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How To Burn Fat While Fasting

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8 Ways to Burn More Fat While Sleeping – Dr. Berg

Check out our Wild30 Fat-Loss System. Youll get all the tools you need to shed fat and feel great. You can be our next success story.

Youll get my quick-start guide with audio, 30-day meal plan full of mouthwatering meals that can be used with or without intermittent fasting, tons of information about how to burn fat fast, a shopping guide, motivation journal, and your 30-day fat-loss manual all for a reduced price!

Ketosis And Intermittent Fasting 16/8

As we have just learned, a strict fasting period forces the body to break down stored carbohydrates and subsequently burn body fat for energy.

This completely natural state of particularly effective fat burning is called ketosis. Moreover, ketosis is the eponym of the ketogenic diet.

This way of eating is a special low-carb, high-fat diet. Hence, you consume about 75-80% of your calories from fats, 20-25% from proteins, and about 5-10% from carbohydrates on keto.

Furthermore, it does nothing but mimic the state of fasting. In this process, despite food intake, insulin levels are lowered, carbohydrate stores are emptied, and the metabolic state of ketosis is achieved.

Because a ketogenic diet aims for the same benefits as fasting, keto and intermittent fasting are excellent to combine.

Even if you break the fast with a meal, you are still in ketosis and, therefore, in a fasting mode.

Hence, the benefits of intermittent fasting 16/8 can be even more significant when you combine it with low carb or keto:

  • No side effects like headaches, upset stomach, keto flu
  • Better fat burning because you get into ketosis faster with low-carb
  • Constant energy level without switching between burning glucose and fat

Is A 13 Hour Fast Effective

Eat an early dinner and see if you can comfortably go 13 hours until you eat breakfast. Research shows extended fasting during the night may improve a breast cancer prognosis and lower cancer risk in general. Fasting has also been shown to decrease the risk for other types of cancer, diabetes, and heart disease.

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Use My Free Diet & Workout Planner Tool To Get The Perfect Program Designed For Your Body And Goal

2.Now the second way that intermittent fasting can help certain individuals burnfat faster

Then they would with regular continuous calorie restriction is because it reduces the number of calories that you eat on a daily basis without reducing the size fullness and quality of your meals.

When youre eating 5 or 6 times a day and youre trying to stay in a calorie deficit to burn fat your meals wind up being tiny.

This could lead to a very unsatisfying experience every time you eat.

If your meals start looking like one brown rice cake with half a tablespoon of peanut butter and only 3 almonds its easy to see how eating can quickly

become more of a chore with no satisfaction rather than something that you actually enjoy.

If you hate your diet youre not going to stick to it and it doesnt matter how good the diet looks on paper if you dont stick to it youre not going to lose any inches off your waist.

This is where intermittent fasting presents an Advantage for many people. By only eating once or twice a day you can have much larger and more filling meals

that leave you satisfied and you can choose from a larger selection of options that would normally be unavailable in the continuous calorie restriction model

because those options may contain too many calories to balance out with 5 other meals.

this is highly dependent on personal preference but for a large group of people including myself, it can make dieting much easier.

Incorporate Your Fasting Window

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This is probably the most obvious step, but something that may be a little more complex than you initially would consider. First of all, the fasting period is crucial to Intermittent Fasting because it allows time for your body to naturally reduce its insulin levels. Insulin is the storing hormone. When insulin is high, fat burning is shut off. When insulin is allowed to naturally dip back down when you aren’t eating, this triggers lipolysis to turn on and therefore allows your body to start using your own fuel sources stored in fat tissues.

When choosing your window, it’s important to choose a time that works best for your schedule. Not everyone’s window will be the same and not everyone’s length of fasting will be the same either. A good rule of thumb is to start at a 12 hour fast if you’re brand new and work your way up to a 16 hour fast as your body gets more “fat adaptive” and metabolically flexible. When choosing the timing of your eating window, I typically recommend starting off at your normal dinner time and counting backwards from here. Dinner is usually the most “fixed” meal of the day and therefore it makes the most sense to adjust your fasting/eating windows around your dinner time.

