittent fasting had on males that lift weights. They found that muscle mass stayed the same, fat mass decreased significantly, and the males who fasted for 16 hours a day burned more fat for fuel compared to the control group that only fasted for 12 hours.

Another study showed that combining 20 hours of fasting with resistance training resulted in an increase in muscle mass, strength, and endurance, and this was achieved by eating ~650 calories per day less than normal.

The benefits of intermittent fasting translate to untrained overweight and obese individuals as well. One study published in Obesity Reviews found that eating fewer calories is effective for fat loss, but it does come with some muscle loss. However, if the subjects fasted for 24 hours and ate as much as they wanted on the next day for a period of 12 weeks, they lost significantly less muscle mass.

Yes you read that correctly 24 hours of intermittent fasting without any resistance training and these subjects were able to preserve more muscle mass than the subjects that ate fewer calories every day without fasting at all. This finding contradicts our common sense, but when we dig deeper into autophagy we can find the mechanism behind this result.

Also Check: Can Intermittent Fasting Help With Weight Loss

Are There Any Known Health Risks Of Doing Keto And Intermittent Fasting Together

As for long-term risks, people with seizure disorders have been on the ketogenic diet for decades and demonstrate excellent health, DAgostino says. Though, like any diet, it all depends on what foods youre eating. A keto diet rich in bacon and butter is different from one rich in avocado and olive oil, and poorly planned keto can lead to nutritional deficiencies. Because adding IF may make you cut calories too drastically, you may also lose too much weight or lean mass if you take the restriction to the extreme. To maintain muscle mass, he recommends consuming 1 g per kilogram of body weight in protein every day.

RELATED: What Is Keto Cycling, and Is It the Key to Success on the Keto Diet?

Therapeutic For Several Brain Disorders

Keto One Week Results – 20:4 Intermittent Fasting Keto = Back into ketosis!

As mentioned in the introduction, the Ketogenic was initially used to treat epilepsy and stop seizures, particularly in children.

In many cases, the ketogenic diet can cure children of epilepsy.

In one study, over 50% of the children on a ketogenic diet experienced a greater than 50% reduction in their number of seizures, while 16% became seizure-free.

Recommended Reading: How Many Calories Can I Eat During Intermittent Fasting

So What Makes Intermittent Fasting So Appealing

In order to lose weight, you must burn more energy than you bring in. Intermittent fasting is useful in this regard in that there are substantial periods of time where no energy is consumed at all, and the total amount of time spent bringing in energy is cut short. Additionally, since the focus of intermittent fasting is time-based, there are no restrictions on what types of food you can eat as long as you maintain a negative energy balance.

Is Intermittent Fasting Safe

Research shows that people can fast successfully with mild, minimal side effects. Dangerous intermittent fasting side effects are more likely to occur when people undergo long-term fasts, continue fasting despite feeling serious side effects, or re-feed with unhealthy foods .

Intermittent fasting side effects are minor for most people. You may feel mild hunger or weakness, and these are normal. Generally, electrolytes can minimize these side effects so the transition into fasting is not so harsh.

For the average person with no health conditions, fasting is generally safe and aligns with human biological processes for waking, metabolizing food, and repairing cells .

However, you should check with your healthcare provider before fasting. Fasting is also not recommended for children, pregnant or breastfeeding women, or anyone with a medical condition a history of disordered eating.

Read Also: How To Lose Weight From Intermittent Fasting

Can You Combine Keto And Intermittent Fasting

In the debate of keto vs IF, why not combine them? You can certainly eat a ketogenic diet outside of fasting windows, and using intermittent fasting and keto together can actually transform your body even faster.

Is it safe, you might be wondering? The answer is yes, keto and IF are safe together, but we recommend keeping track of your nutrient levels and water intake to ensure your total calories are still being met, without any mineral deficiencies.

Intermittent Fasting Results During The Keto Diet

Ketones and intermittent fasting

If youve been following me on , , or , you know Ive become quite obsessed with intermittent fasting and the Ketogenic diet lately. Its not just a phase its a way of starting a new chapter of my life. A healthier, happier chapter. At the time of this post, I am 112 days into this journey, so I approach the 4-month mark. So far, everything is going according to plan, which is surprising to me, but Im keeping my fingers crossed.

This article will talk about the second leg of my journey: adding intermittent fasting to my Keto diet. But, before diving into that, let me do a quick recap of what has happened so far.

Last month, I posted an article on my keto journey to weight loss and a healthier lifestyle. It was meant to be the first installment, and in that article, I talked about my life before the diet, when the diet started, and where I was about 70 days into it.

As you will see below in the statistics section, a few weeks before I wrote that article, I had hit a bit of a wall. A stale period where even though things were good, there was stagnation and no progress. That sounded like the perfect time to shake things up a little bit, so I decided to add intermittent fasting . This article is about that experience.

Read Also: How Many Hours Is Best For Intermittent Fasting

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