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How Fast Do You Lose Weight On Intermittent Fasting

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Rules For Intermittent Fasting To Lose Weight

VERIFY: Does intermittent fasting help you lose weight?

May 4, 2020 by Martin

If you want to lose weight, you just have to eat less. all annoying personal trainers on social media.

Why did we complicate everything about fitness? Fitness has become so lame on social media. This is why I love intermittent fasting and the casual fitness lifestyle.

Keep on reading for some quick wins if youre new to intermittent fasting and want to transform your body without living in the kitchen and wasting your life away in the gym

Self-proclaimed fitness experts are quick to lecture you on social media about how you need to work hard and eat less if you want to get abs. Were told that we have to eat less and prepare all of our own meals. Were supposed to be on a tight diet.

How do you eat less? Whats considered eating less? What are you supposed to eat? Can I still eat food that I enjoy? Am I okay if I order a medium pizza to myself instead of the usual Friday night large pizza?

Im sure youve pondered one of those thoughts before.

We all know that eating kale is good for you and that you should spend hours in the gym if you want to see results. The problem is that most traditional fitness rules like that are nearly impossible to apply in real life.

You likely already know what you should be doing to get that six pack. These activities are on your ridiculously long to-do list .

You Are Eating The Wrong Type Of Food

Many other diets come with a list of foods that you can and cannot eat. However, that is not how intermittent fasting works.

Intermittent fasting lets you eat anything you would like within a specific eating window.

Because intermittent fasting does not restrict your diet, it is easy to slip right into unhealthy feeding habits. Binging on unhealthy processed foods even if it is only in your eating window could be responsible for your slow results.

Stuffing too many calories during your eating periods is also counterproductive.

During your intermittent fast, consider changing your meal plan. Toss out the unhealthy processed food and switch to healthier options. Think of foods like whole grains that are rich in dietary fiber.

Furthermore, sugary foods could send your blood sugar levels through the roof and contribute to reduced insulin sensitivity.

Staying away from sugary foods protects you from sugar highs and the sugar crash that results after. It also helps keep your blood sugar within the normal range.

How Often Should You Do 1: 8 Intermittent Fasting

Unlike other intermittent fasting diets, each day of the 16:8 works independently to the other days. This means that you can do anywhere from one day of intermittent 16:8 fasting to seven days a week, depending on your goals and the advice from your GP.

Evidence differs, however, on whether its healthy to do intermittent fasting all the time for a number of reasons. While one study suggests that fasting helps your vital organs by giving metabolic functions a break, other research suggests the fasting can lead to an increased level of cholesterol and can lead to feelings of nausea, along with causing spells of low-blood sugar and dehydration.

Don’t Miss: How To Lose Weight During Intermittent Fasting

/8 Intermittent Fasting Method

There are so many different ways to intermittently fast, but the most common method is called the 16 to 8 split. Or, some may call it a 16/8 fasting method for simplicity.

In this fasting plan, you fast for 16 hours straight in a day and eat in the remaining 8-hour window.

It may feel really hard at first to go without food for a prolonged period of time, but its something you can get used to.

And if you allocate the 16 hours wisely, it gets even less difficult to manage the fasted period.

For example, if you include 8 hours of sleep time into your 16-hour fasting, thats already half of the fasting.

And typically speaking, theres also a lot of downtime between dinner and bedtime. So that gives extra 3-4 hours.

To make up the rest, you fast in the morning till lunch for about 4 hours while hydrating yourself with water.

Now, you have 16 straight hours of a fasted period from about 7 pm to 11 am the next morning.

There is the 16 hours you need for your 16/8 method.

No doubt, there will be a time of adjustments in the beginning. But be patient with yourself.

Youll find your body adjusting to this new eating schedule in no time.

All in all, intermittent fasting is a simple way to fast, so your body can boost metabolism and burn fat. Its also an easy hack to avoid unnecessary snacks and late-night meals that add calories.

All these help generate a great weight loss for many who adapt to this IF diet.

Reason : Youre Accidentally Breaking Your Fast

Intermittent Fasting: How To Best Use It For Weight Loss ...

Strictly speaking, during your fasting period, you shouldnt be consuming ANY calories.

The waters get a little muddied though because some people believe that a splash of cream in your coffee is OK as long as you keep it below 50 calories or so.

I still have great luck fasting when I put just a touch of half and half in my coffee.

But if youre not losing weight on intermittent fasting, you should try a strict fast where you dont consume ANY calories during your fasting period.

My video below explains why you may need to eliminate all calories during your fasting window if your weight loss is stalled.

If youre not losing weight intermittent fasting, try being completely strict during your fasting window, and dont consume any calories.

Recommended Reading: How Much Weight Can You Lose In 2 Weeks Fasting

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You Are Not Eating Enough Food

Though it might sound counterproductive, you need to eat well during your eating window.

Intermittent fasting does not mean starvation and you can continue with your normal diet.

When you are not getting enough calories during your eating window, chances are that you will eat a whole lot more during your next window. That is because of the uncontrollable hunger that you will feel.

