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HomeAppIntermittent Fasting 16/8 App

Intermittent Fasting 16/8 App

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How We Evaluated Dofasting

Intermittent Fasting and 5 TIPS to SUCCEED | 16:8 diet made enjoyable

DoFasting is one of many intermittent fasting weight loss programs, but how does it compare to other options?

After six weeks of following a 16:8 fasting schedule, our testers found they felt more focused, slept better, and had shed an average of three pounds per week. We identified several major criteria to evaluate DoFastings app and its supplements: safety, cost, customer experience, and ease of use. The effectiveness our team experienced while testing DoFasting is attributable to how the company generally excels in each of those areas.

Why Intermittent Fasting App Is Getting Popular

Intermittent Fasting got popular online after a new study found that people on the diet had a reduced risk of heart disease and a significant increase in metabolism.

All applications are fasting glorified timers. You tell them when you start your fast and they will count the hours until you get to eat again. When you are in a power window, they let you know how much time is left. Beyond that, they can be as fancy or as simple as you want.

Can Eat Stop Eat Help Me Lose Weight

Probably…but it’s likely because you’re just not eating as much as you’d usually eat, says Julie Upton, RD, co-founder of Appetite for Health.

But, again, the Eat Stop Eat diet isn’t necessarily any better or worse than other forms intermittent fasting like the 5:2 diet . ” is nothing but a twist on regular intermittent fasting, says Upton. There is no data on this specific pattern to say that it’s better or worse than a traditional intermittent-fasting eating schedule.

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Best Intermittent Fasting Apps

Here is the list of best free weight tracking apps and to make it easy for you, we have prepared the list of best apps for intermittent fasting based on their features, price, and platform availability.

However, all these are free intermittent fasting apps, but you may need to pay for subscriptions, in-app purchases, advanced features, and consultations to use any of these best dieting apps.

  • Great tool for monitor weight
  • Check the progress in a timeline

Now lets discuss all these apps in detail to know more about them and find the reason why these apps are the best.

Zero App Setup And Use

Intermittent Fasting (16:8) For Fat Loss

When you download the Zero app on your device and start-up, you can use the Sign-in with Apple id feature to protect your privacy.

Once signed up and ready, you will next choose a fasting program from the available choices. These programs are available in the Timer tab at the bottom.

Once you choose your program, tap on Set Reminder to set up app notifications. These notifications will provide your reminders based on the time and will keep you motivated.

Tap on Start your 16h fast to get started. You can collect badges based on the number of fasts that you can complete. A simple metric that keeps you motivated.

Your screen switches to a timer and shows you how much time has passed since you started fasting, and when your fasting will end.

The other tabs in the app are intuitive.

Once you have finished a fast or two, you can tap on the History tab to get detailed statistics around your progress.

If you use an Apple Watch, you can also take advantage of the Zero apps Healthkit integration features.

The Zero sync syncs your data with Apple Health to fill your graphs with weight, sleep, and resting heart rate data.

Some of the more valuable data related to fasting progress, such as time spent in each of the fasting zones, have been unfortunately moved to the Zero Plus subscription offering.

Tap on the Learn tab, and you will find a well-curated section of articles and videos that offer insights to make the best out of your intermittent fasting program.

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So How Exactly Does Eat Stop Eat Work

Because Eat Stop Eat is a version of intermittent fasting, it is meant to work like any other intermittent-fasting dietwhich is to say, it can help you cut down the amount of calories you’re consuming overall, without having to think about it much. It’s a lot harder to fit in the amount of calories you’d normally eat in a week when you simply have less time to eat. When you do eat, you may find that it’s difficult to overeat, because your stomach has shrunk a bit from fasting too.

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Eat Stop Eat may also jumpstart your metabolism a bit, says Eliza Whetzel-Savage, RD, author of Healing Through Nutrition. “When you cut the eating window down, you are creating a fasting period in which the body will have to use its own stored glycogen from carbohydrates and fat as fuel, she says. When the glucose and glycogen stores are used, the body switches over to a ketogenic state and burns fat for fuel.”

Basically, if you’re in a fasting state long enough, your body starts burning fat as fuel instead of carbs .

The Body Needs Rest To Self

We have completely lost the necessary time required for the body and digestive organs to regenerate . These organs acts like a secondary brain and are responsible for countless functions in our body. As a result of our modern life-style, the digestive organs are constantly working to digest foods. This may cause food intolerance and many other physical problems and illnesses.

Allowing the intestines a break of at least 14 to 16 hours between digestive processes, a process called autophagy will start. The body begins to regenerate cells and promotes healing effects that can heal or alleviate many diseases. Japanese scientist Yoshinori Ohsumi received the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 2016 for discovering the autophagy-effect. More studies show that different types of fasting have impressive effects on the body and even some believe point that intermittent fasting may even be a way to heal diabetes.

Using the BodyFast app, allows you to take full advantage of intermittent fasting.

