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Making Up Fasting For Ramadan

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Tip 10 Trust Your Body

Making up missed Ramadan days first or fasting the 6 of Shawwal #DrMuhammadSalah #fatwa #HUDATV

Considering the fact that every person has a different lifestyle, sleeping schedule, and eating likes and dislikes, theres no standard Ramadan Rule Book that will work for all.

Therefore, it is important to trust your body, mind, and soul in order to figure out a regimen that works for you.

If you are having trouble with fasting, and even these tips dont work for you, we recommend talking to a healthcare provider or dietitian to help you determine a routine and a meal plan for your body type.

What Is Making An Intention

A vow, indication or thought that crosses your mind at any part during the night that youre fasting the next day during Ramadan is a valid intention. There is no need for a specific intention or dua just before Fajr adhan.

Its not necessary to make the intention before Fajr for involuntary fasts. As long as something which invalidates the fast is not present or has not been present then the intention for it can be done at any point in time even if its an hour before Maghrib, the fast will still be valid.

The reward of course differs from the one who fasted the whole day and the one who started later is different.

Tips For Fasting In Ramadan 2023

Here are some quick tips for fasting in Ramadan 2023:

  • When starting the fast for the next day, you should try to eat right before the crack of dawn.
  • When breaking your fast in Ramadan, start by consuming high-in-energy food in a small quantity, such as dates.
  • In order to minimise the chances of feeling dehydrated by the end of the fast, you should try to drink as much decaffeinated and sugar-free water as possible.

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What Is Forbidden During Ramadan

During the holy month of Ramadan, Muslims are forbidden from drinking any liquids, eating any food, engaging in sexual activity, vomiting intentionally, and smoking from sunrise to sunset .

Not only this but chewing gum, swearing, arguing, and taking part in any activity or thought that could invalidate your fast is strictly prohibited in Ramadan.

Missing A Fast On Purpose

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Missing a fast on purpose may be considered a sin depending on the reasoning for it and the intent behind it. When this is the case, there are two distinct categories that you may fall into. The first is those who are exempt and cannot do the fast. Most people will know that they will be unable to do the fast, but provided they have a valid reason to do so, it may not be considered a sin.

The Quran permits a number of reasons you can break your fast without it being considered a sin. They are as follows:

  • Not being of age
  • Not being in good health
  • Being elderly or frail as a result of age

If you fall into any of these categories, it is permissible for you to miss the fast and pay compensation through Fidya. Sometimes, issues arise during Ramadan which mean you may not be able to continue with the rest of your fast. Provided they are one of the issues below, you will also not be committing a sin and will be liable to pay Fidya:

  • Starting your menstruation cycle

In comparison, if you intend to miss a fast and do so willingly without having a valid reason, this is considered a sin in the eyes of Allah . Sawm is an integral part of Islam and is one of the core principles the religion is founded on, so to willingly disregard it is akin to willingly disregarding the wishes and commands of Allah . For this, there is a harsh compensation that must be paid that is known as Kaffarah.

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What Is The Redemption Fee And Its Amount

The Prophet, on him be peace, as is the standard with most general divine rulings established in the Quran, specified the redemption fee for each missed Ramadan fasting day. Its amountis based on a volume measurement known as a sa.

A sa is a traditional volume measure. It is equal to four double-handfuls. Heres a chart of volume measuresin the prophetic system adopted from the people of Madinah.

The Prophet set the fidyah redemption fee for each validly missed Ramadan fasting day at half a sa two double handfuls of foodstuff common to and normally eaten by the people who live in the same locality where the non-fasting person lives.

Note that a sa volume measurement differs for liquids and grains. One sa of water is 2.75 liters, or just under three quarts. One sa of grain is 2.176 kg, or just under 5 lbs.

The Other Components That Make Up Ramadan

Ramadan is a month that is commonly known in the Muslim world. Despite the fact that it is celebrated by people of different cultures and backgrounds across the globe, there are unspoken components to Ramadan that are known to Muslims everywhere. Here is a walkthrough of some of the most critical aspects of Ramadan so that we can get a better understanding of what its all about:

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Kaffarah For Intentionally Breaking A Fast

Upon breaking the fast intentionally, one has to fast for sixty consecutive days or feed sixty, distinct needy individuals. This applies to all days where a fast was broken intentionally. The food must consist of at least 75o grams of wheat, rice or dates.

Kaffarah can also be paid in the form of money. The only condition, however, is that the amount of money should only be used to buy food for the needy and deserving.

Missing A Fast Accidentally

making up missed fasting of Ramadan for years #DrMuhammadSalah #fatwa #islamqa #HUDATV

Many facets of Islam boil down to intent, and breaking or missing a fast during Ramadan is no different. If you genuinely forget that it is Ramadan and you take a sip of water or nibble on a piece of food, only to later remember its Ramadan, your fast wont necessarily be broken or missed. This is because there was no direct intent to miss the fast.

