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Dry Fasting And Weight Loss

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Start Burning Fat For Energy

Dry Fasting: Lose 5 KGS | Dry Fasting Weight Loss

After getting through that glycogen storage, your body starts breaking down protein and fat for energy instead. This is how you lose those pounds on a fasting schedule. You might notice a change in your body weight after a few weeks of intermittent fasting.

The fat-eliminating process usually occurs approximately 12 hours into fasting. This may escalate after 16 hours of no food and drink. You can easily achieve this by conducting regular fasting this is both safe and free of risk factors.

Stick To Water Only For The First Day Of Your Post

Woohoo! You got through your dry fast okay enough, although things were admittedly pretty tough at times. That said, dry fasting is something you think youd do again. The question becomes now that youre off your dry fast, what should you eat and drink?

While it may be tempting to jump right back into your pre-fast diet, please refrain. Like you can shock your system by taking too much away, you can also do some damage by adding too much quickly.

Stick to water only for the first few hours, maybe even the entire day depending on when your dry fast ends. Pour a glass that can hold roughly 470 milliliters of fluid and begin drinking. Dont gulp or chug the water down, but rather, take slow and concerted sips.

Then, wait an hour. If youre feeling alright, you may eat, but if not, thats okay. Repeat the above, but incrementally. Overdoing it on the water will cause bloating, making you feel heavy and sluggish. You could also undo some of your weight loss.

You want to stick to an hourly schedule of water consumption, consuming 470 milliliters each. Within three hours, maybe four, you could want to eat again, but if not, dont push yourself.

Yes It Definitely Can

A 24-hour fast can help you lose weight. However, it has to be done consistently and not just as a one time fast. Like any other method for weight loss, consistency and being able to fit it in your lifestyle on a regular basis is whats most important.

Some research has been conducted on the subject and show that alternate day fasting show significant weight loss vs control group. In this second study, subjects lost 2.5% of their initial body weight within 22 days of alternate day fasting, while the fat loss mass represented 4% of their initial fat mass. Another finding is that their fasting insulin decreased significantly in comparison to the control group.

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Dry Fasting: Does It Boost Or Endanger Our Health

By Rachael Link, MS, RD

Dry fasting is commonly practiced for religious, spiritual or health-related reasons. In addition to improving self-discipline and awareness, proponents claim that it may also be associated with a wide range of benefits, including increased weight loss, better blood sugar control and more.

However, there are also several serious side effects to consider as well. In fact, prolonged fasting can ramp up the risk of dehydration, nutritional deficiencies, weakness and fatigue.

This article will take an in-depth look at a few of the purported benefits of dry fasting, along with some reasons you may want to consider other types of fasting instead.

May Hasten Wound Healing

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If you want to speed up the healing of a cut or wound, try a dry fast. Nutrients published a study in 2019 that found that as our immune system gains more activity during a dry fast, our wounds heal faster as a consequence. That said, animal testing has produced conflicting results. Some saying wounds heal slower when not ingesting sufficient calories and others say it happens faster.

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/6types Of Dry Fasting

Dry fasting can be easily done with intermittent fasting, alternate-day fasting, eat-stop-eat or periodic fasting. Generally, dry fasting is of two types- soft dry fast and hard dry fast.

Soft dry fast: In soft dry fast, dieters are allowed to use water to brush their teeth, take a shower and wash their faces.

Hard dry fast: In this type of fasting, dieters are not allowed to come in contact with water at all.

Are There Other Health Complications

You excrete water through your breath, sweat, urine, and stool. If you dont adequately replenish your water loss, it can cause you to become dehydrated. And that can cause:

  • A buildup of waste in your kidneys, since you are not excreting it out through the urine.
  • An increase in your risk of kidney stones and urinary tract infections
  • A decrease in your cognition and mood

A study in 2019 found that participants who did not drink water for 36 hours experienced fatigue, short-term memory loss, reduced attention, and reduced reaction time. However, rehydration with water relieved these symptoms. Increase your risk for a water-soluble vitamin deficiency.

