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How To Start 16 8 Intermittent Fasting

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How Do I Manage Hunger

How To: Intermittent Fasting (16:8 Fast)

The most important thing to realize is that hunger usually passes like a wave. Many people worry that hunger during intermittent fasting will continue to build until it is intolerable, but this does not normally happen.46 Instead, hunger comes in a wave. If you simply ignore it and drink a cup of tea or coffee, it will often pass.47

During extended fasts, hunger will often increase into the second day. After that, it gradually recedes, and many people report a complete loss of hunger sensation by day 3 or 4.48 Your body is now being powered by fat. In essence, your body is eating its own fat for breakfast, lunch and dinner and therefore is no longer hungry. Learn more

What Is Clean Or Dirty Fasting

Surprisingly, you can follow a clean fasting schedule or play it out a little bit dirty.

These terms refer to defining what kind of foods break the fast. The clean path defines a zero-calorie approach: you cannot drink or eat anything other than water, plain black coffee, green tea, or any type of herbal tea.

While dirty fasting, you might consume drinks that contain less than 50 calories, such as lemon water, coffee with MCT oil, bone broth, or zero-calorie drinks. You might even enjoy a piece of gum or an occasional mint.

Both of these methods are valid. As a beginner, you might want to start fasting dirty and go clean once you get a handle on your new routine.

What Is : 8 Intermittent Fasting

Lets start with the name 16:8 Intermittent Fasting, which comes from how youll be dividing the day between a window of eight hours per day when you can eat and 16 hours per day when youll be fasting. During the 16-hour fast, you wont just be abstaining from food youll also have to stay away from beverages that have a lot of calories, like carbonated or sugary drinks.

You can repeat the 16:8 cycle as often as you want whether its once or twice a week or every day. It all depends on how intensely you want to go through with the program a matter of personal preference.

Unlike most diets, which have stringent rules to follow, 16:8 Intermittent Fasting isnt a nightmare to follow. It also helps that this diet can provide concrete results, even with minimal effort. The general lack of restrictions allows you to have a lot of flexibility relative to other diet plans, which is why it also works well with most, if not all, lifestyles.

On top of weight loss, 16:8 Intermittent Fasting can also help you improve your blood sugar control while developing brain functions and enhancing longevity.

Also Check: How To Count Fasting Hours

Best Hours For Intermittent Fasting 16/8

When choosing which 8 hours of the day will make up your eating window, really considering your daily routine and schedule will be key. Most often, people following 16/8 intermittent fasting will choose to skip breakfast and eat in a window from roughly 11 a.m.-7 p.m. or 12 p.m.- 8 p.m., with those later hours allowing for flexibility for after work get-togethers and later dinners with friends and familythis option is also great for late-risers. If you choose to allow for coffee or tea in your plan, you can ease into your day with a cup and then begin your eating window with lunch or a late-morning snack.

In our current pandemic climate, however, you probably dont have any after-work gatherings with friends on your agendain which case you may want to try moving your last meal earlier in the day so you can allow for an earlier breakfast. Intermittent fasting allows for flexibility, and the best schedule can only be determined by what you will be able to stick with .

Related: What is Intermittent Fasting for Weight Loss?

Other Benefits Of Intermittent Fasting 1: 8 Schedule

Intermittent Fasting: AMA by Tucker Medical  Square One ...

The jurys still out on some of the broader health claims, but theres no denying that 16:8 fasting packs some profound health benefits, including:

Intermittent fasting may also reduce the likelihood of some cancer types, and some animal studies suggest it may even help you live longer. However, intermittent fasting isnt for everyone, and though the benefits are unquestionable, there are also possible adverse side effects.

Also Check: When Doing Intermittent Fasting Can You Drink Water

How Often Should You Do 1: 8 Intermittent Fasting

Unlike other intermittent fasting diets, each day of the 16:8 works independently to the other days. This means that you can do anywhere from one day of intermittent 16:8 fasting to seven days a week, depending on your goals and the advice from your GP.

Evidence differs, however, on whether its healthy to do intermittent fasting all the time for a number of reasons. While one study suggests that fasting helps your vital organs by giving metabolic functions a break, other research suggests the fasting can lead to an increased level of cholesterol and can lead to feelings of nausea, along with causing spells of low-blood sugar and dehydration.

Types Of Intermittent Fasting For Fast Weight Loss:

  • 16: 8 Intermittent Fasting16 hours of fasting 8 hours of eating. Typically: fasting starts at 7- 8 pm after the dinner meal and extends through the nite and morning ending at 11 am or noon. Coffee or tea is encouraged with high fat, no sugar creamer, skipping breakfast is the key This leads to almost automatic caloric restriction. Coconut oil capsules are taken before and during fast. This pattern is Dr Lipmans first choice, since the fat burning is mostly at night while sleeping.its easy to stop eating if you are not awake Calorie intake is reduced in an automatic fashion. Side effects are minimal. Fasting periods and days per week depend on individual choice. The goal for all is body fat reduction. The fasting periods can be short or long term.
  • 5:2 Fasting 5 days of regular eating, 2 days of limited food. Food is time restricted.
  • 24 hr Fasting Fasting for 24 hoursdifficult for many people because of low sugar. Not recommended.
  • Meal Skipping- skipping meals, eating when hungry in a random order. Dr Lipman finds this very difficult because of lack of organization.