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The Life Fasting Tracker Can Help You Track Your Fasting And How Long Youve Been In Ketosis

The LIFE Fasting Tracker is a simple, social IF tracker that works for any schedule since it allows you to set the start time, end time, and goals for the length of your fasting periods. It comes with a built-in learning library with research-based articles and tips for intermittent fasters with all levels of experience.

This app integrates with Apples HealthKit to automatically import weight, ketones, and other data from your Health app. It can also import data from Fitbit, Garmin, Oura Ring, the BIOSENSE breath ketone meter, and other devices.

We love this app for pairing with keto, because it can help you track how long youve likely been in ketosis too. Plus, you can connect with friends who also use LIFE Fasting Tracker to fast together and help keep each other motivated.

Fasthabit Meal Tracking App

How I Do Intermittent 16/8 Fasting Health and Weight Loss Benefits

The FastHabit application is perfect for any method of fasting, if you fast the same number of hours per day or if you change the fast window. For example, it works if you are not 16: 8 or if you are not 5: Method 2 and have a short window to eat on both days.

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You can see a summary of the last 10 days, which could help motivate you to stick to your schedule of daily fasting time, and you can set reminders that send notifications on your phone or Apple shows when a quick start or end.

Features of Fasthabit App:

Fasthabit On Play Store Fasthabit On App Store

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Fasthabit Is A Great App To Start With If Youd Like To Try Out Different Intermittent Fasting Plans

If you frequently change up your fasting method , then FastHabit is one of the best ways to keep track of a varied schedule. Just set up your fasting window in the app when youre ready to begin, and get started!

FastHabit is customizable to work with whichever fasting program youre following from week to week, and you can adjust the tracking view to suit your changing preferences. It syncs with Apple Health for easy health management and accountability, and you can set reminders to get a notification on your Apple Watch when your fast is complete.

Hormonal Changes And Menstrual Cycles

Some animal research suggests that intermittent fasting may lead to hormonal changes and undereating. In people with ovaries, these changes may negatively affect menstrual cycles and fertility .

However, most studies are old and have been conducted in animals. Human studies are needed to fully understand how intermittent fasting may affect reproductive health.

Furthermore, postmenopausal individuals may experience different effects from intermittent fasting. Menopause causes changes that can decrease insulin sensitivity and lead to weight gain, and intermittent fasting may help improve these outcomes .


Restricting daily food intake to a particular time window may cause increased food intake and weight gain, as well as short-term hunger and weakness. Older animal studies indicate that intermittent fasting may interfere with fertility.

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But Is It Really Healthy To Fast For 16 Hours

For starters, this diet might be hard to maintain. Say goodbye to dinner parties and late-night dates. And god forbid a friend is late to that 5 p.m. dinner you scheduled.

It may be sustainable if you stick to the strict regimen, Warren says. However, this is difficult to maintain in real-life scenarios like social functions.

Halle Berry uses intermittent fasting as part of her diet routine. Here’s how:

Beyond the downer of not being able to go out for a late-night fancy dinner, in rare cases the 16:8 diet could potentially lead to disordered eating, too, notes Hunnes. For example, if youre someone who doesnt do well with long periods of fasting, you might follow a 16-hour fast with a binge or even start to prolong fasting periods longer than you should. Both would be signs that the diets not working for you and that it could progress to something more serious like an eating disorder, she says.

If you eat too late, you could also potentially interfere with the quality of your sleepso its best to eat earlier in the day, suggests Hunnes.

That said, two recent studies in Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolismshow obese adults can stick to the 16:8 diet without developing or exacerbating body image issues, disordered eating patterns, or sleeping problems.

Choosing A Time Window

Intermittent Fasting Explained â Ali

To get started, begin by picking an 8-hour window and limiting your food intake to that time span.

Popular 16/8 time windows include:

  • 7 a.m. to 3 p.m.
  • 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
  • 12 p.m. to 8 p.m.
  • 2 p.m. to 10 p.m.

Many people prefer to eat between noon and 8 p.m., since you need to fast only overnight and skip breakfast but can still eat a balanced lunch and dinner, along with a few snacks throughout the day.

Others opt to eat between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., which allows plenty of time for a healthy breakfast around 9 a.m., a standard lunch around noon, and a light, early dinner or large snack around 4:30 p.m. before starting your fast.

However, you can experiment and pick the time frame that best fits your schedule.

It may help to set timers at both the beginning and the end of your eating window to remind you when to start and stop eating.

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What Exactly Is The 1: 8 Diet

Its pretty simple. Basically, during your 16-hour “fasting” period, you limit yourself to black tea, coffee, or diet soda. Then, for the next eight hours, you can eat whatever you want . That’s it.

Scientifically, at least, the 16:8 diet seems to check out. In a recent study published in the journal Nutrition and Healthy Aging, 23 obese men and women followed the 16:8 diet for 12 weeks. Compared to a group that ate normally, those on the 16:8 diet took in 350 fewer calories per day, lost a modest amount of weight , and lowered their blood pressure.

