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What You Can Drink During Fasting

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Avoid The Rookie Mistakes

What Really Breaks A Fast? (Fasting Basics 2) | Jason Fung

If youre doing intermittent fasting, then you need to avoid all caloric intake for a certain period of time. You cant eat food, drink juices, have desserts or snacks DOH! we must staaarveee

Its not that bad actually

Once your body enters a fasted state, your physiology shifts into mild ketosis, which increases fat burning and reduces appetite.

So, the longer you fast, the deeper into ketosis you get and the easier it gets. Theres not much difference in terms of your hunger levels between fasting for 48 hours VS fasting for 5 days because your body adapts very quickly to the abstinence of calories.

Nevertheless, there are still some additional beverages you can drink during your fast that wont break the fast.

Can I Combine Coffee And Intermittent Fasting

Because a cup of brewed coffee is fat-free and almost no-cal, it wont screw up your fast…so long as it’s black coffee, says Boules. All your regular coffee variations and add-ins will cost you fat and caloriesand consuming fat and calories means you are no longer fasting.

According to the USDA, plain black coffee is around two to five calories . But once you start pouring in sugar, milk, or cream, youre adding anywhere from 16 to nearly 100 more calories to your morning joe. So while coffee can be a decent way to feel like youre consuming something during your fasting hours, make sure youre drinking it black to keep your calories almost nonexistent. The more calories you feed your body, the more outside fuel it has to use as energy, which means it won’t utilize the glucose stored up in your fat cells, in theory. Fast, broken.

But you dont necessarily want to start a coffee-drinking habit just to soothe your hunger pains if you’re doing intermittent fasting. Caffeine can temporarily speed metabolism and potentially take you out of that starvation mode. “But if you’re a regular caffeine consumer, the thermogenic effect is minimal, explains Boules.

In other words, if youre already addicted to an a.m. coffee, you should be okay: The calories are minimal and your body is adjusted to the caffeine. But if you were a decaf tea drinker before, dont start chugging espresso, mmkay?

What Else Can I Drink While I’m In A Fasted State

Obviously, you can drink wateryou can even punch it up with some fresh fruit or a squeeze of lemon for flavor as long as you arent actually eating the fruit. But Boules says you can also reach for unsweetened tea, which is zero calories without anything extra added to it.

What you cant drink, however, are things like fruit juices, green juices, or smoothies. This trips people up sometimes, because we tend to think stuff in liquid form is calorie-free, just like water. But juices and smoothies are made with food, which means they have enough calories to break your fast.

The whole idea behind the alleged health-promoting benefits is actually fasting , says Boules. consuming something caloric during fasting hours in the form of sweetened beverages, juices, or smoothies, you’re not fasting.

Remember, the whole concept of intermittent fasting relies on a prolonged, uninterrupted period of not consuming any calories .

Most people opt for a 16:8 dietfasting for 16 hours per day and eating during an 8-hour windowthough it’s not totally clear as of now if 16 hours of intermittent fasting is the magic number of fasting hours to see weight-loss results. But, that’s a reasonable rule to follow until science reveals more about IF.

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One Exception To The Rule

There is an exception to the no-cal rule while intermittent fasting. If you prefer your coffee with cream and sugar, that’s still on the menu with the 5:2 intermittent fasting method. The reason has to do with how you restrict your caloric intake.

The 5:2 method differs from the 16:8 method, where you’re only supposed to consume calories during a certain period of time each day. The 5:2 method, however, doesn’t restrict you to a certain time period. Rather, it restricts how many calories you consume for certain days of the week.

The 5:2 intermittent fasting method means that five days out of the week you consume a recommended amount of calories for your height, weight, age, and sex. But for two, nonconsecutive days of the week you cut your caloric intake down to about 20% to 25% of your recommended amount.

Therefore, you can consume whatever you like on the 5:2 method including a cappuccino at 8 am, if so choose. You just have to be aware of how that will count toward your total caloric intake on those two restrictive days.

The Basics Of Intermittent Fasting

What to Drink and Eat While Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting is more than just not eating. The goal isn’t calorie restriction it’s giving your body a break from food so that it can focus its energy on cleansing, rather than digesting.

Your body contains proteins and other structures that constantly become dysfunctional or die, according to the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research . This isn’t a bad thing it’s a necessary process for optimal health.

Enter a process called autophagy. Autophagy is a form of cellular cleansing where the body marks damaged parts of cells and unused proteins as potentially harmful. Once your body gets this message, the damaged parts are cleared out, according to February 2018 research in Obesity.

However, if autophagy is never initiated, dead or dysfunctional cells can accumulate in the body, which can lead to diseases like lupus, type 1 diabetes and cancer, per the WEHI. Fortunately, fasting can trigger the cleansing process, per the Obesity research.

