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What Is The Best Free Fasting App

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How Can I Increase Wifi Speed

TOP 6 Apps for FASTING (IF incl.)! And a bonus…

Signal strength is one of the most significant factors that influence the speed of your WiFi connection. A weak signal will result in slower data transmission speed. It may also be responsible for intermittently dropped connections. In order to reap the benefits afforded by a wireless network, maintaining signal strength throughout the coverage area is essential.

Distance is a key element in obtaining a strong signal and acceptable WiFi speed. The farther away from a WiFi router you are, the weaker the signal received by a connected device. Wireless networks that serve extended coverage areas usually employ signal extenders of some variety to provide connectivity to all of its users.

Sometimes your signal may be extremely weak, even when standing relatively close to your router. This can happen for a variety of reasons. You may be experiencing interference from nearby appliances such as a microwave oven or cordless phone that emits electromagnetic waves in the same frequency as your router.

The signal may also be impacted by walls or other impenetrable objects between you and your router. Where you place your router can have a tremendous impact on WiFI speed. A WiFi analysis tool such as NetSpot can help you find the ideal location for your router and enable you to increase your WiFi speed. You can use the application to test your WiFi signal strength from anywhere in your coverage area to identify the optimal placement of your router.

How Exactly Does The Warrior Diet Work

The diet has actually evolved from its original format since it was first created and the name was coined. More recently, the Warrior Diet has been interpreted as a strict 20-hour food fast and a four-hour fueling window, with various exercise requirements, says Totoro. This is also sometimes referred to simply as a 20:4 diet or 20:4 fasting.

The current version doesnt have any food restrictions for the fueling period, but youre not supposed to eat at all during the fasting period. While this might sound similar to the popular IF diet known as the 16:8 diet, in which you fast for 16 hours and eat during an eight-hour window, it’s actually very different. First, it’s much easier to fit your daily calorie needs into eight hours instead of four, and in the Warrior Diet, you fast during the majority of the day, which is much more challenging than fasting overnight and into a short portion of the day, like you would with the 16:8 diet.

After Seven Months Of Intermittent Fasting And Down 62 Pounds I Decided That I Wanted To Start Adding Physical Activity Into My Life

Before intermittent fasting, I never worked out. Now that I had lost some weight, I didnt feel as heavy and thought I would actually be able to really push myself and help my body grow even stronger and healthier. I started using a couch-to-5k running app and took my time, not exactly following the program, but it helped tremendously. I went from hardly being able to jog for two minutes, to running for 20 to 28 minutes without stopping.

Eventually, after a year of ADF, running every eat day, and losing 98 pounds, I also introduced weight lifting into my life with the help of my boyfriend. I worked my way up to my current exercise routine. I run on every fasting day and try to walk two miles on my breaks at work. I lift on the days I am not fasting. Ive found this is the perfect balance for me.

So, I run on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, and weight lift on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. I rest on Sundays.

Recommended Reading: 14:10 Fasting

Love It Helpful And Encouraging

Ive wanted to change my habit of over eating and develop self discipline. They say when you control what you eat, you can control your world. The app without the Fastic plus has been amazing! There were times I wanted to give up and give in to the foods when my family would eat very late at night but it seems to know when you need encouragement. So far, Ive been drinking more water, eating more veggies, and read valuable lessons that I have applied to my life. I have very little self control when it comes to food, especially meat. Veggies and I have become good friends now especially with my digestive system. I have more self discipline than before with food! I know if my family eats late, they always try to save me some for the next day during my eating period. A big plus was that I can have a fasting buddy! My boyfriend also has food controlling problems, he tends to eat very late at night and doesnt have a routine applied. It has helped him lose fat in some areas of his figure! And develop a great routine for him to eat. And for me too! So far Ive lost 7 pounds in the last week. Im not starving myself, Im drink more water and I feel so much better than before! The different levels of fasting also help too. I started with 16/8 but when things got difficult I reduced it a beginner level fasting then build up to 16/8 and thats where Ill stay and wont go further. Ill consider Fastic Plus in the future

Of Your Friends Arefasting Right Now

Best Fasting App Free


Track all types of intermittent fasting, from time-restricted eating to alternate-day fasting. Also log your progress with weight, waist circumference, ketones and blood glucose.

Get Friendly

You dont have to do it alone. Create Circles of friends, co-workers or others to share your successes.


Learn about the health benefits of intermittent fasting, tips, tricks and more. Our science-backed information is reviewed at least quarterly by our team of scientists.

Feel Secure

Our technology is as secure as the software that stores your medical records.

