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H Pylori Breath Test Fasting

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How To Prepare For An H Pylori Breath Test In Nj

Urea Breath Test and Hydrogen Breath Test

During an H. pylori breath test, samples of exhaled breath are collected so that the isotopic carbon in the exhaled carbon dioxide can be measured. This helps to detect H. pylori bacteria and diagnose an infection so it can be properly treated. If your doctor determines that this type of breath test is needed, there are certain steps you will need to follow to prepare. Breath tests are a simple and safe way for our physicians at DHC to identify and diagnose a variety of conditions so that the proper steps can be taken for optimal digestive health.

On The Day Of The Procedure

Your doctor will explain the procedure in detail and answer any questions you might have. The procedure lasts about 20 to 30 minutes.

  • Your breath samples are sent to the laboratory where they are tested.
  • You may resume your normal activities.
  • You may resume your normal diet and medicines unless you have other tests that require dietary restrictions.

What Does The Test Result Mean

A positive H. pylori stool antigen, breath test, or biopsy indicates that your signs and symptoms are likely caused by a peptic ulcer due to these bacteria. Treatment with a combination of antibiotics and other medications will be prescribed to kill the bacteria and stop the pain and the ulceration.

A negative test result means that it is unlikely that you have an H. pylori infection and your signs and symptoms may be due to another cause. However, if symptoms persist, additional testing may be done, including the more invasive tissue biopsy, to more conclusively rule out infection.

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H Pylori Breath Test Cost

Non-blood H Pylori test cost ranges between $249 and $428 in different labs and facilities across the U.S. No prior appointment is required. Compare the price, order your test online and visit the nearest lab during lab business hours. Complete the procedure and get the results in your email in 2 to 3 business days.

The following table shows the cost of the H Pylori breath test & H Pylori stool sample at 2 of our partner laboratories network located across the U.S.

Helicobacter Pylori C13 Urea Breath Test

H. Pylori Breath Test

What is the Helicobacter Pylori Urea Breath Test?

This test is used for detecting the presence of bacterium called H pylori within the lining of the stomach, which is a cause of chronic gastritis and strongly associated with peptic ulcer disease and some gastric cancers. Eradication of H pylori significantly reduces duodenal and gastric ulcer relapse.

Who should be considered for this test?

People who have suspected duodenal or peptic ulcer disease both before and following treatment and people who have non-ulcer dyspepsia with severe symptoms.

Do I need to do anything special prior to the test?

You will need to stop taking the following medications:

4 weeks prior to the test:

All antibiotic therapy


2 weeks prior to the test:

Proton pump inhibitors unless specifically requested to continue by your doctor

72 hours prior to the test:

H2 receptor antagonists

You will be required to fill out a questionnaire on the day of the test, so please come prepared with the names of the medications you are currently taking.

On the day of the test: You must fast for at least six hours before the test

You must refrain from smoking for two hours before and during the test.

What does the test involve?

You will be asked to exhale through a straw into two tubes and then asked to drink a small amount of water to take a C13 urea tablet.

After 10 minutes, you will be asked to repeat the exhaling procedure into two other tubes.

When will the result be available?


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The Day Of Your Scheduled H Pylori Breath Test

On the day of your scheduled appointment, you should not have anything to eat or drink six hours before the test. Ahead of the breath test, your physician will explain the steps of the procedure and answer any questions you may have. An H. pylori breath test involves exhaling into a balloon-like bag after drinking a solution that contains urea. The amount of carbon dioxide in the breath samples is measured to determine if an H. pylori infection is present. The breath testing process usually lasts around 15 to 30 minutes.

How The Test Is Performed

There are several methods to test for H pylori infection.

Breath Test

  • Up to 2 weeks before the test, you need to stop taking antibiotics, bismuth medicines such as Pepto-Bismol, and proton pump inhibitors .
  • During the test, you swallow a special substance that has urea. Urea is a waste product the body produces as it breaks down protein. The urea used in the test has been made harmlessly radioactive.
  • If H pylori are present, the bacteria convert the urea into carbon dioxide, which is detected and recorded in your exhaled breath after 10 minutes.
  • This test can identify almost all people who have H pylori. It can also be used to check that the infection has been fully treated.

Blood Tests

  • Blood tests are used to measure antibodies to H pylori. Antibodies are proteins made by the bodyâs immune system when it detects harmful substances such as bacteria.
  • Blood tests for H pylori can only tell if your body has H pylori antibodies. It cannot tell if you have a current infection or how long you have had it. This is because the test can be positive for years, even if the infection is cured. As a result, blood tests cannot be used to see if the infection has been cured after treatment.

Stool Test

  • A stool test can detect traces of H pylori in the feces.
  • This test can be used to diagnose the infection and confirm that it has been cured after treatment.