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Benefits Of Dry Fasting

Some of the purported benefits of dry fasting include:

Weight loss. There is evidence that dry fasting causes weight loss. Ramadan is a holy month during which Muslims abstain from all food and drink from sunrise to sunset every day. A study of 240 people who fasted for at least 20 days during Ramadan found that after Ramadan, body weight and body mass index decrease in everyone.

Reduced inflammation. Another study of people who fasted during Ramadan showed positive effects on the inflammatory status of the body and on some risk factors for heart disease.

Chronic inflammation has been associated with heart disease, arthritis, cancer, diabetes, Crohn’s disease, and ulcerative colitis.

Delayed aging. Proponents of dry fasting claim that it slows down the aging process. Animal studies have shown mixed results on the effects of fasting on the aging process. Human studies have mostly been short-term and haven’t provided enough evidence that it is safe and effective long-term.

Most studies on the benefits of dry fasting have been done on people participating in Ramadan. Ramadan fasting is only done by healthy people and only for one month.

More research is needed to know if it is safe long-term. Most studies of the effects of intermittent fasting have been done on overweight, middle-aged adults. More research is needed to determine if it is safe for people who are older or younger or people at a healthy weight.

Is Dry Fasting Healthy And What Results Should You Expect From Dry Fasting

No Food or Water for 3 days | Hard Dry Fasting (EXTREME WEIGHT LOSS)

Many people believe that dry fasting is dangerous, and one shouldnt move to attempt it at all. Yet, this method of fasting does have quite many fans that believe this is the best approach to fasting and the one that brings the fastest results.

If we look at science, theres not much underlying research done to either support or contradict the statement. Most of the research regarding the topic of dry fasting was done in connection to Ramadan, where the following dry fasting results were observed:

  • reduced inflammation
  • lower blood pressure

Yet, theres not enough scientific evidence to confirm whether dry fasting results would have been much different from regular water fasting or any other type of fasting.

In general, dry fasting benefits are very similar to the ones of water fasting and/or regular Intermittent Fasting, where non-caloric beverages are allowed.

Besides the above mentioned, the most common dry fasting benefits include:

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How To Break A Dry Fast Safely

Breaking a dry fast isnt as easy as simply eating food and drinking water normally. You should take steps to ensure you break a fast safely. For example, you should drink a glass of water after a dry fast, but you must sip slowly, so the body is not overwhelmed with the sudden inflow.

After your first glass of water, you should not have any liquid for the next hour or two. Take small sips to prevent bloating. You will start to feel your energy levels rise the more water you drink. When it comes to food, its important to eat healthy and nutritious foods. Breaking your fast with a massive meal from your favorite pizza joint isnt healthy.

Do Not Straightaway Dive Into Dry Fasting As It Can Be Dangerous Professionals Alert It Can Even Be Fatal To The Body

STEP 1Choose a date once you have spoken with an expert and made up your mind about undertaking dry fasting. When you are required to be efficient, it will be tough for you to do a dry fast.

ACTION 2As a trial run, first try out the soft dry fasting where you can have water and juice to inspect how mentally and physically prepared you are to do it. It is stated that if somebody has a great deal of contaminants in the body, the body launches excessive amounts of toxins in this fasting period, making the person feel dull and sluggish.

STEP 3Try to begin moderate detox a week in advance as soon as you pick a date. Have coconut water and pink salt too. Get rid of caffeine from your routine and include more liquids and salad to your diet. Slowly cut down on your calorie consumption and drink plenty of water, such that your urine is clear prior to you get in the dry fasting phase.

ACTION 4When you are dry fasting, treat your body carefully. Participate in activities that relax your senses like yoga, meditation and so on. Avoid remaining in the sunlight or any environment that drains your energy. Attempt journaling your journey whenever you feel demotivated.