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Intermittent Fasting By 5w Verlag Gmbh

Price: Free | Premium version starts at $3.99 per month

Plus Point: Diverse background knowledge on Intermittent Fasting with scientific evidence

The app makes fasting easier by providing an exact 14-day meal plan with delicious and nutritious dishes that allow you to survive lent without hunger.

It counts hours and tells you when to eat and when to fast. You can change the time as per your needs. It will remind and train you every day so that you can easily manage your 14-day intermittent fasting.

The app is equipped with an intuitive dashboard, where you can track your weight loss and success. The premium version offers support at the personal level. They have experts to answer your questions in detail.

Best Apps For Intermittent Fasting 2021

Intermittent fasting is one of the more famous eating plans that has proven to be fruitful to many. Not only does periodic fasting aid in the conventional weight loss needs, but it also does good for people who suffer from chronic conditions and autoimmune diseases. However, we must even acknowledge that intermittent fasting is rather challenging. The eating plan requires one to be mindful of the time and when they are eating. This is exactly where intermittent fasting apps come in handy. These apps, along with other fitness apps, are changing the fitness industry.

Like every other eating plan and diet, intermittent fasting, too, requires discipline, willpower, and mindfulness. But unlike most diet plans which are almost unrealistic, this is a doable plan. To make intermittent fasting even more manageable, many intermittent fasting apps can help! Now, when we say a lot, we mean a lot, think thousands. But not all of them are the best, right? So today, let us take a look at the best apps for intermittent fasting in 2021!

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Credencys Helps Build The Best Fasting Apps

Credencys is trusted by big brands such as Wash, Weight Watchers, ABB, and other Fortune 500 companies. We have a team of 60+ iOS and Android developers who have proven experience in delivering robust mobile apps for varied businesses and industry domains.

Leverage our wide range of mobile app development services to build a next-generation intermittent fasting app. We ensure you to deliver high-quality apps that help the users to maintain their diet effectively and stay healthy.Would you like to stand out from the best intermittent fasting app available in the market? Connect with our experts right now!

Best Intermittent Fasting Apps Free Fasting Apps For Weight Loss

Best Intermittent Fasting Apps of 2020 || The Most Complete Review

1. Window

The window app is stuffed with features to simplify intermittent fasting for you. It allows you to organize your eating windows, get notified when your scheduled eating windows opens and closes, and also provide recommendations on how to be generally healthier. The paid version of the app allows you to pick from various fasting plans, add daily notes and photos, and monitor your weight. This app is ideal for beginners. It keeps you motivated with visuals that allow you to track your progress easily.

Window Intermittent fasting tracker from here: Android/ iOS

2. Zero

Zero is one of the best apps for intermittent fasting and has over a million downloads and 10 million completed fasts. It is an easy intermittent fasting tracker app that assists users to synchronize their intermittent fasting with their biological clock. Zero has timers, notes, and all the necessary tools to get you started. The intermittent fasting app also has articles on useful topics like fasting in quarantine, what to drink while fasting, and getting better sleep. The premium version provides personalized plans, bonus articles, and videos. But the free version is also very useful.

Zero from here: Android/ iOS

3. Bodyfast

BodyFast from here: Android/ iOS

4. Life Fasting Tracker

LIFE Fasting Tracker from here: Android/ iOS

5. Vora

Vora from here: Android/ iOS

6. FastHabit

FastHabit from here: Android/ iOS

7. Fastient

Fastient from here: Android/ iOS

Read Also: What Is 14 10 Intermittent Fasting

Best Apps For Intermittent Fasting In 2021

Intermittent fasting along with exercise is a great combination to stay fit & healthy. But the tricky intermittent fasting cycles can mess up your mind without a proper schedule. On top of that, you might need time-to-time notifications to keep yourself on track when fasting.

So, what are the best apps for intermittent fasting you can install in 2021? Well, since the Android and iOS stores are flooded with apps for every use, picking a suitable option can get hard. But worry not, this guide lists down the 6 most successful intermittent fasting apps thatll help you stay committed to a diet plan and see yourself in better shape.

That said, have a peek at the overview:

The Best Apps For Intermittent Fasting

iOS and Android: Intermittent fasting isnt magic, but it works well as a weight loss tool for people who manage to stick to it. If thats you, consider using one of these fasting trackers to remind you of start and end times and to keep tabs on how well youve stuck to your plan in the past.

All fasting apps are glorified timers. You tell them when you start your fast, and theyll count down the hours until you get to eat again. When youre in a feeding window, theyll let you know how long is left. Beyond that, they can be as fancy or as simple as you like.

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What Can You Eat On The 1: 8 Diet

Honestly, you can eat whatever you want on the 16:8 diet. There’s no calorie- or macro-counting required as part of the plan.

