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HomeHow Many Hours Between Meals For Intermittent Fasting

How Many Hours Between Meals For Intermittent Fasting

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Intermittent Fasting – How it Works? Animation

That being said, exercise before you eat because people get hungry about half an hour after they finish working out and may find it too hard to stick to their plan if they cant eat anything at all afterwards, Varady noted.

If youre on the 16:8 plan, exercise before or during your eating window. If youre doing alternate day fasting and are exercising on your 500-calorie day, save food for after your exercise session.

Daily Intermittent Fasting Plan

Try these various schedules, selecting the eating plan that works best for your lifestyle and fasting experience. Remember to repeat the same cycle every day.

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  • 14:10: Eat between 9 a.m.-7 p.m. fast between 7 p.m.-9 a.m. the following day.
  • 16:8: Eat between 10 a.m.-6 p.m. fast between 6 p.m.-9 a.m. the following day.
  • 20:4: Eat between noon-4 p.m., fast between 4 a.m.-noon the following day.
  • 23:1: Eat one big meal per day, at whatever hour you wish.

Should You Drink Coffee In The Fasted State

Consuming 2-3 cups of coffee while fasting will accelerate your metabolism, reduce your appetite and make you feel good. If you are going to be working out then the coffee will have a positive impact on your strength and stamina.

My absolute favorite type of intermittent fasting coffee for fat burning and reduced appetite is Fasting Fuel. I drink it almost every day.

The effects of coffee seem to last up to 6 hours so even if you train later in the day you should still get an extra kick from the morning coffee. Furthermore, coffee is a rich source of antioxidants and has been shown to have numerous health benefits.

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May Increase Your Life Span

There are several reasons that intermittent fasting may positively impact our life span weight loss, decreased blood pressure, and most of the benefits we listed above may all contribute to prolonging our life while also increase our quality of life at the same time.

Intermittent fasting has been found to affect longevity in animal studies, having beneficial effects on life span and markets for health, stress, metabolic response, and age-related diseases .

These findings are hard to confirm in human trials as there are many factors that affect epidemiological studies and many different types of fasting. But at the end of the day, some of the benefits of intermittent fasting may increase our quality of life overall and reduce our risk of developing chronic diseases.

Whats Your Intermittent Fasting Objective

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You may start intermittent fasting because you want to lose some weight, let say 11 lbs. Choose a plan and go with it until you hit that target of 11 lbs.

Or you may want to lose a certain percentage of body fat.

Get yourself an electronic body fat estimator and latch on to a plan and off you go. Monitor what you are doing, to see if you have lost the percentage of body fat you plan to lose.

If it takes you 8 weeks to lose 11 lbs, then its up to you if you wish to continue or not.

It is difficult for anyone to prescribe how long you should or can do intermittent fasting for. Because I, for instance, do not know you personally. Only if someone is coaching you on a one-to-one basis can they tell you how long you should do intermittent fasting for.

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What Time Should I Break My Fast

The reason I started the 2 Meal Day was to take the focus away from time periods. When you focus on time periods or counting calories you can end up getting obsessed and eating because the clock tells you to rather than listening to your body. When you first start fasting you may have to be strict with the 14-16 hour gap you are aiming for, but once you are using body fat for fuel and your hunger hormones have normalised you should eat your first meal when you feel hungry! Some days this might be 11am some days it might not be until 2-3pm. The beauty of this way of eating is you will learn when your body needs food and when it doesnt.

Drawbacks Of 16/8 Intermittent Fasting

16/8 intermittent fasting may be associated with many health benefits, but it does come with some drawbacks and may not be right for everyone.

Restricting your intake to just eight hours per day can cause some people to eat more than usual during eating periods in an attempt to make up for hours spent fasting.

This may lead to weight gain, digestive problems and the development of unhealthy eating habits.

16/8 intermittent fasting may also cause short-term negative side effects when youre first getting started, such as hunger, weakness and fatigue though these often subside once you get into a routine.

Additionally, some research suggests that intermittent fasting may affect men and women differently, with animal studies reporting that it could interfere with fertility and reproduction in females .

However, more human studies are needed to evaluate the effects that intermittent fasting may have on reproductive health.

In any case, be sure to start gradually and consider stopping or consulting your doctor if you have any concerns or experience negative symptoms.


Restricting daily food intake may cause weakness, hunger, increased food consumption and weight gain. Animal studies show that intermittent fasting may impact men and women differently and may even interfere with fertility.

