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How To Intermittent Fasting 14 10

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So How Many Hours Should You Fast

Can You Lose Weight on a 14:10? Intermittent Fasting Viewer Q& A

When you explore the beginners guide to intermittent fasting, you may find these schedules very restrictive and difficult to follow. Its a good idea to start slow and fast for 12 hours and eat for 12, or fast for 14 hours and eat for 10.

For women, the 14:10 schedule is easier to follow. For men, this can vary as some men find alternate-day fasting easier to follow.

Working your way slowly will make it easier for you to adjust to a certain intermittent fasting type. You can eventually increase the fasting periods and decrease the eating windows.

After Two Months Of 16/8 Intermittent Fasting

Thinking Id discovered the holy grail of weight loss, I got a little cocky.

I tried experimenting with a few variables etc). I wanted to see if I just how well Intermittent Fasting could overcome bad habits.

Reality check I learned that Intermittent Fasting is NOT a magic cure-all for overcoming bad diet habits eating a bunch of bad food and drinking more beer is too much for Intermittent Fasting to overcome.

At the end of Month 2 heres where I was

  • Results Vs Prior Month:
  • Waist
  • Belly

Good News: in spite of the bad habits I tried in Month 2, I didnt lose a lot of my gains and I was still in good shape vs my baseline. Now thats a pretty forgiving diet!

Possible Reversal Of Type 2 Diabetes

Evidence shows that IF can help with insulin resistance and sensitivity. The food control which is encouraged by fasting helps to reduce blood sugar levels, which is helpful for controlling insulin. More evidence suggests that intermittent fasting may be able to reverse actually developing the diseases.

One study involved type 2 diabetic patients using fasting as a therapeutic technique for reducing insulin resistance as opposed to medication. The results demonstrated that fasting can be as effective as medication. Fasting helps control blood sugar levels, which helps control and improve insulin complications that diabetic patients suffer with. Thus, suggesting that fasting may lower the risk of developing diabetes.

This study also resulted in these patients losing weight, reducing their waist circumference and improving their blood sugar levels.

Also Check: Can You Drink Alcohol While Intermittent Fasting

Should You Do Intermittent Fast Every Day

If you can follow a daily intermittent fasting schedule, your body gets used to the cycle, and you may not feel as hungry as you do when you start. Your body adapts to the change in eating patterns.

Lets face it we are used to eating several times a day. And if you gradually ease into intermittent fasting, you will find it gets easier.

However, suppose you feel that you simply cannot do this. In that case, you can try expanding your eating window to 12 or 14 hours and eating a lot of vegetables and fruits, which are filling and yet not very calorific.

Do you find this very restricting? Then opt for skipping meals occasionally. Whatever method you adopt, know that eating fewer calories and eating healthier will enable you to lose weight and improve your health.

How Often Can You Do Intermittent Fasting

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This also up to you. There are no set rules on how often you can do intermittent fasting for. You can have an initial phase where you hit your goals after a couple of weeks. Then have a break for say 3 months and eat the routine way for the 3 months.

Then, re-start intermittent fasting again for another 3 months, have a break for 3 months and do the same thing again.

You can use a 2 month ON, 2 months OFF model, 4 months ON, 4 months OFF . Do this repeatedly. No rigid rules about how often you can fast intermittently.

If the question is about how often to fast during the week, it would depend on the IF plan you adopt. The 5:2 requires you to fast 2 days a week . Alternate day fasting is as the name suggests, every other day.

The 2 days you fast in the 5:2 plan are not actually a total fast. It only requires you to hold back on your calories to 500 Calories for those 2 days.

The true 24-hour fast may require you to do this twice or three times a week, if you can handle that frequency.

If you cant, even one day a week is okay until you get comfortable with it and you can then try 2 days a week.

Even one day a week is certainly better than what you are currently doing. It will still work. Its just going to take longer.

So, if you want to know how many weeks to do intermittent fasting, all I can say is theres no one size fits all approach.

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What Is The Keto Diet

The ketogenic diet is a high-fat, very low-carb way of eating.

Carbs are typically reduced to 20 to 50 grams per day, which forces your body to rely on fats instead of glucose for its main energy source .

In the metabolic process known as ketosis, your body breaks down fats to form substances called ketones that serve as an alternate fuel source .

This diet is an effective way to shed pounds, but it has several other benefits as well.

The keto diet has been used for nearly a century to treat epilepsy and also demonstrates promise for other neurological disorders (

Whats more, it may reduce blood sugar, improve insulin resistance and lower heart disease risk factors like triglyceride levels .


The ketogenic diet is a very low-carb, high-fat diet linked to potential health benefits, such as weight loss and improved blood sugar control.

If you commit to the ketogenic diet while doing intermittent fasting as well, it could offer the following benefits.

Also Check: Is 119 High For Fasting Blood Sugar

Whole Foods And The Brain

The brain is a really hungry organ, and it uses 25% of the total energy you consume from your food. Everything it needs to function at its best isyou guessed ita whole, unprocessed food.