But, keep in mind: This was a small study and few others have examined the 16:8 diet specifically, so its tough to draw any firm conclusions just yet. More research needs to be conducted before we can see if and how it can be implemented into an actual plan effectively, confirms Beth Warren, RDN, founder of Beth Warren Nutrition and author of Secrets of a Kosher Girl.

Still, other types of intermittent fasting show promise. The 5:2 diet, for example , resulted in more weight and fat loss compared to day-to-day calorie restriction in a 2017 study in the International Journal of Obesity.

How Much Weight Can You Lose During Intermittent Fasting

Research has shown that intermittent fasting may be able to help with weight loss by boosting metabolism. However, metabolism may be different from person to person. Because intermittent fasting entails restrictions on certain foods, losing weight is likely to occur, but most likely in populations high in obesity. According to experts, intermittent fasting has been found to promote an average loss of 7-11 pounds over 10 weeks.

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If You Do Intermittent Fasting These 5 Apps Are A Must

If you’re just starting out with intermittent fasting, no matter which method you follow, having the right support and motivation is the key to your success. Using apps can be a game-changer, and these five are the best. They all offer different features, so choose the one that best suits your fasting schedule and info you want to track.

Life Intermittent Fast Tracker

16:8 Intermittent Fasting – EVERYTHING You Need to Get Started

This app works best for tracking IF schedules as it allows the users to set their goals and the length of fasting periods. If you are following the keto diet in an intermittent fasting manner, this app can help you track the time when your body enters ketosis. Moreover, you can connect with your friends who are using the app for fasting together, and it helps in motivating each other. The life fasting tracker app is free, and you can install it at any time. However, you have to pay $2.99 per month for the premium version, which unlocks customized fasting schedules.

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Who Should Use Dofasting

DoFasting is a health and wellness company that provides a subscription-based app for intermittent fasting and several weight loss supplements. The DoFasting app helps you monitor your fasting and lose weight with various features:

  • A fasting tracker that indicates your hours of fasting and your eating window
  • Water, food, step, and weight tracker
  • A library of workouts
  • Over 5,000 healthy recipes that you can tailor to your meal preferences
  • Articles about intermittent fasting
  • Challenge mode if youre so inclined to test your limits

The app aims to help you lose weight by providing healthy recipes to cook, workouts to get you moving, and a custom fasting method that fits your lifestyle. The DoFasting supplements work in conjunction with the app to provide needed nutrients and to help suppress hunger, making your fasting regimen more tolerable and effective.

DoFasting is for someone interested in intermittent fasting and looking for exercise and meal ideas. DoFasting allows for flexibility because you can choose your fasting method, what you eat, and how you workout.

If youre looking for a more structured weight loss plan, DoFasting may not be the best option. It is also not ideal if you prefer having social support as part of your weight loss program. The company does not have any coaches, guides, or dieticians to aid with motivation or accountability.

Should I Try The 1: 8 Dietand How Do I Start

For a generally healthy person, there seems to be no harm in only eating for eight hours each day, says Hunnes.

And while more research is needed on the 16:8 diet, overall, intermittent fasting could improve cholesterol levels and brain function, and lower your risk of developing heart disease, cancer, and stroke. Still, youre probably best off getting a clean bill of health from your doc before embarking on this diet, Hunnes notes.

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So, how can you get started with the 16:8 diet? It might be wise to gradually ease into longer periods of fasting, says Hunnes. However, she points out, the long-term weight loss benefits from the 16:8 diet werent that much greater than those youd reap if you just ate less throughout the day or switched to a more plant-based dietso you could try simply cutting back on how much youre eating or adding in more plant-based foods, too.

Its a personal choice, and everyone needs to make these choices based on their own lifestyles and ability, Hunnes says.

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Some people who should not do the 16:8 diet? People with diabetes, kidney disease, or certain metabolic disorders. These conditions can alter your bodys balance, storage, and use of insulin and glucose, making the 16:8 diet a possibly unsafe choice, says Hunnes.

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Zero Best Intermittent Fasting App

Zero is a beautifully designed tracker used for intermittent fasting, circadian rhythm, and personalized elongated fasting. As the largest fasting community via an application in the world, zero, it is easy for you to harness the power of fasting to improve your health.

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Zero can be customized to track your time of fasting, which means that it works regardless of the type of plan you are on . You can select from various preset fasting windows or create your own schedule that can last up to seven days.

Features of Zero app:

  • Reflect on your fasting experience with the journal of fasting
  • Weekly articles made by their expert team of content to keep you inspired and informed
  • Earn badges to celebrate your milestones of fast and stay inspired
  • Set a goal for weight and track your progress
  • Stay progressive with special events and group fasts
  • A beautiful design well thought out, it is easy to start fasting
  • View your progress in fasting over time

Zero On Play Store Zero On App Store

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