It is believed that Prophet Muhammad said:

Whoever forgets that he is fasting and eats or drinks, let him complete his fast, for the One Who fed him and gave him to drink was Allah. Abu Hurayrah

This cements the fact that genuine errors are accepted and Allah wont punish you for them, though every effort must be made to abide by the Ramadan rules.

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A Word On Islams Ethic Of Ease

The divine allowance of the fidyah redemption payment for people who have difficulty fasting to provide sufficient food for those in need is a sign of Islams toleration and ease. Allah does not increase burden on those who are ill or traveling with fasting.

It is important to keep in mind that this provision of ease in Islam takes into consideration the different circumstances of people and does not burden them with unnecessary or overwhelming hardship, neither payer nor recipient.

It is not, however, acceptable for anyone to use the phrase Islam is a religion of ease as a cover for neglecting obligations. The fidyah must be paid for those who validly cannot fast Ramadan.

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Ramadan Fasting In The Arctic

Muslims have to fast during daylight hours. But what if the Sun never sets? Muslim communities in the far north of Norway, Sweden, and Canada, have some experience with this. Every year, they live through many months where the Sun never sinks below the horizon.

The Midnight Sun over northern Norway never sets. What does this mean for Ramadan fasting?


How are these communities dealing with the Ramadan rules? Since every Muslim community can make their own rules about fasting, they have come up with different strategies:

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Tip 9 Portion Control And Balanced Diet Is The Key

Did you know it takes your body 20 minutes to register that you have eaten enough? While its normal to go overboard with your Iftar meals after an entire day of fasting, it is advised that you eat mindfully and slowly so that you get the time to listen to your body.

This prevents you from overeating and puts less stress on your digestive system, keeping your inner body functions active and minimising your chances of getting sick.

Although cravings might be intense, you should also avoid high-sugar, salty, and fried foods, as the only thing they do is make you gain weight and feel fatigued and sluggish. Instead, try incorporating foods from the major food groups, such as rice, vegetables, meat, and fruit.

Pro-Tip: Plan your meals beforehand as it helps you stay committed to a healthy diet.

Things That Enter The Body

Fulfilling The True Purpose Of The Holy Month Of Ramadan
  • The Hanabila holds that ones fast is invalidated if liquid or something reaches the throat but not the stomach because it is impossible to know if it went further or if it reached the stomach or not.
  • Some of the scholars say since this is unrelated to food and drink this doesnt break the fast and this is just qiyas. Of those who hold this position is Ibn Taymiyyah who says that Allah has made fasting invalidated only through food or drink or its likes.
  • So even if things reach the stomach it doesnt break the fast. The vast majority of the scholars disagree with this and say it invalidates the fast as the Prophet showed us that its not just the food and drink that breaks the fast. Exaggerate in rinsing the mouth unless youre fasting.
  • If a person swallows phlegm which could have been spat out, then this breaks the fast. Saliva is excused as that is second nature and because of its common occurrence.
  • Sometimes spitting out phlegm is not possible, and this, scholars say is closer to saliva and can also be excused. Even better to avoid swallowing phlegm as and when possible.
  • The asl is that nothing breaks ones fast except for what the Shariah says breaks the fast. So, for such grey areas, there is some scope and flexibility where the scholars say that the fast is complete and valid.

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Best Type Of Food To Eat During Suhoor

Suhoor is a meal that is eaten before sunrise. After this meal, not a single drop of water or morsel of food can enter the mouth of a fasting individual. This makes the meal eaten during Suhoor the most important meal of Ramadan, as it should be sufficient enough to keep you active throughout the day.

Therefore, for Suhoor, opt for fluid-rich and starchy foods that are high in fiber and energy as these types of meals can help ensure that you feel fuller throughout the day. Here are some high-nutrient, wholesome foods that you can eat at Suhoor:

In order to keep your meals as healthy as possible, limit the use of oil. Instead, opt for alternatives like baking, grilling, shallow-frying, and steaming food items rather than consuming deep-fried items.

What Is Ramadan Actually About

Ramadan is the most sacred month of the year for Muslims the Prophet Mohammed reportedly said, “When the month of Ramadan starts, the gates of heaven are opened and the gates of hell are closed and the devils are chained.”

Muslims believe it was during this month that God revealed the first verses of the Quran, Islam’s sacred text, to Mohammed, on a night known as “The Night of Power” .

During the entire month of Ramadan, Muslims fast every day from dawn to sunset. It is meant to be a time of spiritual discipline of deep contemplation of one’s relationship with God, extra prayer, increased charity and generosity, and intense study of the Quran.