In fact, the best diet recommended for brain health is the MIND Diet. In one study, it was shown that people who follow the MIND diet closely had a 53% reduced rate of developing Alzheimers.

Some of the best whole foods for the brain are:

  • Oily fish

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The Benefits Of Intermittent Fasting

Fat loss is great, but it isn’t the only benefit of fasting.

1. Intermittent fasting makes your day simpler.

I’m big on behavior change, simplicity, and reducing stress. Intermittent fasting provides additional simplicity to my life that I really enjoy. When I wake up, I don’t worry about breakfast. I just grab a glass of water and start my day.

I enjoy eating and I don’t mind cooking, so eating three meals a day was never a hassle for me. However, intermittent fasting allows me to eat one less meal, which also means planning one less meal, cooking one less meal, and stressing about one less meal. It makes life a bit simpler and I like that.

2. Intermittent fasting helps you live longer.

Scientists have long known that restricting calories is a way of lengthening life. From a logical standpoint, this makes sense. When youre starving, your body finds ways to extend your life.

Theres just one problem: who wants to starve themselves in the name of living longer?

I dont know about you, but Im interested in enjoying a long life. Starving myself doesnt sound that appetizing.

The good news is that intermittent fasting activates many of the same mechanisms for extending life as calorie restriction. In other words, you get the benefits of a longer life without the hassle of starving.

Way back in 1945 it was discovered that intermittent fasting extended life in mice. More recently, this study found that alternate day intermittent fasting led to longer lifespans.

How Gender Impacts Your Fasting Routine

Keto Me: Intermittent Fasting Part 2-14/10 & 16/8

From a biological standpoint, gender can impact the success of intermittent fasting. Male and female body composition and metabolic systems are different from each other. Physical activity, hormone levels, caloric intake, and fasting impact each of us differently.

Due to these reasons, males tend to benefit from fasting more than females. Females also should not focus on long-term fasting or drastic reduction in caloric intake.

Over thousands of years, the genetic makeup of females benefits most from the constant intake of high-quality calories, which eliminates such fasting regimes as 20:4 fasting from a female routine. The optimal amount of fasting would be 14 hours per day.

For males, skipping breakfast or skipping a day of eating might be just what the doctor recommended.

In both cases, the most important thing is to avoid hangriness, a state when you become very upset while hungry. The key here is to balance out your meals and eat highly nutritious meals throughout the eating window.

Generally, try to eat high-protein and high-fiber dishes to stay satiated for longer.

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I Didn’t Sleep Very Well

I’m not sure if this was one of the results of intermittent fasting, but I noticed that I didn’t sleep very well during my experiment. After a few days, I woke up multiple times during the night feeling super thirsty and had to get up to drink water before I could fall asleep again. I tried to adjust the types of food I was eating to fix it. Other bloggers who have tried the diet reported similar problems, but I couldn’t find concrete research linking the issue with fasting besides my fellow IFers accounts. I normally don’t have a problem sleeping, so this was definitely a negative side effect.

What Is Intermittent Fasting

In case youre not down with the term, intermittent fasting is a type of eating plan that involves alternate periods of eating and fasting. Only water, coffee, or tea are allowed. Because you can eat what you want during the times you can eat, IF works for a lot of people. Its straightforward, and you can tailor the diet to your specific requirements.

However, intermittent fasting isnt for everyone. Intermittent fasting can be a tough diet to stick to if you like to snack and feel hungry when you cant. Still, its worth a shot for people who want to lose weight and can make fasting work with their schedule.

Also, IF has been shown to improve insulin sensitivity, lower cholesterol, reduce inflammation, and support your immune system, giving you clearer skin and better sleep too.

It can also be an excellent way to practice mindful eating habits. There are numerous fasting schedules to choose from, so you can experiment to see which one works best for you.

Yet, is there one intermittent fasting schedule that is best for weight loss?

Here are five popular intermittent fasting plans to try for weight loss. Remember, the most successful diet is one that you can stick to.

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Fasting Works Because It Helps Give Our Cells A Break

Though this study was done in overweight patients, other recent work has suggested that the same technique can improve the health of other adults on a cellular level.

“I’m not saying food is our enemy, absolutely not, we need to eat otherwise we die,” cancer researcher Dr. Miriam Merad told Insider when her recent study on intermittent fasting in a dozen healthy adults was released. “But it is true that we probably eat too much … we eat too often.”

The reason why fasting is good for us, Merad suspects, may have to do with a type of immune cell called a monocyte, which our bodies typically release to fight off infections and wounds.

Monocytes are inflammatory, and the white blood cells can cluster to heal the body when we’re injured. But any time we eat food, monocytes are also standing guard in case we ingest any threatening microorganisms. This is especially true when we consume sugar. Monocytes also accumulate in fat tissue, contributing to chronic disease.