ACTION 5Do not neglect your body hints. Prepare to end your quick if your body is in deep distress and telling you so. If your body is really hungry and not just causing grumbling sound in the tummy, take something light. Do not abuse yourself.

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S To Dry Fasting Success

Heres how to succeed at dry fasting:

Step #1: Become Fat Adapted

Teach your body to burn fat instead of glucose by eating a high fat, low carb diet. You can become fat adapted in around one week by following a standard ketogenic diet, in which you consume:

  • 70-80% of calories from fats
  • 20-25% of calories from protein
  • 5-10% of calories from net carbs

Use the keto calculator to find your individual keto macros.

Step #2: Experiment With a Water-Only Fast

Test the waters, literally. See how your body responds to water-based intermittent fasting instead of going cold-turkey on a dry fast.

This step is the most crucial because it will tell you if your body is prepared to try a dry fast at all.

Do an intermittent fast for a week in which you only eat 8 hours a day and spend 16 hours without eating .

If you dont experience any serious adverse effects like headaches or excessive weakness your body may be able to handle a dry fast.

Step #3: Prepare Your Body One Week In Advance

Its advisable you quit caffeine or other stimulants one week before the dry fast to avoid withdrawal symptoms. You can also start to cut down on meals and daily calories to make the transition smoother.

Step #4: Stick to A 16-Hour Dry Fast

Now you can try going 16 hours without eating or drinking anything and rehydrating only in the 8-hour window. You can do this intermittent fast for as long as you want, although a few days is enough to notice any positive effects.

Who Shouldnt Dry Fast

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  • People who have never tried water fasts before, or those who have only done juice fasts.
  • People who are prone to headaches or migraines, because a dry fast can trigger them.
  • People dependent on stimulants like coffee and tea, because the withdrawal during the fast can cause headaches and moodiness.
  • People with dry eye syndrome, glaucoma, or cataracts. Dry fasting has been shown to exacerbate the symptoms in these conditions.

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Prevention Of Coronary Heart Disease

Dry fasting may lower the risk of coronary heart disease.

Studies done on people who dry fast for 24 hours find they have a lower prevalence of coronary heart disease compared to non-fasters, even after adjusting for other risk factors.

Seventh-day Adventists tend to live approximately 7 years longer than other white adults, and this may be connected to the heart-healthy benefits of dry fasting.

Increase The Growth Of Brain Cells

Speaking of cells, the ones in your brain are crucial. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor, commonly abbreviated as BDNF, is a type of protein that can cause the growth of brain cells. Also, with enough BDNF in our noggins, we may spare brain cell degeneration, promote fresh neuronal development, boost the plasticity of our brains, and learn and retain memories better.

Ketone bodies, a type of molecule that comes from the liver, are made in greater quantities through an intermittent fast. To produce them, we enter ketosis, which well also discuss in more detail later in this guide.

As dry fasting increases the ketones in our system, our brain tissue heals, keeping it healthy enough for more BDNF.

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What Are The Benefits Of Dry Fasting

Nearly all the published research on dry fasting comes from studies of Ramadan. Ramadan is an annual religious observance for those of the Islamic faith. It lasts for approximately one month .

During Ramadan, people do not eat or drink wateror any other beveragesbetween sunrise and sunset. However, they eat and drink in between those daily fasting periods . Depending on where a person lives, this Ramadan period of fasting could last up to 18 hours, although the average is 13 hours .

Ramadan fasting resembles a practice known as time-restricted feeding. This is a method of fasting where a person restricts all their daily energy intake to a time window of eight hours or less .

The Water Levels That Cause Dehydration Can Vary

48 Hour Dry Fast Results

Short-term water restriction is not likely to dehydrate you. According to the National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine , the slight drop in hydration that happens when you restrict fluids for a few hours is compensated by the day-to-day fluid intake .

This is what happens in an intermittent dry fast.