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Foods List And Meal Plan

To maximize the potential health benefits of your diet, its important to stick to nutritious whole foods and beverages during your eating periods.

Filling up on nutrient-rich foods helps round out your diet and supports a healthy weight. Try balancing each meal with a wide variety of whole foods, such as:

  • Fruits: apples, bananas, berries, oranges, peaches, pears, tomatoes, etc.
  • Veggies: broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, cucumbers, leafy greens, etc.
  • Whole grains: barley, buckwheat, quinoa, rice, oats, etc.
  • Healthy fats: olive oil and avocados
  • Protein sources: eggs, fish, legumes, meat, poultry, nuts, seeds, etc.

Drinking calorie-free beverages like water and unsweetened tea and coffee, even while fasting, also helps control your appetite while keeping you hydrated.

Its best to avoid ultra-processed foods like packaged snacks, deep-fried items, sugary drinks, and most frozen meals. These negate the positive effects of 16/8 intermittent fasting and may harm your health.


To begin 16/8 intermittent fasting, choose an 8-hour window and limit your food intake to that time span. Be sure to follow a balanced diet based in whole foods.


Animal and human studies suggest that intermittent fasting may increase weight loss, improve blood sugar levels, and extend longevity.

The Ketogenic Diet Keeps You Satisfied


Another great perk of the keto diet is its high level of satiety.

Not only does ketosis itself tend to stifle hunger, but the high level of healthy fat in the keto diet also makes it much easier to stay satisfied in a fasted state and eliminates those intense feelings of hunger and cravings throughout the day.

This is perfect for someone doing intermittent fasting.

Recommended Reading: When To Eat Intermittent Fasting

How Much Weight Loss Can You Expect In A Month On Intermittent Fasting

Many factors go into how much weight you actually lose on intermittent fasting. Weight loss will depend on your current weight, metabolism, what you eat, and your activity levels. Obviously, if you follow a healthy eating pattern and exercise every day or a few times a week, it will help you shed weight faster.

Intermittent fasting may enable you to lose between 0.51.5 pounds a week. In 4 weeks, you could lose anything between 26 pounds.

How Does Intermittent Fasting Work

There are several different ways to do intermittent fasting, but they are all based on choosing regular time periods to eat and fast. For instance, you might try eating only during an eight-hour period each day and fast for the remainder. Or you might choose to eat only one meal a day two days a week. There are many different intermittent fasting schedules.

Mattson says that after hours without food, the body exhausts its sugar stores and starts burning fat. He refers to this as metabolic switching.

Intermittent fasting contrasts with the normal eating pattern for most Americans, who eat throughout their waking hours, Mattson says. If someone is eating three meals a day, plus snacks, and theyre not exercising, then every time they eat, theyre running on those calories and not burning their fat stores.

Intermittent fasting works by prolonging the period when your body has burned through the calories consumed during your last meal and begins burning fat.

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How Long Does Intermittent Fasting Take To Show Results

You might begin to first notice a difference in your body about 10 days after you begin intermittent fasting. It could take between 2-10 weeks for you to lose significant weight. You might lose up to a pound each week.

Usually, the first signs you will notice that scream that your intermittent fasting is working is less bloating. Your midsection might look trimmer just over your first week of intermittent fasting.

Observing weight loss will take a little longer as your body needs some time to adjust to this new diet.

At about the second week is when most people first notice that they have dropped their first few pounds. If you have still not lost any weight by week two, stay consistent for about four or five more weeks and your results should come in soon enough.

Hour Fast Benefit #: Improved Cognition

Pin on intermittent fasting

Studies show that intermittent fasting boosts several hormones, notably Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor , that are neuroplastic and neurodegenerative in nature.

In other words, fasting provides the perfect fuel for your brain. Increased BDNF levels are associated with improved mood, cognition, productivity, memory, and creativity. Harvard neuropsychiatrist John J. Ratey calls BDNF Miracle-Gro for the brain.

Its not known why intermittent fasting boosts BDNF so powerfully, but our evolution may give us some hints.

Throughout human history most tribes and people groups wouldve gone long stretches without food, say before their next successful hunt. During this time, peak physical and mental performance wouldve been paramount to securing the next meal and the body wouldve met this need.

To this day its thought that the human body perceives fasting as a healthy stressor and responds by forming new neurons that prime your body to learn new skills. In this type of emergency situation, BDNF allows our brains to form new neural networks quickly.

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How Many Calories To Eat During 16/8

Now, knowing how many calories to eat during intermittent fasting 16/8 can be a little tricky because it is going to depend on your sex, age, height, weight, and activity level.

If you need help calculating this, there are many websites available that can help you like this one here. If you have additional questions, you may want to consult your primary care physician or a registered dietitian .