Also, starving yourself might cause your body to store more fat long-term. Your body notices that you are going for extended periods with little or no food and to ensure that you have a reliable energy source during such periods, your body stores the extra food you eat as fat.

So, instead of burning energy from your meals, your body begins to conserve energy.

Calorie counting could help you ensure you are getting sufficient fuel for your days activities.

Mushroom Spinach & Potato Pie

This super easy and delicious mushroom, spinach and potato pie is perfect for meal prep or a family dinner. It is also meat-free and vegetarian-friendly.

Ingredients for 4 servings:

  • 400g baby spinach
  • 500g mushroom
  • 300g cooked new potatoes, cut into bite-sized pieces
  • 300g each green beans and broccoli, steamed
  • 1 cup vegetable stock
  • 2 heaped tbsp light crème fraîche
  • 1 tsp freshly grated nutmeg
  • 3 sheets filo pastry


  • Preheat the oven to 200-180°C or fan/gas 6. Wilt spinach in a colander by pouring a kettleful of hot water over it.
  • Heat ½ tbsp oil in a large nonstick pan and fry mushrooms on high heat until golden. Add garlic and cook for 1 min, then tip in stock, mustard, nutmeg, and potatoes. Bubble for a few minutes, season, and remove from the heat. Add crème fraîche and spinach. Pour the mixture into a pie dish and allow to cool.
  • Use the remaining olive oil to brush the filo. Quarter sheets then loosely scrunch up and lay on top of pie filling. Bake for 20-25 minutes until golden. Serve with vegetables.
  • Nutritional value of 1 serving:

    Calories: 215, carbs: 29g, fats: 8g, protein: 9g

    Read Also: What Are Benefits Of Intermittent Fasting

    What Does Intermittent Fasting Mean

    Intermittent fasting is an eating plan that switches between fasting and eating on a regular schedule. It involves a pattern where you cycle between periods of eating and fasting. It is also an umbrella term for various meal timing schedules that cycle between voluntary fasting and non fasting over a given period.

    Intermittent fasting does not say anything about which foods to eat but rather deals with when you should eat them.

    There are several different fasting methods, all of which split the day or week into eating periods and fasting periods. Going without food for a number of hours each day or taking just one meal a couple of days a week can help your body burn fat.

    Research shows that there are several evidence of benefits as Intermittent fasting is a way to manage your weight and prevent certain health problems like obesity, insulin resistance, dyslipidemia, hypertension, and inflammation.

    What Can I Eat While Intermittent Fasting

    How to Lose Weight with Intermittent Fasting (3 Simple Tricks)

    During the times when youre not eating, water and zero-calorie beverages such as black coffee and tea are permitted.

    And during your eating periods, eating normally does not mean going crazy. Youre not likely to lose weight or get healthier if you pack your feeding times with high-calorie junk food, super-sized fried items and treats.

    But what Williams likes about intermittent fasting is that it allows for a range of different foods to be eaten and enjoyed. We want people to be mindful and take pleasure in eating good, nutritious food, she says. She adds that eating with others and sharing the mealtime experience adds satisfaction and supports good health.

    Williams, like most nutrition experts, regards the Mediterranean diet as a good blueprint of what to eat, whether youre trying intermittent fasting or not. You can hardly go wrong when you pick complex, unrefined carbohydrates such as whole grains, leafy greens, healthy fats and lean protein.

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    How To Be Successful

    There are a few strategies to try to practice in order to achieve the greatest results:

    • Eating nutritious foods. While you may opt to not count or restrict calories while on intermittent fasting, this doesnât mean you should consume low-quality foods. Try to make sure that most of your food is nutrient-dense. This means eating lots of fruits, vegetables, âgoodâ fats, whole grains, and lean proteins. Do let yourself have some of your favorite foods! Eating should be a joyful experience, not something you stress out about.
    • âBe consistent. You might want to play around with the different forms of intermittent fasting but when you find one that works for you, stick with it. And make sure you clearly define your eating window and donât let that change much. The key to being successful with intermittent fasting is finding a pattern that works for you and your schedule and making this a priority.
    • âBe patient with yourself. âYou may be hungry during the first week or so of your new intermittent fasting diet. Itâs normal and ok-your body is used to eating during most hours youâre awake and itâs going to need some time to adjust. And be patient with yourself if you âmess upâ here and there. The key to adopting a new lifestyle habit is that itâs not a temporary thing. This means that some days your schedule might be wonky or you might be stressed out. Itâs ok to give yourself grace if youâre not 100%.


    Tips For Intermittent Fasting For Healthy Weight Loss

    Are there ways to use intermittent fasting to make sure you lose weight in a healthy way?