There are many different fasting patterns to pick from, but all of them involve eating during specific windows of the day and then abstaining from food otherwise, according to Johns Hopkins Medicine. For instance, the popular 16:8 diet provides an eight-hour eating period followed by 16 hours of fasting.

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Be Mindful Not To Overeat

It can be easy to overeat between fasting periods.

Although fasting doesnt emphasize what you eat as much as when you eat, its not designed to be an excuse to eat unhealthy foods.

Overeating and eating junk food between fasting periods can cancel out the health benefits of fasting. Instead, choose minimally processed, whole foods as much as possible for the most overall health benefits.


When youre ready to break your fast, start with foods and drinks that will be gentle on your digestive system. Avoid foods that are especially high in sugar, fat, and fiber. Additionally, take care not to overeat.

Can You Drink Or Eat Anything While Fasting

Yes, you can drink while fasting but you cannot eat while fasting. All solid foods have calories and therefore, they will break your fast.

After a 12-hour fast, I sometimesdrink a cup of Bulletproof Coffee to push me through 4 to 5 additional fasting hours.

Bulletproof coffee is not a zero-calorie drink however, there have been studies that have shown that the health benefits outweigh the fast, and that is why after 12 hours, I choose to extend the fast with it.

Bulletproof coffee does not cause an insulin spike, and theres additional research showing that your fasting continues even though it has calories. Each body is different, and therefore, its something to test out.

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What Should I Drink During My Fasting Window

First, keep in mind that generally speaking, during your fasting window you want to consume as close to zero calories as possible.

Depending on who you ask, some people say keeping it under fifty calories or so is harmless.

Others are staunchly against this and will try to fight you online if you drink anything other than water during a fast.

Youll have to decide for yourself how you feel and what youd like to include in your intermittent fasting diet plan.

If you choose to consume beverages that have more than zero calories, this is known as dirty fasting.

If, on the other hand, you stick to zero calories with no additives at all, this is known as clean fasting.

Ive had success going the dirty route and found no problem with losing weight while consuming a variety of beverages, which Ill share with you below.

But some people have reported that their bodies hold on to excess weight and fat if they dont go 100% clean.

My advice to you is to block out all the noise and experiment!

We are all different, and nobody can tell you what to do with your body.

Your body, your rules. Period.

Okay, now, with no further ado, here are the seven best liquids to drink while fasting for weight loss!

Green Tea And Intermittent Fasting


Green tea is probably the drink that has proved to be most effective in intermittent fasting over the decades.

Meanwhile, only coffee can contest this title. Like coffee, a cup of tea has about 2.5 calories both with and without caffeine .

Nevertheless, many experts agree that this minimal amount of macronutrients in tea is negligible.

As with coffee, studies on green tea suggest that it induces rather than prevents autophagy .

Furthermore, all pure varieties of real tea are suitable for intermittent fasting. The degree of fermentation of the tea plant Camellia Sinensis determines the name of the tea:

  • Unfermented white tea
  • Partially fermented Oolong tea
  • Fully fermented black tea

Although all these teas are suitable, green tea provides the best properties for intermittent fasting due to its many active compounds :

  • Regulates blood sugar and prevents diabetes
  • Boosts the metabolism
  • Prevents cardiovascular diseases and cancer

Furthermore, real tea curbs the appetite, so it has already helped many people when fasting.

However, you should be careful with tea from coffee chains like Starbucks, which in most cases contain a lot of sugar or at least sweeteners.

Don’t Miss: What To Eat While On Intermittent Fasting

‘can I Drink Coffee While Fasting’

I heard the same question almost every time I gave pre-op instructions to a patient: Once I got to the part about nothing to eat or drink after , nearly every one of them would look at me in anguish and ask, Does that mean no coffee??

I feel you.

As a connoisseur of caffeine, myself, I understand that fasting can be difficult enough without giving up coffee to do it. And the good news is: sometimes you dont have to!

The answer to this question depends on the type of fasting youre doing. Can you drink coffee while doing

Pre-surgical fasting? No, you absolutely may not drink coffee after the cut-off time youre given. Thats because the medications used in general anesthesia make it easy for stomach contents to regurgitate into the esophagus, where they can be inhaled. Not good. So, you should never eat or drink anything for several hours prior to a surgery with general anesthesia.

Intermittent fasting? Yes, you can drink black coffee if youre doing intermittent fasting . IF is based on a concept called time-restricted feeding in which you take in calories only during a small window of time each day. But black coffee does not contain calories, so drinking it wont break your fast. Now, if you add cream or sugar, then youve blown your fast because those things contain calories.

Fasting And Diet Coke

One of the best-known sweeteners is aspartame, which has also been the basis for diet coke for decades.

Although calorie-free aspartame does not affect blood sugar levels, it increases insulin levels more than table sugar .

Therefore, the sweetener in diet coke prevents not only autophagy but also fat burning.

