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How To Pray When Fasting

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A Fasting Prayer For Mercy:


Scripture describes times where God was moved by fasting. So much so, instead of sending judgment, He granted mercy. One such account involved King Ahab.

Yet, when the Prophet Elijah delivered a message from God to Ahab, of His anger and the calamity to come, Ahab tore his clothes, put on sackcloth and fasted .

When he did, God noticed how he had humbled himself before Him, and because Ahab humbled himself, God did not send the disaster upon him .

Even the most wretched of sinners can move the heart of God to receive mercy, by humbling themselves through fasting.

Another remarkable story is found in Jonah 1:1-2, where God asked Jonah to go to Nineveh and preach against it because of its wickedness before God. Unlike his previous experience where he ran away and ended up inside a whale, this time he obeyed. Jonah preached of the coming judgment to the city of Nineveh , to which they responded from the greatest to the least, by believing God, fasting, and putting on sackcloth .

As the story goes, When God saw what they did and how they turned from their evil ways, He relented and did not bring on them the destruction He had threatened .

How Many Hours Should A Christian Fast

This is a question that always comes up when it comes to fasting.

The duration of a fast is up to the participant. They should carefully determine this amount of time before commencing.

One can fast a meal, fast from eating food for a day, and even fast for several days.

Starting slowly is better.

Never done a fast? Start with fasting one meal.

Grow from there.

Where Should I Pray

The first thing that this section of Scripture addresses is where to pray. Verse six says, when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. So the first thing we learn is that prayer should usually be private. Jesus isn’t saying that public prayer is bad. Hes saying that our motivation for praying publicly can be distorted. Jesus warns us that praying publicly for human attention is wrong and that if we pray for that reason, the attention of man is the only reward that well receive!

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Fasting Is Always Voluntary

Though spiritual leaders may invite others to join in corporate fasting with a specific goal in mind and for a specific time, fasting can never be forced or made compulsory. In light of this, fasting is not a mandatory requirement for joining staff at the International House of Prayer, but we do promote and encourage it as a biblically and historically proven means of positioning our heart to receive more of Gods grace in the context of commitment to prayer and to the Word . The level at which a person engages in fasting should be determined according to age and with regard to any physical limitations. Those with a known or suspected physical disability or illness, or those with any history of an eating disorder, should never fast, except in consultation with, and under the supervision of, a qualified doctor. Pregnant or nursing mothers should not fast food or drink as it could negatively affect the health and development of their baby and their own personal health.

Determine Your Prayer Requests

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Your fasting is centered around your spiritual growth, so it starts in your prayer life. Some people create a prayer guide to use through their days of prayer and fasting. It can be as simple as laying down the goals and objectives of the fast. Ask yourself why you are fasting. Seek the Holy Spirit to clarify the intent of the fast.

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Fasting Prayer When Facing Temptation

Dear LordThank you for the strength you have given me from day-to-dayThank you for your watchful eyes over me alwaysThank you for your care and protection over my family alwaysI am experiencing some difficult moments at the momentI am confronted by the evil and attractive wits of the devilI am at a crossroads where my soul is the priceI pray for your strength in this spiritual warfare

My spirit is willing to hold on to your word and not sin against youMy body is weakened by the prospect of a better life on earth at the expense of my soulI pray for your teaching spiritCome hold my hand through this fast and carry me through to victoryHelp me not follow the ways of this worldHelp me stay under your holiness

Teach me to watch and pray and wait for your breakthroughsLet me be patient and not commit a sin along the wayHelp me get through this temptationthank you for answering my prayer,Amen

Thank you that Im alive todayI bless your holy nameThank you for your strength through this fasting periodI have been disobedient to your wordI have fallen where I should have been strongI have been corrupted by the pleasures of this world

Help me guard my heart against sinful desires that will destroy meHelp me remain focused on your word so I can resist temptationLet me not keep company that is quick to sinLet me be with those who are eager for your wordBless my soul today and help me learn to please you, dear LordThank you for an answered prayerAmen

How To Fast And Pray

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Fasting can be a powerful spiritual exercise, especially when done hand-in-hand with dedicated praying. While fasting is, perhaps, most notable as a Christian practice, it is not exclusive to Christianitypersons of any faith can fast and pray as they feel called. Continue reading for a few basic principles, instructions, and tips concerning how to fast and pray effectively.

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As Long As It Takes Prayers

Theres nothing wrong with asking God to move quickly , there is a clear precedent from Scripture that God not only works through our prayers, but He is also works on us as we pray and this often means it takes time, patience and persistence to see the answer come through.