But if that makes it sound super serious and boring, it’s really not. It’s a time of celebration and joy, to be spent with loved ones. At the end of Ramadan theres a big three-day celebration called Eid al-Fitr,or the Festival of the Breaking of the Fast.

It’s kind of like the Muslim version of Christmas, in the sense that it’s a religious holiday where everyone comes together for big meals with family and friends, exchanges presents, and generally has a lovely time.

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How To Make Up For A Broken Fast

As mentioned above, there are two ways you can make up for a missed fast depending on the reason why it was missed. If you missed your fast for a permissible reason, you must make up for it through . This is equivalent to paying for one needy person to eat every day you are unable to fast for, or fasting one day per missed day of fasting later in the year.

If you missed your fast on purpose and without a valid reason, you must make up for it through Kaffarah. This is equivalent to paying for 60 needy people to eat every day or fasting 60 consecutive days.

Whether you are liable to pay Fidya or Kaffarah, it is always preferable that you fast rather than pay money where possible.

This is because fasting teaches us valuable lessons about self-control and restraint.

It also allows us to cleanse our minds and bodies so that we can channel all our energy into building a stronger bond with Allah .

When To Make Up Missed Fasts

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The time for making up the fasts lasts until the next Ramadan begins you can make them up at any time during this period, on consecutive days or separately .

It is not permissible for one to delay making them up after the following Ramadan, unless he has an excuse.

Not fasting with no excuse

But if you did not fast deliberately, with no excuse, then one of two scenarios must apply:

  • You decided not to fast from the night before, and you did not intend to fast. In this case making up the fast is not valid, because fasting is an act of worship that is linked to a specific time, and if a person fails to do it, it is not valid after that time, because the Prophet said: Whoever does an action that is not in accordance with this matter of ours will have it rejected. and Muslim
  • You did intend to fast from the night before, and you started the day fasting, then you broke your fast during the day with no excuse. You have to make up for this day, because you started to do it, which makes it like a vow that you must fulfil.
  • Hence the Prophet commanded the one who had intercourse during the day in Ramadan to make up that day, and he said to him: Fast one day in its place. , classed as sahih by al-Albani in Sahih Sunan Ibn Majah)

    Fidyah for missed fasts

    In addition to that, if you broke the fast during the day without any excuse by having intercourse , you must make it up and also offer expiation.

    For more, please see these answers: 34564 and 11141 .

    And Allah knows best.

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    Abstaining For A Valid Fast

    A “valid” fast requires two main factors: intention and abstinence. Muslims must have the intention to fast every night during the month of Ramadan. They also must abstain from acts that nullify the fast: eating, drinking, smoking, engaging in sexual intercourse, intentionally vomiting, menstruating, or bleeding during childbirth. These requirements apply to all observing Muslims who are of age and who are of sound mind. During fasting, one should only take medication in case of a life-threatening situation.

    Most aspects of everyday life are still permitted during Ramadan. Muslims can shower, draw blood, breathe in different smells, rinse the mouth and nose, apply deodorant, kiss or embrace their spouse, and apply eyedrops. Unintentional vomiting , bathing, and brushing teeth do not invalidate an intended fast. Swallowing one’s own saliva or phlegm and wearing contact lenses are also permissible.

    Thinking about breaking the fast, or breaking it accidentally or forgetfully, does not invalidate it, but intentionally breaking the fast requires making up for it in different ways, depending on the type and degree of the transgression. Muslims should break the fast at the appropriate time by either drinking water or eating an odd number of dates. Remember: a single sip of water breaks the fast, so it should only be done at the prescribed times.

    Tip 6 Never Skip Suhoor

    Substituting breakfast, Suhoor is the first meal that you are allowed to have before sunrise. This makes Suhoor one of the most essential meals with which to kickstart your day in a healthy way.

    Having a wholesome meal in Suhoor doesnt only nourish your body but provides all the necessary nutrients to keep you active throughout the day.

    To help you stay on schedule, we recommend delaying Suhoor time 40 to 50 minutes before sunrise. Doing so gives you sufficient time to have a fulfilling meal and drink enough water, reducing the chances of feeling thirsty or hungry while fasting. You can simply set the alarm or ask a family member to wake you up on time.

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    How Much Do You Pay For Missed Fasts

    There are different rates of compensation that are owed depending on whether you must pay Fidya or Kaffarah. For Fidya, the rates are as follows:

    • One day of fasting for every fast that is missed
    • A donation equivalent to feeding one hungry person for every fast that is missed

    For Kaffarah, the rates are as follows:

    • 60 days of fasting.
    • A donation equivalent to feeding 60 hungry people

    The monetary rate for Fidya varies year on year in line with the price of staple foods like wheat and grains.

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