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Your Body Will Adapt Give Your Body Time To Acclimate

When are you first starting out, you may experience some hunger pains. This is because you taught your body that you are going to feed it first thing in the morning. If you extend intermittent fasting by 20-30 minutes a day, within a few weeks you can extend your fasting period from 8-9 hours to the 12 hour fasting window.

Same things happens in the evening. Perhaps you have taught your body that when you sit down to relax after dinner, you like to have something sweet to eat. By reducing this back by 20-30 minutes a day, you can optimize your 12 hour intermittent fasting window.

How Safe Is Intermittent Fasting

How Often Should You Do Intermittent Fasting?

The 12 hour intermittent fasting Keto or Ketogenic diet and other carbohydrate-restricted diets aim to achieve ketosis, which is an accumulation of acidic ketones in the blood. As much as the outcomes are great, ketosis can cause liver, brain, and kidney damage. It is unsafe for individuals with chronic disorders such as diabetes and heart disease. Your blood sugar should also be stable for you to follow this diet plan. Therefore, it is important to discuss with your doctor and seek guidance from a licensed dietitian before beginning 12 hour intermittent fasting.

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Less Feeding More Fasting

One of the best ways to achieve effortless and long-lasting fat loss in my opinion is to train yourself to eat two meals a day . The easiest and best way to accomplish this? Leverage your natural overnight fast by skipping breakfast .19

Typically, the fed state starts when you begin eating and for the next three to five hours your body digests and absorbs the food you just ate. Insulin rises significantly, completely shutting off fat-burning and also triggering excess calories to be stored as fat.20

After the first few hours mentioned above, your body goes into what is known as the postabsorptive state, during which the components of the last meal are still in the circulation. The postabsorptive state lasts until 8 to 12 hours after your last meal, which is when you enter the fasted state. It typically takes 12 hours after your last meal to fully enter the fasted state.21

When youre in the fasted state your body can burn fat that has been inaccessible during the fed state. Because we dont enter the fasted state until 12 hours after our last meal, its rare that our bodies are in this fat burning state. This is one of the reasons why many people who start intermittent fasting will lose fat without changing what they eat, how much they eat, or how often they exercise.22 Fasting puts your body in a fat burning state that you rarely get to enter during a normal eating schedule.

Who Should Not Do Intermittent Fasting

Well, if you suffer from high blood sugar, have heart issues, or any serious health conditions then refrain from making any significant changes to your dieting without first seeking professional guidance from a doctor and nutritionist.

Intermittent fasting can be dangerous for some people who have diabetes and heart issues due to the restriction of nutrients for an extended period of time. And those with heart issues should be careful to maintain healthy electrolyte levels.

Also, those with eating disorders should not do a fasting regime without consulting with a doctor because a lack of self-control is a big issue for many sufferers which can be detrimental to health. But on the other side of the spectrum, if you know that you may not possess the discipline to be consistent then you might want to implement a typical calorie-restricted diet until you develop better habits conducive to sticking with the eating regime.

Another group who should not attempt to implement intermittent fasting is pregnant women since it may adversely impact the function of ovulation and menstruation according to one study.

Recommended Reading: How To Get Electrolytes While Fasting

Ways To Make Intermittent Fasting Easier

Intermittent fasting is a great way to lose weight and stay healthy, but it isnt always easy to stick to it. You might find it hard to stick to your fast, especially in the first few weeks while your body adjusts. Maybe youre constantly thinking about food, or you cant seem to fit your workouts properly in your new eating schedule. Does this sound familiar? Then this article will certainly help you. Here are 10 ways to make intermittent fasting easier.

Intermittent Fasting Good For Reversing Insulin Resistance And Muscle Building

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You may start intermittent fasting because you want to reverse your insulin resistance. That objective might take you a little longer to achieve, so you could be fasting intermittently for say 5 6 months.

If your objective is to build muscle with intermittent fasting, then it may take you as long as 4 6 months or even longer. With muscle building, you will want to consider adding a workout regime to the fasting.

You also should consider doing your workout routine which must include resistance training towards the last 2 hours of the fasting window to accelerate the process.

In essence, I am saying the workout should be the last activity you do before you resume eating. That has been shown to be very effective.

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Intermittent Fasting Can Still Lead To Weight Gain

Feeling starved during your fasting period might make some people more prone to binging behaviors when theyre not fasting. And eating more calories than what your body burns will lead to a long-term increase in body fat even if you consistently fast for 12-16 hours each day.