That being said, if you want to lose weight, you’ll want to make sure your meals consist of a healthy balance of protein, fats, and carbs, Eliza Savage, RD, a registered dietitian at Middleburg Nutrition in New York City, previously toldWomen’s Health. Think: grilled chicken, half of a sweet potato, and a grilled vegetable for lunch or dinner.

While it may be tempting to feast when you break your fast, you should aim for a small protein-rich snack that you can eat slowly. By doing this, you’ll be better able to gauge your hunger cues and avoid overeating.

Some people find they see better results on the keto diet when combined with intermittent fasting, but sticking to a high-fat, low-carb diet certainly isn’t required.

How Do You Fast With Zero App


The Zero app allows users to select which fasting method they would like to use. For example, whether you wish to try the 16:8, 5:2, alternate-day fasting, or any other method, you input your preference and Zero will notify you when to begin and end your fast. It is more of a reminder app than anything else.

Also Check: Should You Fast For An A1c Blood Test

The Most Beginner Friendly: Life Fasting Tracker

Starting an intermittent fasting schedule can seem quite daunting, especially when unsure of what method will achieve the best results. LIFE Fasting Tracker allows its users to have any fasting cycle they wish to as it lets the user input the start and stop times.

This is a great option for beginners or those who want to work fast around a particular diet or lifestyle. Many keto dieters use this app as it has a special feature that can tell you if you are in ketosis.

LIFE Fasting Tracker has a great social feature where you can chat with friends and fast with each other. There is also a library packed with guides and scientific data that beginners may wish to inform themselves of. It is less strict than other apps and a sustainable method for those looking to start out with fasting.

For Those Who Want A Digital Dietician: Bodyfast Intermittent Fasting

BodyFast is a fasting app with similar features to other apps. Including progress tracking, fasting reminders, and journaling. But, its unique body coaching and meal planning features make this app different. Think of it as a digital dietician. BodyFast can offer personal coaching sessions as well as meal plans that align with your goals, personal details, and lifestyle.

It is innovative and unlike any other fasting app currently on the market. There are opportunities to upgrade for a monthly fee for more personal guidance to help users reach maximum results.

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Intermittent Fasting App Is Awesome

I love breakfast! I thought following intermittent fasting would be very difficult but it has proven to be fairly easy. After the first couple of days, my hunger pains diminished a lot. I still eat breakfast but I eat it late morning or early afternoon. I feel really good but I must confess that some of my food choices have not been great so I will work on that. I like the daily notifications- they are inspiring.

If You Need A Little Extra Support Bodyfast May Be A Great App Choice

TOP 6 Intermittent Fasting Apps (2020 Edition)

The free version of BodyFast gives you 10+ different IF plans to choose from, in addition to other trackers that help you keep track of your weight, body measurements, water intake, etc. We love that even the free version has no advertisements!

If youre committed to IF but find that you need a little extra support, you can add-on the personal coaching feature for as little as $1.35 per week. Each week, youll receive a new individualized plan from your coach based on your goals, your progress, and any preexisting health conditions. Coaching includes both fasting and meal planning tips, and has been shown to help users lose weight up to 30% faster.

Hip tip: Need help with IF? Our registered dietician answers your most-asked questions!

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Best Versatile Fasting App: Infasting

Packing with a variety of amazing features, InFasting tends to be another fantastic option for simple intermittent fasting apps. Whether its about an easy-to-use template or intuitive graphics, the application performs pretty well. But since every competitive fasting app will include these features, what makes it stand out?

Well, the InFasting app gives you the option of writing a journal. Hell yes! You get to note down all the body changes and transformations youve been feeling. You can track down how well youve started feeling, how active you seem to be after a certain time of diet plan, and so on. Similarly, the brilliant calendar allows you to record your body transformation to keep track.

If you think these features especially interest you, this program might be for you.


The app offers both FREE and paid versions. The paid version starts from $9.99 monthly/year. Pricing may vary depending upon the country youre living in.


The app is only compatible with iOS .

Option for writing a journal Extra features cost very much
Easy to keep track of your emotions & feelings
Calendar allows recording your body transformation
Attractive graphics with responsive design

Get for iOS not available for Android, unfortunately.

Benefits Of Fasting Apps

Health benefits: Fasting is beneficial for health. Intermittent fasting can help you meet your health goals. You can keep track of all your fasting history which will help you yield fruitful results. Fasting apps can be the ideal companion in your fitness journey.

Real-time tracker: Fasting apps can track all the fast-related data in seconds. You can keep a log of the fasting dates and track your progress. At the end of the month, you can use the data to analyze and interpret results.

Minimize medical bills: You can minimize medical bills with the fasting apps. With fasting apps, you can adopt a healthy lifestyle and track all the health-related metrics. You do not need to make frequent visits to the clinic and spend money on your medical tests.

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