Taub has another cellular-level theory about the benefits of fasting that she’s testing out in a multi-year trial funded by the National Institutes of Health. Her hypothesis is that fasting helps support the health of our cells’ mitochondria, which are integral to the body’s metabolism. Regular fasting, she suspects, may help our mitochondria operate more efficiently.

  • Read more:

What Foods Promote Weight Loss In 14/10 Intermittent Fasting

10 Critical Ketogenic Diet Tips For Best Results ...

Although intermittent fasting does not specify any particular food requirements or restrictions in your diet, it is essential to consider nutritional foods which will help you to get desired results. A healthy and well-balanced diet is vital to see the effectiveness of any fasting methods. Here is a list of a few healthy foods which you can consider during your intermittent fasting.

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Your Fasting Window Is Too Short

If you want to notice a difference in your body weight, your eating window during your intermittent fasting diet should be significantly less than normal.

If the difference between your eating window before and during intermittent fasting is only an hour or two, you might barely notice significant weight loss.

A 14-hour fasting window with a 10-hour eating window seems like a great place to start. However, if you find the 14 hours to be too long, you could start with a shorter fasting duration and work your way up.

Breakfast: Green Smoothie At 8 Am

After fasting, I like to ease into my day of eating with a smoothie since it is a little easier for my gut to digest. You’ll want to go for a green smoothie instead of a high-sugar fruit smoothie to avoid starting your day on a blood-sugar roller coaster. Add in lots of healthy fats to keep you going until lunch!



  • Mix together coconut cream and ½ teaspoon cinnamon.
  • Line an 8-by-8-inch square pan with parchment paper and spread coconut cream and cinnamon mixture at the bottom.
  • Mix together ½ teaspoon of cinnamon with coconut oil and almond butter. Spread over the first layer in the pan.
  • Freeze for 10 minutes and cut into desired-size squares or bars.
  • Read Also: How To Get Electrolytes While Fasting

    The Easy Way To Do Intermittent Fasting

    The easy way to do intermittent fasting is what I call 12:12 intermittent fasting.

    This title simply means that for 12 hours of the day you fast, and 12 hours you consume all of your calories.

    In other words, you have a 12-hour window of eating during the day.

    This method is very simple to do.

    In fact, I do this on a daily basis as do the people that follow my 0, 1, 2, 3 Strategy .

    The 3 of my strategy reminds you to stop eating three hours before bed.

    For instance, if you go to bed at 10:30 PM, you want to stop eating at 7:30 PM.

    To create your 12-hour fast, you simply delay breakfast until 7:30 AM.

    This easy way to do intermittent fasting will help you lose weight because it allows your insulin and blood sugar levels to drop overnight, which moves your body into a fat-burning state.

    How To Get Started

    10 INTERMITTENT FASTING MISTAKES [that you’re probably making]

    Getting started is simple.

    In fact, chances are youve already done many intermittent fasts before. Many people instinctively eat this way, skipping morning or evening meals.

    The easiest way to get started is to choose one of the intermittent fasting methods above and give it a go.

    However, you dont need to necessarily follow a structured plan.

    An alternative is to fast whenever it suits you. Skipping meals from time to time when you dont feel hungry or dont have time to cook can work for some people.

    At the end of the day, it doesnt matter which type of fast you choose. The most important thing is to find a method that works best for you and your lifestyle.


    The easy way to get started is to choose one of the methods above and give it a go. Stop immediately if you experience any adverse effects.

    Also Check: 14:10 Fasting

    How Does Intermittent Fasting Work

    To understand how intermittent fasting leads to fat loss we first need to understand the difference between the fed state and the fasted state.

    Your body is in the fed state when it is digesting and absorbing food. Typically, the fed state starts when you begin eating and lasts for three to five hours as your body digests and absorbs the food you just ate. When you are in the fed state, it’s very hard for your body to burn fat because your insulin levels are high.

    After that timespan, your body goes into what is known as the postabsorptive state, which is just a fancy way of saying that your body isnt processing a meal. The postabsorptive state lasts until 8 to 12 hours after your last meal, which is when you enter the fasted state. It is much easier for you body to burn fat in the fasted state because your insulin levels are low.

    When you’re in the fasted state your body can burn fat that has been inaccessible during the fed state.

    Because we don’t enter the fasted state until 12 hours after our last meal, it’s rare that our bodies are in this fat burning state. This is one of the reasons why many people who start intermittent fasting will lose fat without changing what they eat, how much they eat, or how often they exercise. Fasting puts your body in a fat burning state that you rarely make it to during a normal eating schedule.

    Popular Ways To Do Intermittent Fasting

    Intermittent fasting has recently become a health trend. Devotees claim it can cause weight loss, improve metabolic health, and maybe even extend life span.

    Every method can be effective, but figuring out which one works best depends on the individual.

    Several methods of this eating pattern exist. But before embarking on an intermittent fast or deciding how often to fast, you should speak with a healthcare professional.

    Here are 6 popular ways to do intermittent fasting.

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