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What Is The Kaffara For Not Fasting

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Kaffarah Calculator How Much Do I Need To Pay

Does Not Fasting Without Excuse Require Expiation (Kaffara)? – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

The main purpose behind the payment of Kaffarah is to feed a person in need with two fulfilling meals for each of the fasting days missed, without a valid reason. Based on the current statistics, the value of Kaffarah is equivalent to £5 per person for every fast missed or broken. Therefore, if you want to know your exact payment of Kaffarah for a single missed fast, it is £5 x 60 = £300. However, if you have missed/broken more than one fast, calculate the Kaffarah value by this formula: £300 x Number of fasts broken/missed = Kaffarah Amount.

Kaffara For Breaking Promise To Allah

Apart from Kaffara for Roza, there are several other situations where one must pay Kaffara to repent for their sins. One needs to be responsible while making promises or swearing in the name of Allah. If the promise made is for a noble cause, the individual should perform it regardless of their challenges. However, if one swears on Allah to commit a sin or harm others, they should not commit that sin. In case one does sin, the individual must offer sincere repentance. Whichever is the case, the individual is bound to pay kaffara, including kaffara for breaking oath with Allah for noble deeds or finding the audacity to commit the crime in the name of Allah.

All Muslims should practice their religion wholeheartedly and always keep Allah in mind. They should strive to walk on the right path as commanded by Allah and not be swayed by the temptation of violating any rules or guidelines of Islam. Those who violate these laws must pay kaffara for not fasting or making up for their sin and beg for Allahs forgiveness. This is the only way they may ever find redemption.

What Is The Difference Between Fidya And Kaffarah

Fidya is paid for deliberately missing a fast with a valid reason to do so, however, kaffarah is only paid if you break a fast without a valid reason. The amount paid in fidya for each missed fast is equivalent to feeding one person. However, when paying kaffarah, the payment for is the equivalent of feeding 60 people.

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Why Must Kaffarah Be Paid

This is a simple answer because we were guided to it by our beloved Prophet Muhammad . Being Muslims, we are told to live a sin-free life, and so in case one makes a mistake or is disobedient, it is their duty to atone for the sin by asking Allah SWT for forgiveness. Another reason is that Kaffarah reminds us that this life is temporary, and we have a duty of submission and obedience towards Allah SWT. The religious donation reminds us to help those in need and be grateful to Allah SWT for all the blessings of life.

Kaffara And Fidya 2022

Kaffara for breaking a Fast in the month of Ramadhan

Kaffarah and Fidya are charitable obligations that should be paid by anyone who is either unable, or simply does not, observe the sawm during the holy month of Ramadan.

For those who cannot fast for an acceptable reason, including illness, travel or because of medication, then Fidya must be paid. For those who miss a fast on purpose, you can make up for this with a continuous 60-day fast or by feeding 60 poor and needy people. Not all reasons for missing a days fast are considered to be valid and, if this is the case, you will be expected to make a Kaffarah payment.

Both Fidya and Kaffarah are compulsory payments for all Muslims who are eligible to take part in fasting during Ramadan:

  • Pay Fidya if you were unable to fast for an accepted reason
  • Pay Kaffarah if you have purposely missed a fast without good reason

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Can I Pay Kaffarah Instead Of Fasting

If fasts are broken without allowable reasons, and the compensatory two months of fasting is not possible, then you are obliged to pay Kaffarah for breaking fast. Those who need it the most are the ones who will get your Fidya and Kaffarah. The poor will be fed with the help of thePenny Appeal.

If you break your fast without a valid reason, you will not be allowed to fast again for a period of one month. You will have to start again from the beginning of the month of Ramadan.

What Are The Three Forms Of Kaffarah For Ramadan Fasting Day Violations

the first kaffarah: Freeing an enslaved Muslim.

For those who believe slavery and human trafficking no longer exist, know that it is on the rise in the world.

the second kaffarah: Fasting two consecutive lunar months.

If one does not have the financial capability to free an enslaved person, or one cannot find anyone enslaved to free again, only if this is an impossibility then one must fast two consecutive lunar months without break for each fasting day of Ramadan intentionally violated.

To be precise, this means that if one deliberately breaks ones expiating fast at any time during the two consecutive fasting months of atonement , one must start the expiating fast of two months over again.

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How Much Is Kaffarah In The Uk

In order to atone for a missed/invalidated fast, a Muslim is advised to pay the Kaffarah by fasting continuously for 60 days. However, if one cannot do that, they should compensate for it by feeding 60 poor people. According to the Hanafi school of thought, Kaffarah is due on Muslims once for every Ramadan in which the fasts were invalidated or purposely missed. Therefore, they are advised to pay the amount of Kaffarah altogether rather than for every individual missed fast.