You can find the step-by-step details for adjusting your eating window to your lifestyle and goals with the Complete Intermittent Fasting Bundle.

Pssst – wondering what type of fasting is best for your goals? Click below for my free Intermittent Fasting Schedule quiz to find out!

Recommended Reading: What Food To Eat For Intermittent Fasting

When To Work Out While Intermittent Fasting

The best time to work out while intermittent fasting is usually upon waking, or shortly after, to support the bodys natural circadian rhythm. Studies show that working out too close to bedtime can interrupt levels of deep and REM sleep, so better save exercise for the following day.

Ideally, you dont want to eat directly after a workout for the same reasons youre exercising in a fasted state: hormone optimization. Studies show that even waiting two to three hours after a workout before eating promotes a rise in growth hormone, which helps make you a fat burner and replaces the used energy . Adaptation to the stress created from a high-intensity workout is the reason a hormone shift occurs. If your schedule only permits a lunchtime workout, you can exercise in your available time, and then benefit from the hormonal boost by refraining from eating until two to three hours after exercising.

Insulin Sensitivity And Insulin Resistance

Many people think insulin is synonymous with blood sugar levels or managing diabetes. Thats only one part of the insulin story. Its an incredibly influential hormone that your body uses in a variety of processes.

Insulin is released in response to eating carbohydrates and it can determine if those calories are used for fuel or put into storage as body fat. Insulin also plays an important role shuttling amino acids into cells to build new muscle.

Because insulin plays so many critical roles, the bodys response to insulin is also critical. The body can either be insulin sensitive, which encourages insulin to choose calorie burning and muscle building, or the body can be insulin resistant, which encourages insulin to prioritize calorie storage .

Several factors can determine the bodys level of resistance or sensitivity, including some genetic components. However, a combination of diet and exercise has been shown to reduce insulin resistance and lead to improved body composition.

Don’t Miss: How To Lose Weight From Intermittent Fasting

Mistake #: Not Training In Your Feeding Window

I highly recommend not training in a fasted state, except maybe on the rare occasion that the only time you can squeeze in a workout on a busy day is during your 16-18-hour fast.

Why am I so insistent on training during your feeding window? Because I believe its critical to train with as much energy and intensity as possible, and youll be better able to do that when youre fed.

If you train fasted, youll also be shortchanging your results. Its critical to have certain nutrients available around workouts for optimal gains in muscle strength, endurance, muscle growth, and even fat loss. Its even more critical to have certain nutrients available for recovery immediately after the workout is over.

Also, study done in my old lab at Yale found that exercise actually decreased the boost in metabolism that fasting offers more specifically, exercise decreases the production of the proteins that cause the boost in metabolism.

If you cant train within your feeding window, do your best to have your first meal within two hours after your workout. That way, you at least get the critical amino acids and carbs to your muscles for adequate recovery.

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Things To Know About Intermittent Fasting And Working Out

How to burn fat fast when doing One Meal A Day (OMAD) intermittent fasting

Favored by those on the low carb diets like Atkins and keto, intermittent fasting is the method of eating only during certain times of day or certain days of the week and fasting for others. Whether its alternate day fasting, our preferred option of 16:8 , or something else entirely, fasting has been show to help some with weight loss, among other health benefits like stabilizing blood sugar levels.

Because exercise has its own health perks, its understandable that you would want to maintain a regular workout schedule while fasting. Here are six things you should know about safely and effectively working out while fasting.

  • Yes, you can continue working out while fasting. But take it easy.
  • Fasted workouts have their benefits. Working out on an empty stomach could help you lose weight because your body will rely on stored fuel, in the form of glycogen and fat rather than burning your most-recent meal.