In other words, if you are having trouble maintaining your hunger and end up going completely rogue on your non-fasting periods, you could end up gaining weight.

Going rouge during your non-fasting periods can sabotage your health goals, start a meal prep routine or plan your meals to ensure you’re nourishing your body.

Not sure what style of diet is right for you? Use a meal plan quiz to get started!

Stop Eating All The Time: Snacking And Intermittent Fasting#4 In Our Lasting Weight Loss Series

The Lasting Weight Loss Blog Series: Post 4

Some basic principles

Before we talk about timing your meals, lets review a few important principles weve covered so far:

Insulin resistance

We spoke last time about how insulin is what tells our bodies to store extra food as fat. Insulin resistance is the result of increased levels and ongoing exposure to those high levels. Refined carbs and processed food have contributed to high our insulin levels spike during meals, but snacking has made it so that those levels continue, the body just doesnt get a break.

Traditionallypre-obesity epidemicmost cultures had 2-3 meals a day. Our culture in the US was around 3 squares a day. Some cultures have just breakfast and a large evening meal somewhere between lunch and dinner. But what was universal was that people stopped eating in between meals.

How to reverse insulin resistance

There are two things a person has to do to decrease their insulin resistance and begin the path to sustainable weight loss:

  • Give the body a break from insulin exposure by not eating all the time
  • First: stop snacking

    What does this look like?

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    You Are Not Eating Enough Protein

    If you find that your meals cannot carry you across your fasting period to your next eating window, then you might need to adjust your diet.

    Consider including more lean protein in your diet. It does not matter the type of protein, vegan and animal protein, all are fine.

    Proteins can help keep you full till your next meal. Furthermore, if you are exercising during this period, proteins are important for building your muscles and protecting your bone health.

    Your meals should have healthy fats, carbs, leafy greens, and proteins.

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    How To Use Intermittent Fasting To Lose Weight

    When using fasting to lose weight, you will eat all of your meals in a 6-8 hour eating window. This is best accomplished by going 5-6 hours upon waking before having your first meal. Your last meal should be around 2 hours before going to sleep.


    Meal 2 at 6-7pm.

    Meal 3 at 10pm.

    By skipping a morning breakfast you force your body to break into its fat stores to fuel itself instead of burning food energy. That is why intermittent fasting is the ultimate fat loss diet for men and women! In addition, by pushing your first meal later into the day you can enjoy big, satisfying healthy meals while staying in a caloric deficit.

    If you havent skipped breakfast before it may take some getting used to. This is probably the hardest part about transitioning into using intermittent fasting for fat loss.

    But after a few days of skipping breakfast your body will learn to thrive in the fasted state. You will stimulate the sympathetic system and feel effects such as alertness, laser like focus, and a hunger blunting effect.

    Popular Ways To Do Intermittent Fasting

    Intermittent fasting has recently become a health trend. Devotees claim it can cause weight loss, improve metabolic health, and maybe even extend life span.

    Every method can be effective, but figuring out which one works best depends on the individual.

    Several methods of this eating pattern exist. But before embarking on an intermittent fast or deciding how often to fast, you should speak with a healthcare professional.

    Here are 6 popular ways to do intermittent fasting.

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    What Should The Grand Feast Look Like

    When on a fat loss diet I like to eat around 10 calories per pound of goal bodyweight per day. This may seem on the low side for calories but thats why fasting and fat loss go hand in hand. You can still eat massive meals and not feel deprived all while still being a caloric deficit!

    This level of calories has never failed me at getting lean even with the absence of cardio.

    Depending on what your goal weight is this may give you 600-1200 calories to play with. I generally keep this meal around 800-1000 calories in size. I recommend keeping this meal high in protein with moderate amounts of fat and carbs.

    If you are having a very lean source of protein then you can use fats more sparingly . If you are going for a fattier cut of meat then I recommend staying away from any additional fats.

    How Does Intermittent Fasting Differ From Commonly Held Nutrition Beliefs

    Intermittent fasting is the best way to lose weight and ...

    Most trainers and nutritionists recommend eating small protein-dense meals every three-to-four hours for optimal fat burning and a fast metabolism. I agree that for many people this method leads to fat loss success by increasing satiety, while controlling cravings and blood sugar levels. However, my personal success with intermittent fasting encouraged me to challenge my beliefs about two of the most commonly held rules of weight loss: the importance of eating breakfast and the importance of eating something every three-to-four hours during the day.

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