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How Do I Prepare For A Urea Breath Test

To prepare for the urea breath test, follow these guidelines:

  • Tell your doctor if you are pregnant, have a lung or heart condition or any other disease, or if you are allergic to any medications.
  • Do not take any antibiotics for at least 4 weeks before the test.
  • Do not take any proton pump inhibitors or Pepto-Bismolâââââââ for at least 2 weeks before the test.
  • Take only the medications approved by your doctor the day of the procedure. Take them only with a small sip of water if it is within four hours of the procedure. Do not discontinue any medication without first consulting with your primary or referring doctor.
  • Do not eat or drink anything for four hours before the procedure.

H Pylori Test Cost With Insurance

Instructional Video: BreathID H. Pylori Test – Home Kit Sample Collection

Most of the health insurance policies in the U.S. cover the cost of the H Pylori blood test. However, the coverage offered by private health insurance companies and national health insurance programs like Medicare and Medicaid might vary. So we recommend you to check the coverage of your health insurance plan before getting tested for Celiac disease.

Our H Pylori testing providers do not accept any kind of health insurance plan. But, if the insurance company accepts to reimburse the cost, they can provide you with an itemized receipt containing all the details like the name and code of the test, and the CPT code that is necessary for insurance reimbursement purposes.

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Do I Need To Fast Before The Helicobacter Pylori Igg Test

There is no need to fast before a Helicobacter pylori blood test. It is a test detecting the presence of the IgG antibody in your blood and your fasting status does not hamper with the result. However, for a salivary IgG test, you will be instructed not to drink water or take foods an hour before the test.

What Is The H Pylori Test

Helicobacter Pylori which is commonly known as H Pylori, is a type of spiral-shaped bacterium that causes infection in the stomach. H Pylori bacterium is one of the prime reasons for people having peptic ulcers, and it can also cause gastritis and has the potential to lead to stomach cancer.

As per the latest reports, about 30 40 percent of people in the United States get affected by H. pylori infection at least once in their lifetime. Not only grown adults get infected but also children are vulnerable to this bacterium. This infection does not cause symptoms unless it gets severe.

H pylori bacterium scrapes the inner protective coating in the stomachs and causes inflammation. In rare cases, this can lead to peptic ulcer, gastritis, or stomach cancer.

H pylori infection maintains a low profile and doesnt show any noticeable or sickness signs at the early stages. There is no vaccine to prevent oneself from it. However, H Pylori infection can be treated with antibiotics. If you experience symptoms like abdominal pain, frequent burping, your physician might ask you to get tested for H Pylori.

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Why Is An H Pylori Test Done

Once the H Pylori invades the body, the bacteria starts deteriorating the inline of your stomach, which helps in guarding the stomach wall against food-digestive acids. Over the long run, the inline of the stomach will be damaged enough to let the acid to get in touch with the stomach lining, which ultimately causes ulcers. Most of the time, people with H Pylori infection do not experience any unusual symptoms. We still dont have an exact reason why this is, but doctors believe some people may be born with more resistance against H Pylori infection.

This test is done to formulate the diagnosis and treatment for Helicobacter pylori bacteria infections, and/or to determine the cause of chronic type B gastritis.

The H Pylori Test is an IgG antibody test. It looks for antibodies that develop as a consequence of H Pylori presence. As a result, they help in indicating that there is an active H Pylori infection or that there was an H Pylori infection in the past 12-18 months.

Is There Any Preparation Required Before The Test

H.pylori C14 Urea Breath Test Analyzer  Shenzhen Chemira Medpharma Co ...

For the blood test, there are no special preparations like fasting or diet control needed. You can continue with your regular activities and food intake.

As far as the stool sample test is concerned, you will be required to stop medications such as antibiotics and proton pump inhibitors before the test, if you are taking any. As it may influence the final result of the test. Other than this there are no other pre-requisites for the H Pylori stool test.

If you are opting to take the breath test, youll be asked to swallow a preparation liquid that contains urea during the test. At least one hour of fasting is necessary before taking the H Pylori breath test. Avoid consuming antimicrobials, proton pump inhibitors, or bismuth preparations for 2 weeks prior to the test.

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How Did I Get Infected With H Pylori

The bacteria are believed to be transmitted by eating food or drinking water that has been contaminated with human stool, or possibly through contact with the stool, vomit, or saliva of an infected person. Exposure to family members with H. pylori seems to be the most likely opportunity for transmission.

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Is Pretest Fasting Necessary

Many protocols recommend that patients fast for at least four hours before testing in order to avoid any interference from food. Some recent studies, however, have addressed the question of whether fasting is really necessary in patients undergoing UBT. Perri and colleagues and Moayyedi and colleaguesfound that there is no statistical difference between tests performed in fasting and non-fasting conditions and therefore do not recommend fasting before UBT. On the contrary, Epple and colleagues and Savarino and colleaguesobserved that feeding causes a significant decrease in the 30 minute values compared with the fasting ones and an increase in false negative results. They suggest that fasting before testing should be mandatory. These contradictory findings probably result from the different meals used in the various studies, but at present there are no clear guidelines in this area.