    While exercising in a fasted state, however, there is a chance your body could start breaking down muscle for fuel. Thats because high-intensity activities rely on carbohydrates for fuel. Which means running sprints or doing your regular CrossFit routine while fasting, or at the end of your fast, may decrease the benefits of your workout. You may also feel less energized to work out hard if youre new to IF.

  • The timing of your workout is up to you.
  • Refuel on protein after your workout
  • Hydration is everything
  • Most importantly, listen to your body.
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    How To Minimize The Negatives Of Fasted Training

    As we mentioned above, there are two primary negatives of fasted training decreased performance and increased risk of muscle loss .

    You cant do much about the first one your body simply needs some time to adjust, and there isnt anything you can do to speed up the process. All you can do is accept the fact that your performance will take a temporary hit, but you can rest assured that it will pick up within three weeks.

    To reduce muscle loss during fasted training you should:

  • Take some BCAAS or EAAS before your workout. That wont kick you out of the fasted state, but it will provide your body with some amino acids that will help slow down the breakdown of muscle.
  • Have a protein-rich post-workout meal as soon as you can. This is by far your best option when it comes to preventing muscle loss.
  • Suggestion:

    Can I Exercise On An Empty Stomach

    Not only is it OK to exercise on an empty stomach, but it actually increases the benefits of exercise and of fasting. This is considered a multi-therapeutic approach, where the synergy of two things that are individually health promoting actually boosts each others benefits to a level that surpasses the level of each combined.

    One of the best ways to take advantage of these benefits is to work out in the morning before breakfast.

    Don’t Miss: What Can You Eat When Doing Intermittent Fasting

    Increase Your Iron Intake

    Iron is an essential vitamin that helps the body convert nutrients into energy. It also helps to deliver oxygen to your cells, which is why those with iron deficiency can feel light-headed and tired they arent getting enough oxygen and red blood cells throughout their body.

    When it comes to fat loss, the more oxygen you can get to your cells the more fat oxidation can take place and the more fatty acid you can break down. Since iron helps your body do this, its important to ensure you are getting enough iron in your diet to help this process. The best sources of iron are lean meats, beans, shellfish, and spinach.

    Intermittent Fasting 16/8 Method


    The classic 16/8 intermittent fasting protocol has just two rules:

    • No breakfast
    • No snacks

    Thats it. Health can be that simple.

    There is no eating during the fasting period. If you feel hungry or thirsty, you may consume the following beverages at any time:

    • Water
    • Tea
    • Coffee

    However, you must avoid any additives such as milk, sugar, or sweeteners in these drinks not to break the fast.

    Recommended Reading: Does Fasting Make Your Metabolism Faster

    Cut Down On Refined Carbs

    Refined carbs are foods that have been heavily processed. During the processing, much of the fibre and nutrients is removed and were left with empty carbs. Foods high in refined carbs include sugary foods, fast food, white bread, soft drinkswe think you get the picture.

    The thing with refined carbs, however, is that the body uses them much quicker than unrefined carbs. As a result, refined carbs create a short burst of energy rather than a slow-release like other foods. Because of this, theyre less filling and youll be hungrier quicker, leading to overeating and weight gain. If youre trying to lose fat, avoid processed foods and opt for more filling whole foods.

    Types Of Intermittent Fasting

    There are a number of different types of intermittent fasting. These include:

    • 16:8: During 16:8 fasting, a person will not eat anything for 16 hours and then have an 8-hour window in which they consume food. During the 16 hours of fasting, people can consume
    • 2016 study found that a prolonged fast of 13 hours overnight can potentially reduce the risk of breast cancer in females.
    • Up-to-the-ninth-hour: During this fast, a person will not consume food for the first 8 hours of their waking day. From the 9th hour, the person can then eat.
    • One meal a day : OMAD fasting involves picking one meal a day to eat and spending the rest of the day fasting.
    • Alternate Day: As the name suggests, alternate day fasting is when a person eats food as normal one day and fasts on the following day.

    If people want to change their usual eating habits, it is worth discussing this with a doctor or nutritionist, especially for a change such as fasting.