    Yes! Here are our top tips:

  • Dont fast for more than 24 hours at a time without professional supervision, especially if you take blood sugar lowering medications.
  • Start with eating at least two meals per day, targeting a 14 to 18 hour fasting window.
  • Eat an adequate-protein or high-protein diet to help maintain lean muscle mass.
  • Add a snack on your fasting days if needed to meet your protein goals.
  • Add resistance training to your weekly exercise routine.
  • Eat until you feel satisfied you dont need to overeat during your eating window to make up for lost calories.
  • Don’t Miss: What Does Fasting Mean In The Bible

    What Are The Benefits Of Intermittent Fasting

    Weight loss isnt the only benefit of IF. Fasting is a practice that dates back to ancient times, and in some cultures is still practiced regularly.

    Health benefits are a pleasant side effect of IF, and many of those perks can affect womens health specifically.

    Musculoskeletal health. This includes conditions like osteoporosis, arthritis, and lower back pain. Fasting has been shown to promote hormone secretion from the thyroid. This can promote bone health and help prevent bone fractures.

    Metabolic health. Some women go through menopause in their 50s. Menopause can cause changes in your body that increase belly fat, insulin, and glucose. Fasting can help you decrease your blood pressure, cholesterol, and belly fat, which can improve insulin sensitivity. Fasting can also keep your metabolism on track as you age.

    Mental health. Fasting has been shown to promote mental health. It may reduce anxiety, depression, and the emotional roller coaster that can go hand-in-hand with menopause. Fasting has also been proven to improve self-esteem and reduce stress.

    Other proven benefits of IF include:

    • Improved memory

    Health Benefits Of Fasting

    3 Ways Intermittent Fasting Helps You Lose Weight

    The big benefit of picking intermittent fasting for your nutrition plan is its so sustainable. With other diets youre either constantly counting calories, can only eat certain foods, or always cutting macronutrients. For example, the keto diet is quite effective for weight loss but the fact that you have to cut out your carbs forever isnt a sustainable diet for the majority of people . I mean imagine never being able to eat pizza, pasta, cookies, cereal, beer, wine, etc. ever again.

    With intermittent fasting the big thing you have to be mindful of is to not eat during your fast. This is so simple anybody can follow it long term. But that doesnt always mean its easy. There are times when youre going to get hungry and tempted to eat. And then there are other times when social situations put you in a sticky position that practically force you to eat.

    But lets say you go out with friends for dinner and end up eating and drinking until midnight. The good part with intermittent fasting is you just restart your fasting clock and wait a little longer to eat the next day. Its not like every other diet where you mess up by eating the wrong kind of food and then all your results go out the window.

    So with intermittent fasting, you can keep your motivation going even if you have a little slip-up. If you ever have trouble with the hunger pangs during your fast then you could drink some of my approved fasting drinks:

    • zero cal sparkling water
    • water

    1 day: 0.5 2 pounds

    Recommended Reading: What Should You Eat When You Are Intermittent Fasting

    So How Does If Work For Weight Loss Exactly

    Intermittent fasting is about when you eat, says Charlotte Martin, MS, RDN, CPT, owner of Shaped by Charlotte, LLC. Depending on the IF approach, youre either shortening the eating window each day, or engaging in about 24-hour fasts one or more times a week. One of the most popular approaches is the 16:8 method, which is when you fast for an 16-hour window, like from 8 p.m. to 12 p.m. the next day.

    Essentially, by restricting your food intake to a shortened time window, you naturally decrease your caloric intake and, in turn, can lose weight. “Not only are you taking in fewer calories, but youre also slowing down your insulin pump, which may boost fat burn,” explains Martin.

    Healthy Intermittent Fasting 20/4 Recipes

    Knowing what to eat on the intermittent fasting 20/4 is good, but being able to combine the recommended ingredients into a delicious and healthy meal is even better. There is no need to trawl through the endless rabbit hole of recipes online because this article has got you covered. Here are the best healthy and tasty recipes for your intermittent fasting 20/4 menu:

    Also Check: How To Do Intermittent Fasting Properly

    The Unexpected Benefit No One Talks About

    Lost amid the talk of IF’s various health benefits is a very real secondary perk: saving money. When you cut your diet down to one or two meals per day, your food costs drop accordingly. It’s impossible to say exactly how much you stand to save, because it depends on how often you dine out, what you buy at the grocery store and so on.

    But even if your total food expenses drop by just 25%, that’s a huge difference. Suppose you typically spend, say, $100 per week on food. If you subtract the cost of seven meals per week, that might realistically lower your expense to $70. Over the course of one month, you’d save $120. Over one year, $1,440.

    That’s a vacation. A down payment on a new car. And there’s a bigger-picture benefit as well: You’re lowering your impact on the planet. Imagine if entire populations switched to two meals a day from three. We could get by on fewer crops and animals, which in turn would reduce overall water consumption. Maybe that’s a bit of pie-in-the-sky thinking, but there’s truth to it.

    Read more:Impossible Burger vs. beef: Which is better for the environment?

    I mention all this because after I started IF, I noticed I was spending less on food. And then I started thinking about the external benefits of less food consumption, and that made me feel even better about it. Eat less, help the planet. Win-win!

    More recently, I realized it also means fewer trips to the grocery store and carry-out restaurants, meaning less chance of exposure to the coronavirus.

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