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When Is It Ordered

Testing may be ordered when you have pain in your digestive tract and other signs and symptoms of an ulcer. Examples include:

  • Abdominal pain that comes and goes over time
  • Unexplained weight loss
  • Feeling of fullness or bloating

Some people may have more serious signs and symptoms that require immediate medical attention, including sharp, sudden, persistent stomach pain, bloody or black stools, or bloody vomit or vomit that looks like coffee grounds.

H. pylori testing may also be ordered about 4 to 6 weeks after you have finished taking the prescribed antibiotics to confirm that the infection is cured. A follow-up test is not performed on every person, however.

Are There Any Risks To Testing

H. Pylori Detection with BreathID Hp Breath Test System

There is very little risk to having a blood test. You may have slight pain or bruising at the spot where the needle was put in, but most symptoms go away quickly.

There is no known risk to having breath or stool tests.

During an endoscopy, you may feel some discomfort when the endoscope is inserted, but serious complications are rare. There is a very small risk of getting a tear in your intestine. If you had a biopsy, there is a small risk of bleeding at the site. Bleeding usually stops without treatment.

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What Is H Pylori

H. pylori is a bacteria that infects your stomach or duodenum . H. pylori bacteria can increase your risk of developing:

H. pylori is a major cause of peptic ulcer. The bacteria decreases the stomachs protective mucus. This makes it easier for the stomach to be damaged from digestive acids.

How Does One Get Infected With Helicobacter Infection

The etiology of Helicobacter pylori infection is not exactly known. However, what is known is that it can be transferred from person to person via saliva, vomitus, and fecal matter. Contaminated water or food can also be a cause of transmission. The incidence of infection with H.pylori is more in developing and under-developed nations. The risk factors associated with an infection with H.pylori are- A dearth of clean water for drinking purposes. Living in unhygienic settings with no access to sanitary facilities. If someone close to you is suffering from H.pylori infection. Living in an underdeveloped/developing country increases your chances of contracting infection. Having dental plaques or a family history of gastric diseases increases your risk of developing H.pylori infection.

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Amount And Formulation Of 13c

The urea dose has been progressively reduced from the 350 mg dose initially used in the study by Grahamet al, thus decreasing the cost of the substrate needed to perform the test. At present three different dosages are utilised. A dose of 125 mg has been validated in the United States by Klein et al, who showed that a sensitivity and specificity as high as 100% can be reached with this dosage. Loganet al used 100 mg in their proposal of a standard diagnostic protocol and this dosage has received the greatest amount of attention in Europe. Finally, 75 mg has been shown to be as reliable as the higher doses and is used satisfactorily in an increasing number of research studies.,,, This low dosage is also included in many commercial kits for13C-UBT, as it limits the cost of the test. However, it may be possible to reduce the dosage of13C-urea further by administering the tracer in capsules. It has been shown that a dose of either 38 mg or 45 mg, given in rapidly dissolving gelatin capsules, maintains the high sensitivity and specificity of the test and also reduces its duration to 1520 minutes. In fact, this peculiar formulation bypasses the problem of contact of the substrate with the urease producing bacteria present in the oropharynx, thus avoiding false positive results if breath samples are taken too soon. Obviously, there is no need to delay gastric emptying by an appropriate meal, which is fundamental in tests performed with the liquid form of13C-urea.

Which Is The Best Cut


The determination of the appropriate cut-off value for discriminating between positive and negative tests is critical. The results of each UBT are issued in units, which include a corrective factor . This -value is standardized and is internationally expressed as delta per thousand of the 13C/12C ratio of the patient compared with the standard. Thereby two -values are obtained for each patient, one baseline and one posterior, and the algebraic difference between them will result in the final value supplied by the laboratory.

The precise choice of the cut-off point to define whether the UBT is positive or negative represents a controversial issue. The cut-off value for the UBT was originally determined as 5.0 based on the normal distribution of excess 13CO2 values for H. pylori-negative subjects who have never been infected. This cut-off point was proposed by Logan et al. in their European standard protocol, and it has been traditionally the most widely recommended. Later, by using receiver operator characteristic curves, some authors showed that this cut-off value could be lowered to 3.0 or 3.5 without compromising the sensitivity and specificity of the test, and even improving its accuracy., Cluster analysis was used by Mion et al., who also suggested adopting 3.0 as the optimal cut-off point. Other authors have recommended even lower values for the cut-off point, of about 2.5, although they have employed lower doses of urea ., , , ,

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