The book of Daniel contains a powerful illustration of Daniel praying and fasting for 3 weeks, until an answer is given. The angel of the Lord tells him that as soon as Daniel started to pray, the answer had been given from heaven, but there was a war in the heavenlies that caused it to take longer to arrive. We often have no clue how much God is at work through our prayers!

Jesus actually taught us to pray like this. In Luke 18, Jesus tells his disciples a story To show them that they should always pray and not give up. He goes on to explain the power of persistent prayer. God want us to always pray, and not give up! Is there a prayer youve been praying, that youve recently given up hope on? Keep on praying! Jesus wants you to. He wouldnt have given us this story if he didnt.

We often want instant results from God, but God wants patience and endurance from us. It is difficult to overestimate the biblical importance of patience and endurance in maturing our faith. The Bible has a lot to say about this.

Prayer For Aid In Fasting

How to Pray & Fast

Lord, Hanging as a vine upon the Wood,O Christ our Savior,You have made the ends of the earthto drink from the wine of resolve.Therefore do I cry aloud:I am darkened always by the vicious drunkenness of sin Give me to drink from the sweet wine of true faith,and grant me now the strength, O Savior,to fast from sensual pleasures,for Your are good and love mankind. Amen.

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Prayer For Fasting And Petition

Lord, please forgive us for craving food more than you. Forgive us for craving anything more than you. Lord redirect our hunger. Be our God. Open our eyes to the benefits of fasting. Open our hearts to you like never before. Give us the desire to turn to you with all our hearts, with all our souls, with all our strength. May we no longer live by bread alone but by every word that comes from your mouth Oh LORD. Teach us to fast so that we might hold fast to you. In Jesus Name, Amen.

How Should I Pray

After Jesus addresses the where of prayer, in Matthew 6:9-13, he tells us how we should pray by modeling a holy prayer for us:

Here is the prayer, which is fittingly called The Lords Prayer, out of the King James Version,

After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.

In my opinion, this is the best prayer we can ever pray, and we should find a way to work it into our lives on a daily basis! By praying this way, Jesus shows us the priority of Gods position above all things, his holiness, and his will. This is before we even get to talking about ourselves, and what we need or want!

I believe that the Lord is pleased when we acknowledge him above our problems and circumstances. I believe he is moved with love to respond to those who honor him and exalt him first!

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Helpful Hints For Your Fast

  • Drink plenty of water.
  • It is wise to abstain from strong stimulants such as caffeinated and sugary drinks during a fast, including the artificial sweeteners found in diet drinks. Also, avoid soy protein drinks, which have been known to cause health problems during a fast.
  • If you are on a juice fast, drink raw fruit juices such as apple, grape, and pineapple, which are excellent sources of necessary natural sugar to stabilize blood sugar and keep energy levels up. Orange and grapefruit juice are also good, but they are not recommended for arthritis or allergy sufferers. Monitor juice acidity carefully as it can cause canker sores . Raw vegetable juices such as carrot, celery, beet, or green vegetable combinations are excellent as well. Fresh fruit and vegetable juices can be made in a juice extractor or purchased ready-made . Some of the benefits of drinking raw juice versus bottled are that it does not stimulate digestion and it maintains all of its enzymes and nutritional value.
  • Expect some physical discomforts because of the detoxification process, especially on the second day. You may have fleeting hunger pains or dizziness. Withdrawal from caffeine and sugar may cause headaches, but it is a part of the detoxification process. Physical annoyances may also include weariness, tiredness, nausea, and sleepiness.
  • During a fast, four major areas of the body are going through a detoxification process. Take care to attend to each of these:

The Bible Has Much To Say About Fasting

Prayer &  Fasting

Often verses we read of men and women in the Bible going into deep war or decision in prayer, it is accompanied by fasting. One of the most famous fasts is the one performed by Daniel in the Book of Daniel.

Daniel 9:3-5 shares, So I turned to the Lord God and pleaded with him in prayer and petition, in fasting, and in sackcloth and ashes. I prayed to the LORD my God and confessed: Lord, the great and awesome God, who keeps his covenant of love with those who love him and keep his commandments, we have sinned and done wrong. We have been wicked and have rebelled we have turned away from your commands and laws. Daniels heart ached for his country, so he took a vow of a fast from certain foods and remained deeply in prayer. It continues on in the book that an Angel comes to see Daniel, and the Angel shares that he left the exact moment Daniel started praying. Remarkably, it took twenty-one days for the Angel to get past the forces of Darkness to reach Daniel. This is evidence that from the first moment we commit to a fast, the Lord hears us. He is always working in action to come near to us, and to send help.