You also might not need as much water as you think. The average recommended daily water intake is 2.7L for women and 3.7L for men, however, the National Academies explain that as with AIs for other nutrients, for a healthy person, daily consumption below the AI may not confer additional risk because a wide range of intakes is compatible with normal hydration.

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Dangers And Side Effects

Although there are several purported benefits of dry fasting, there are several dry fasting dangers to consider as well.

Like other types of fasting, dry fasting can cause side effects like hunger, decreased energy levels, mood changes, headaches and brain fog. However, dry fasting is particularly dangerous because it requires you to restrict all liquids as well as food, which can cause dehydration and electrolyte imbalances. While the human body can survive several weeks without food, it can only survive a few days without water.

If fasting is prolonged or repeated several times within a short period, it can cause serious side effects, including dehydration, nutritional deficiencies, binge eating, kidney stones and fainting. In severe cases, dry fasting can even lead to death.

If you have any underlying health conditions, you should consult with a healthcare professional to determine if fasting is right for you. Fasting is also not recommended for children, teenagers, those with a history of disordered eating and women who are pregnant or nursing.

Combine With A Ketogenic Diet

Since fat can be converted to water so easily, many combine an intermittent dry fast with a ketogenic diet, which is a very low-carb diet that is focused on consuming about 75 percent fat to go with 20 percent protein and 5 percent carbohydrates. The purpose of this diet is to cause the body to burn ketones, which fat produces, as opposed to the glucose that is primarily provided by diets that are more focused on carbohydrates.

The main benefit of combining a high-fat diet with an intermittent dry fast is experiencing minimal discomfort. High-fat diets naturally cause you to experience less hunger and less thirst, which is true whether or not youre fasting as those who eat more fat tend to drink less water while people who consume foods that are higher in fiber or caffeine content tend to naturally crave water more often.

It should also be noted that eating high-fat diets while engaging in a dry fast results in a decrease in glucose levels and diastolic and systolic blood pressures. Additionally, brain function tends to improve as fasting makes the blood-brain barrier more permeable and receptive to ketones.

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How Long Does It Take To Reach Ketosis On A Dry Fast

Ketosis is a desirable state to be in when intermittent fasting. While weve touched on the concept throughout this guide, we havent yet clearly defined it. In case youre not familiar, ketosis is a state of metabolism that occurs when your body lacks glucose.

Being in ketosis then triggers weight loss, keeping your goals on track during your dry fast.

How long will it take your body to reach this point? You need your serum glucose levels to deplete 20 percent before your liver makes ketones. Some fasters can enter ketosis in 12 hours and others in 24 hours.

Like dry fasting accelerates weight loss, it also speeds up ketosis. You may only have to wait 12 hours to begin using your bodys fat sources for energy.

How Is Dry Fasting More Effective For Weight Loss Than Water Fasting Or Other Body Cleansing Plans

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When you are on a dry fast, your body becomes a waste-burning machine and eliminates toxins in different ways than normal. For instance, the accumulated fat and toxins in the body are burned up instead of eliminating them from urine, bowels, kidneys, liver, and skin. This type of fasting puts your body in the state where it starts the process of utilising everything available for energy – at the cellular level.

Secondly, fasting helps stimulate the immune system and activate the bodys anti-inflammatory mechanisms, purify the blood and cleanses the digestive tract – all of which can be beneficial for losing weight and improving overall health. This type of fasting also forces the body to obtain water from the cells, hence, damaged tissues can be eliminated faster.

Dry fasting is said to be equivalent to 3 days of a water fast when it comes to detoxification, which means it can burn fat up to 3 times faster than water fasting. Dry fasting can be exceptionally beneficial to cell regeneration and repair. It also leads to autophagy where every cell of the body can clean house — scraps of dead, diseased, or worn-out cells are removed. Read – Does weight loss increase the risk of osteoporosis? 6 tips to reduce belly fat and maintain strong bones

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