With this in mind, it is probably no coincidence that people who consume vast quantities of diet drinks are significantly overweight on average.

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/4having Milk While Fasting

When it comes to milk, you need to be quite careful. Adding 1-2 teaspoons of milk in the tea and coffee is fine as it would not increase your calorie count and your body will remain in the fasted state. It is also believed that adding a small amount of milk in your beverage can help you curb your hunger.

Other than that you must avoid consuming milk or milk products at all costs. Even consuming 1/4th cup of milk can easily break the fast. Thats because dairy contains calories, natural sugar and carbs. One cup of milk contains 12 grams of carbs. This can easily trigger the release of insulin and break your fasting.

What About Red Wine

Pin on drinks when you are fasting

Some studies have shown that there are benefits in drinking a glass of red wine, but after a glass or two a day, the benefits drop off pretty dramatically and disadvantages start to emerge, particularly the risk of liver and breast cancer, says Dr Mosley. The sensible reaction to all of this is to not give up drinking wine full stop but rather to enjoy your wine, to savour it and have one or two glasses a night. That is, create mindful alcohol habits.

Also Check: What Time Does Fasting Start

Establishing An Intermittent Fasting Plan

So, what’s the ideal way to design an intermittent fasting plan? It depends on your schedule and what works best for you, but a good template to start is:

  • Start your day off with a glass of water. Your body is made up of around 60 percent water, and every one of your cells needs it to function, per the U.S. Geological Survey.
  • After your water, have a cup of plain black coffee or tea if you’d like.
  • Continue fasting for your chosen length of time.
  • When it’s time to eat, keep your intake of sugar and other carbohydrates low and eat plenty of nutritious, fiber-rich foods.
  • Continue drinking water throughout the course of the day until you reach your goal intake.

/4how Intermittent Fasting Works

The main objective of intermittent fasting is not only to restrict calorie intake to lose weight but to divert its attention on things other than digestion like recovery and maintenance. When you fast, the body basically goes into the starvation mode and a series of metabolic changes take place. During this time, the body enters into ketosis, a state in which fat is used for energy when carbohydrates are unavailable.

While fasting, it is crucial to stay hydrated and as you cannot get water from vegetables and fruits, you have to depend on beverages for that. But you need to be careful about the kind of beverage you choose to have. Drinks loaded with carbs or sugar can cause your body to secrete the hormone insulin and you can easily miss out on the benefits of intermittent fasting.

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What About Alcohol While Intermittent Fasting

Alcoholic beverages, including wine, spirits, and beer all contain calories, therefore should be avoided during the fasting period.

If you choose to drink alcoholic beverages during your eating window, you should do so in moderation to help avoid dehydration and other negative effects that might occur as a result of overconsumption of alcohol. Remember, alcoholic beverages provide little to no nutritional benefit, therefore focusing on more nutrient-dense foods and beverages during your eating window can help you maximize the limited time you have to ensure that your body is getting adequate amounts of key nutrients.

Intermittent Fasting Basics For Beginners

How do children feel about fasting during Ramadan? | DW English

In case you dont already know how fasting works, feel free to check out the complete guide to fasting.

If you want the quick n dirty version, though, Ill explain it briefly just to make sure were on the same page.

So fasting works by restricting when you eat, rather than what you eat.

Its not really a diet.

No food is technically off-limits, so long as you eat reasonable portions and only within a specific window of time each day.

The most popular intermittent fasting schedule is 16:8, where you fast for 16 hours of the day and eat all your days food within the remaining eight consecutive hours.

Keeping things simple, this equates to skipping breakfast, eating lunch around or after 12, and finish your last bite of food for the day around 8 pm.

Now that you know what fasting is lets talk more about the fasting window.

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You Can Drink Coffee During Your Intermittent Fasting Window But There’s A Catch

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If youre thinking about trying intermittent fasting, you must be pretty confident in your ability to go without food in the morning…and at lunch…and into the late afternoon . But what about skipping coffee while doing intermittent fasting? It might not be a food group, but I think we can all agree it is pretty essential.

A little background: Intermittent fasting may help improve blood pressure, reduce liver fat, and lower cholesterol on top of reducing body weight, according to the University of Michigan Health Lab. Why tho? Well, the science is still somewhat undercooked, tbh. Theoretically, theres an exchange of sugar for energy that happens during intermittent fasting that could cause you to shed pounds.

When you deprive your body of calories, it goes into a temporary state of starvation and slowed metabolism that forces your fat cells to give up the glucose theyre storing in order to fuel your body, says registered dietitian Barbie Boules of Barbie Boules Longevity Nutrition. Over time, with repeated temporary fasting, this can lead to weight loss.

But again, all of that’s still just a theory. We don’t yet know conclusively what happens in humans , and if it’s any more beneficial than simply reducing overall calories, says Boules. What’s more, so far the studies that have shown those positive results have mostly been in rats, not humans.

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