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Ways Fasting And Prayer Opens Doors

Every follower of Christ who seeks God with fasting and prayer can experience sudden and surprising open doors of spiritual opportunity, even if those open doors were never apparent before. It has happened in Scripture and it has happened to me. I am certain it will happen for many others as well.

Pray During Your Fast

When you are supposed to be eating a meal, meditate on scripture and prayer. Food and drink will be a temptation, but persevere through this hard time and distract yourself with the Holy Word and your communication with the Lord. Your connection to Christ will feed you at a deeper level than youve ever imagined. Youll find yourself more dependent upon and more connected to Him.

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Tips On Conducting A 24

The evening before, eat a light dinner. Spend time in personal confession and yieldedness to God. Abstain from TV and other input that would divert you from having a special meeting with God.

The day of the fast, drink water or juices but abstain from food.

In the morning, resolve to focus on two or three promises from God . Ask God to show you sin in your life that needs to be confessed and forsaken.

Add to the above promises your own concerns for you and your family, our church, our nation, and the world.

Continue with your regular activities throughout the day, using your hunger as a reminder to love and trust God with the burdens on your heart. Pray silently as you work. If asked why you are not eating, simply say that you have chosen to fast on this day.

In the evening, join with other believers to affirm your own desperation to see God answer prayer.

How To Start Fasting

How To Pray And Fast For A Breakthrough | Spiritual Guide To FASTING

Fasting is hard. It sounds much easier in concept than it proves to be in practice. It can be surprising how on-edge we feel when we miss a meal. Many an idealistic new fast-er has decided to miss a meal and only found our belly drove us to make up for it long before the next mealtime came.

Fasting sounds so simple, and yet the world, our flesh, and the devil conspire to introduce all sorts of complications that keep it from happening. In view of helping you start down the slow path to good fasting, here are six simple pieces of advice. These suggestions might seem pedantic, but the hope is that such basic counsel can serve those who are new at fasting or have never seriously tried it.

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Prayers During Your Fasting Prayer While Youre Fasting

Heavenly Father, thank You for hearing this prayer during fasting.

As You know the listener has made the decision to fast before You.

Their heart and mind are fixed on You Lord.

Thank You for wisdom, revelation, and understanding regarding the question they have on my heart.

Your Spirit is showing them what to do. They are led by Your peace.

Father You know all and it is to You that they look for answers.

Praise Your Name! Thank You that every question is answered!

They can rest in Your promise that You hear them when they pray according to Your will and they know that they shall have the petitions that they desire of You.

Father they delight myself in You and You cause their desires to be agreeable with Your will.

Not their will be done but Yours be done! In every area they bow their knees before You!

Thank You that You are revealing to them what they need to do and what they need to change.

This fast has been dedicated to You and their plans will succeed.

They thank You that it is You who gives the wise answer of the tongue.

Forever oh Lord, they will praise You! You are wonderful! There is none like You!

You are faithful and they can rest in Your faithfulness.

They continue this fast with the joy that is set before them. Thank You that You are right here with them, every step of the fast.

Please help them to get all that You desire for them to receive from this fast!

Thank You for hearing this prayer while they are fasting.

Scriptures To Read:

Benefits Of Fasting And Prayer

Besides the physical benefits sometimes associated with fasting, there are also spiritual benefits. These can be seen in all the various occasions some one from the bible fasted and prayed to God in their hour of need. Some of these benefits include:

  • Protection: When we offer ourselves so completely to God, and show our devotion by denying ourselves physical gratification in order to grow spiritually. We are in turn not only granted our deepest needs but also gain protection from our Heavenly Father.
  • Victory over temptation: Our Lord Jesus Christ went into the wilderness and fasted and prayed for our Heavenly Fathers helping Hand. During this time Satan appeared and tried to tempt him, but fortified by the power of prayer and fasting, Jesus overcame temptation.
  • Reach the heart of God: While fasting we are able to rid ourselves of the pleasures of the flesh that drive us farther away from God. We are able to focus on what is really important, which is our relationship with our Heavenly Father.
  • Deliverance: During fasting and prayer we are able to reestablish our relationship with our Lord. All distractions are removed from our hearts and we are able to focus on our spiritual growth and salvation.

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