Currently, in the UK, the average cost of two meals is £5 per person. This means that the total amount of Kaffarah per Ramadan would be £300. Similar to fidya, the payment of Kaffarah will be only valid if the person doesnt gain enough health and strength to fast 60 consecutive days. This means that if the person regains enough health and can fast later in their life, they should compensate for the invalidated fast by fasting rather than paying the amount of Kaffarah. Any religious donation made in this case with the intention of Kaffarah will automatically be considered charity by Allah SWT.

Where Will My Fidya And Kaffarah Go

What is Kaffarah?

Your Fidya and Kaffarah will go directly to those who need it most, through our Feed Our World appeal. We feed the poor in 47 countries around the world. The people in these countries are victims through no fault of their own, either of war, drought, famine, displacement, natural disasters or poverty.

Just £1 of your Fidya or Kaffarah can provide a nutritious meal to someone who would otherwise go without.

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How Do I Pay Kaffarah For Ramadan

Its necessary to pay a kaffarah for breaking a promise.

For redemption of a broken oath, you must ask allah swt for forgiveness and pay the amount equivalent to feeding 10 people at a rate of $10 per person. If you are unable to pay this amount, then you will be asked to make a donation to the charity of your choice.

If you choose to donate to a charity, please make sure that it is a non-profit organization that is dedicated to helping the poor and needy.

You can find a list of charities here: . , The following is an excerpt from the Quran: And if you fear that you shall not be able to deal justly with the orphans, the widows and the mothers, or that ye shall be driven away from your homes by them then take not friends or helpers from among them.

Kaffara: A Compulsory Donation For Sinning And Missing Fast

All Muslims must observe a month-long fast during Ramadan, pay fitrah, and keep their promises. Violating any of these rules or guidelines or deviating from the right path is considered a sin. To make up for sinning, Muslims are required to pay kaffara as a compulsory donation. It is the only way of sincere repentance and seeking forgiveness from Allah. There are set rules on who all can pay kaffara and how much needs to be paid by an individual.

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How To Pay Fidyah

Fidya is a donation that must be paid to feed the poor for not making up fasts missed in Ramadan on time. Therefore, £5 fidya paid for each fast missed. Donations can be made online.

We ensure our content is reviewed and verified by qualified scholars to provide you with the most accurate information. This webpage was last reviewed by Sheikh Saalim Al-Azhari.

Page last reviewed: 17 January 2022

Next review due: Within 12 months

Difference Between Kaffara And Fidya

Fidya and Kaffarah

kaffara and fidya are two very different kinds of repentance in Islam. While their purpose is to compensate for missed or broken fasts, there is a crucial difference between them.

Fidya is for fasts broken or missed out of necessity, and the individual is unable to make up for it afterward due to a justifiable cause. For example, fidya is applicable for those who could not fast due to pregnancy, ill health, or old age. Kaffara, on the other hand, is for fasts violated or skipped unnecessarily without a valid reason.

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How Much Do You Pay For Missed Fasts

The Prophet set the fidyah redemption fee for each validly missed Ramadan fasting day at half a sa two double handfuls of foodstuff common to and normally eaten by the people who live in the vicinity of the Prophets residence.

The payment of this fee is a form of charity to the poor and needy. It is also a way for the Muslims to show their gratitude to Allah for their good deeds during the holy month of Ramadan.

How Is Kaffara For Breaking Fast Measured

Muslims often pay kaffara in terms of money. They can choose to make a payment to the needy, which is equivalent to the value of 60 saa of food. Saa is a measurement unit used during the time of Prophet Muhammad and is equal to 4 double handfuls of grain. At that time, the people of Madinah had a volume measurement unit for 60 saa known as a wasq, which weighed 130.56 kg in modern measurement units. The food to give as kaffara should include something that the people consider a staple that can be easily stored without a refrigerator, such as wheat, rice, and dried fruits.

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What Is The Kaffarah For Breaking A Fast

provides an opportunity to recompense for individuals who deliberately miss or break a fast during Ramadanfast during RamadanDuring the entire month of Ramadan, Muslims are obligated to fast , every day from dawn to sunset . Fasting requires the abstinence from sex, food and drink and smoking. wiki Fasting_during_Ramadan without a valid reasonMuslimsView complete answer on

How Will We Use Your Fidya

What happens if I break my fast intentionally in Ramadhan?

The donations received through Fidya and Kaffarah have always traditionally been used to feed the hungry and the poor, and we honour this Islamic custom at Penny Appeal Australia.

All Fidya and Kaffarah donations are channelled exclusively to our food aid program, Feed Our World, that looks at providing immediate relief and long term sustainability projects and helps build food security in impoverished communities.

Your Fidya can also be used to provide immediate food relief in response to emergencies in disaster and conflict zones,

The Penny Appeal Australia team is currently responding to emergencies in:

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Who Can Receive Fidyah & Kaffarah

Fidyah and Kaffarah are to be given only to the poor and needy, not to everyone. Scholars consider these compensation payments to be like zakat, therefore those entitled to receive Fidyah and Kaffarah are regarded as being among those who are entitled to Zakat.