Regardless of you trying the 16/8 for weight loss or to improve your overall health, we recommend you donât decrease your caloric intake to an amount below what your body needs. The reason for this is that you can still lose weight through intermittent fasting and because entering into a calorie deficit for too long can have some negative health consequences.

To elaborate, restricting calories can cause you to lose muscle mass. This will reflect a lower number when you step on the scale, but this isnât good news. Losing muscle mass can hurt your weight loss goals long-term because muscles burn a lot of calories. This means that the less muscle mass you have, the fewer calories you are going to burn each dayâ¦this also means you will need to eat less calories each day, which becomes difficult to sustain long-term.

The Top 7 Questions & Myths

Q1: What about kickstarting your metabolism?

Well, unless your scooter is called Metabolism, you dont have to kickstart anything. It is probably true that breakfast used to be the most important meal.

But when it comes to the actual need of calories before lunch time , history has changed. Breakfast was considered the most important meal of the day when hard physical labour was the norm in most occupations. Now, due to how little physically demanding modern day labour has become, that logic no longer applies. It is also commonly believed you need breakfast to kickstart your metabolism. It is true that our metabolism will increase, not start, during periods of digestion. However, the peak is relative to the number of calories eaten. Thereby, your metabolism during 24 hours is affected by how many calories you eat, not when. Q2: Will intermittent fasting automatically result in fat loss? Fasting has no magic weight loss properties, other than helping you in a calorie deficit. Meaning, even if you implement fasting but are still eating too many calories you wont lose weight.

In a 2015 systematic review of intermittent fasting researchthe largest study on the topic to date compared the effects of intermittent energy restriction to continuous energy restriction on body weight and body composition.

The result? Both diet styles resulted in the same outcomes. Q3: What about morning / night workouts?

Q4: Who should be careful with intermittent fasting?

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Is 16/8 Fasting Good For Weight Loss

Restricting your food intake to a few hours per day can help you to reduce the number of calories that you consume. There are some studies that show that fasting could boost metabolism and increase weight loss.

A study from 2017 published in the International Journal of Obesity showed that intermittent fasting leads to greater weight loss and fat loss in men with obesity than regular calorie restriction.

Also, research from 2016 reports that men who followed a 16:8 time-restricted feeding for 8 weeks in conjunction with resistance training showed decrease fat mass and also participants maintained their muscle mass throughout.

If you want to lose weight and have trouble sticking to restrictive diets or prescribed meal plans, then you may benefit from daily fasting.

A pilot study published in the Journal of Nutrition and Healthy Eating shows that a 16/8 fasting plan can help obese dieters lose weight without having to count every single calorie they eat.

Will I lose weight on the 16:8 diet?

In theory, yes. You might lose weight on this diet because when you fast, you are burning more fat for energy. This fat-burning and the metabolic shifts that come with it might increase your chances of losing weight.

Is Fasting 16 Hours A Day Healthy

How to burn fat fast when doing 16/8 intermittent fasting!

Forms of intermittent fasting like the 16:8 diet rely on the concept that fasting reduces oxidative stress on the body, which can decrease inflammation and the risk of chronic diseases.

Its also theorized that fasting gives your vital organs, digestive and absorptive hormones, and metabolic functions a break, according to a recent study published in Cell Metabolism. Since our bodies secrete insulin to help our cells absorb sugar, fasting is linked to reducing our susceptibility to insulin resistance over time.

However, research has also linked fasting to increases in LDL cholesterol . Intermittent fasting can make you feel dizzy and nauseated and cause periods of low-blood sugar and dehydration. Despite the fact that most 16:8 enthusiasts drink water during fasting periods, it may not be enough .

I also have a much deeper concern about the disordered eating behaviors that may arise from intermittent fasting. Research shows that fasting for a period of time followed by a limited window for eating primes you to overeat. It’s a cycle that can be difficult to get out of because it impairs our body’s natural hunger cues and metabolism. Restricted eating may also lead to an increased risk of depression and anxiety.

Recommended Reading: How To Begin Fasting Diet

Is 1: 8 Fasting Good For Weight Loss

Some studies have found that theres virtually no difference between people who regularly practiced intermittent fasting and those who simply cut back their calorie intake overall.

A growing body of research demonstrates that a better strategy is optimizing the nutritional quality of what you already eat versus fasting or counting calories. Also, science suggests any potential benefit from fasting is quickly undone during the eating part of the cycle, in which appetite-suppressing hormones switch gears to make you feel even hungrierthan you felt at baseline.

But some dieters may benefit from daily fasting if they have trouble sticking to prescribed meal plans or restrictive diets a 2018 pilot study published in the Journal of Nutrition and Healthy Eating suggests that a 16:8 fasting plan can help obese dieters lose weight without having to count every single calorie they eat. This approach to fasting could also aid those battling other weight-related issues namely, high blood pressure. A new scholarly review published in the New England Journal of Medicinesuggests that a 16:8 fasting plan may help the body naturally improve blood sugar regulation, as well as decrease blood pressure overall in the long run.

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