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    Protein Timing Could Also Promote Muscle Retention During A Diet

    Protein timing and fasting also led to significant increases in participants’ percentage of fat-free mass, researchers found. Fat-free mass includes muscle tissue, which is important to maintain a healthy metabolism and physical strength, while becoming leaner.

    “Diets don’t discriminate. When we lose weight, we don’t get to choose where the weight comes from,” Arciero said.

    Eating enough protein may be particularly important for fasting, since recent evidence suggests fasting may lead to more muscle loss than other calorie-cutting diets.

    Eat More Lean Protein

    How to burn fat fast using OMAD – One Meal A Day (Intermittent Fasting)

    If you want to maintain as much as possible during a cutting phase, you consume the optimal amount of protein. First, it boosts your metabolism throughout the day because protein takes more energy to digest than carbs or fat. Second, it keeps you full to prevent overeating.

    Finally, it prevents excessive muscle loss that could happen during a cut. Target at least 1g of protein per pound of bodyweight, and get your protein from clean sources like lean meats, nuts, eggs, fish, and quality supplements.

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    Enes Evren / Getty

    Also Check: What The Bible Says About Fasting

    Intermittent Fasting And Keto: The Ultimate Fat Burning Combo

    There are scientific reasons intermittent fasting and keto go hand-in-hand. While each of these fat burning strategies is powerful on its own, they compliment each other perfectly when combined. In this article, well cover the basics of this fat-blasting, brain-building duo and how to figure out if the two are right for you.

    In this article, you will learn:

    Does Fasted Training Have Benefits

    With the risks out of the way, lets now take a look at some of the positives.

    The primary benefit of fasted training is increased fat burning potential. Not only is it possible to burn more fat during fasted training but it is possible to burn more stubborn fat which is categorized as fat with low blood flow, especially around our mid sections. When the body has no energy from food, it will need to take energy from somewhere to allow us to push through our workout. Ideally, we will use stored fat as that energy source. Fasting increases blood flow to the abdominal region. This, in theory, will allow the stubborn fat to be more readily mobilized and burned.

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    Does Keto Work With Intermittent Fasting

    Yes, the ketogenic diet can work with intermittent fasting. In fact, combining these two diets can help you reach your health goals even faster! The ketogenic diet helps to promote weight loss and improve mental clarity, while intermittent fasting helps to reduce inflammation and improve insulin sensitivity.

    Intermittent Fasting And Muscle Mass

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    If youre worried about losing muscle mass while intermittent fasting, dont be. One study found that fasting actually helped to preserve muscle mass in people who were resistance training. Another study found that intermittent fasting didnt have any significant effect on muscle mass in healthy adults.

    Recommended Reading: How To Do Intermittent Fasting To Lose Weight Fast

    Become An Intermittent Fasting Fat

    There are a variety of ways you can increase your ability to burn fat while intermittent fasting.

    The five suggestions above are just a few of the best options.

    You need to commit to a healthy diet, regular exercise, and understand that intermittent fasting is only one piece of achieving and maintaining a healthy weight.

    Its not a fad diet its a lifestyle.

    I hope these tips help you achieve the body you crave and deserve.

    Though you dont have to count calories, you WILL want to track your fasting hours, workouts, and take notes on how youre feeling, whats working and whats not.

    I personally found many fitness planners that would track one thing but not the other, as they werent geared specifically toward intermittent fasting.

    Frustrated, I chose to create the perfect intermittent fasting planner to suit my needs, and its available on if youd like to grab a copy of your own!

    It has everything you need to get started losing weight with intermittent fasting, including a place to track your measurements, 12 weeks of sheets to log your daily fasting hours, pages to track your strength training and cardio workouts each day, space for notes, and a slot for before and after pictures.

    Plus, its small enough to fit in your purse or gym bag.

    It really has been the perfect solution for me, and I use it every day to stay on top of my goals. Its helped me stay focused and organized which is so important on this weight loss journey.

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