The concept of Fidyah and Kaffarah in Islam help a Muslim to compensate for breaking these obligations, which in turn benefit members of the larger community who are in dire need of financial assistance.

Outside of Ramadan, Kaffara can be given to recompense for broken oaths or promises. In this instance, 10 needy people should be fed for each incident. The estimated cost is $5 per person for 10 people, which equals $50 per broken promise.

Pay Fidya Of Missed Fast Of Ramadan 2021

For those who are unable to fast due to difficulty , a compensation must be given by feeding a poor person for every day of fasting not observed.

Elderly, sick and other individuals who live in poverty and cant afford to pay the fidya are not required to do so. Young and healthy individuals who miss fasts due to travel or sickness should make up the fast once their travels are over or they recover from sickness and no fidya is required for those cases.

There are different ways of fulfilling ones fidya by feeding the poor as Allah has left the commandment to be general when he said And as for those who can fast with difficulty, they have to feed a poor person .

It is better for an individual to fulfill his/her Fidya directly to deserving people by giving dry ration or cooked food. If however, that is difficult for them, then they may assign the responsibility to a trustworthy individual or organization.

  • The Fidya price can be calculated based on the local price of 1/2 Saa of whole wheat, rice, or whatever the staple crop is in the place the paying person resides, which they eat themselves.
  • Currently, the suggested cost for Fidya in the U.S.A. based on the approximate price of 1.5 kg of whole wheat or rice is approx. $3.50 for each day of missed fast, however donors can give more if they are able and more poor will benefit, inshaAllah.Hidaya distributes Fidya among the poor and deserving in the form of dry ration food.

For more detailed information about Fidya, please

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When Do You Need To Pay Kaffarah

Being an obligatory penalty, Kaffarah can be paid anytime throughout the year if a Muslim has missed fasts during Ramadan without a justified reason. However, if you are planning to pay the Kaffarah by observing fasts, it is highly recommended to make up for the missed fasts in the month of Shawwal.

What Is The Difference Between Kaffarah And Kaffarah For Oath


If you deliberately break a fast without a valid reason, during the month of Ramadan or for breaking a promise/oath, you must paid Kaffarah. Both require a penalty to be paid.

The amount paid for each missed fast is the equivalent of feeding 60 people. Therefore, for each missed/intentionally broken fast you must pay £300.

The amount paid in kaffarah for oath for each broken promise/oath is the equivalent of feeding 10 people. As a result, this amounts to £50 for each broken promise.

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Is Expiation Necessary For Not Fasting In Ramadan

Answered by Mufti Muhammad ibn Adam

Question: A Muslim, ignorant of his deen, and ignorant of the importance of fasting in Ramadhan did not fast, or make niyyah to fast at all in the month for many years. Then he returned to Islam, and made tawbah for his sins and he calculated he had missed about 400 fasts in his life. Does he have to make up the 400 fasts?

Answer: Expiation only becomes necessary upon an individual if a fast was broken deliberately after actually starting it by eating, drinking or having sexual intercourse. As such, if a fast of Ramadhan was not kept altogether, then although one will be sinful for not fasting, a Kaffara will not be necessary, rather one will be obliged to make up for the missed fast .

The great Hanafi jurist , Imam al-Haskafi states while discussing the acts that make one only liable to make up for the fast and not expiation :

If an individual broke his fast by mistake, such as whilst gargling water entered into his mouth unintentionallyor..or he woke up in the morning without making an intention of fasting.then in all these situations, only a Qadha will be necessary.

Allama Ibn Abidin explaining the above states:

..Because a Kaffara is only necessary upon a person who broke the fast after keeping it. meaning there will be no Kaffara.

And Allah knows best

What About Menstruating Women Fasting Two Consecutive Months

For a menstruating woman, the consecutive days exclude the days of her menses. Her fast counts as consecutive from the last day prior to its onset to the first day after her menses completion, whereupon her fast resumes until she reaches the 58 to 60 consecutive fasting days in this manner, no matter how many times she menstruates during her kaffarah consecutive fasting atonement.

If a wife claims that her husband compelled her against her will to sexual intercourse during a fasting day of Ramadan, and she did not take part willingly, she is not obliged to perform kaffarah.

But if a woman is fasting Ramadan, has sexual intercourse, and then gets her menstrual period afterward, she must still pay the kaffarah, for the violation happened during her fast.

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How Much Is Kaffara For Missed Fast

The equivalent of feeding 60 people is the amount of money paid in kaffarah for missed fasts. The payment for missed fasts is equivalent to feeding a single person. Fidya is paid to the fast-takers in the form of a small piece of cloth, which is placed on the forehead of the person who has fasted for a long period of time.

This is done in order to make sure that they do not forget to fast during the next fast. It is also done to ensure that the fasting person does not fall into the trap of thinking that he has missed a fast when he actually has not. In addition, it is a sign of respect towards the one who fasts for the sake of Allah and His Messenger and not for his own benefit.

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