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Intermittent Fasting Over Age 40 The Complete Guide

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How To Start & How To Do Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent Fasting over Age 40 : The Complete Guide

One of the reasons I personally think Intermittent Fasting really took over is because of how easy it is to start it.

Literally, the only thing you should really decide before you start is which Intermittent Fasting schedule type you are planning to follow.

And before you make this decision, it is important to understand the various types of Intermittent Fasting. Thats how you will find the one that works the best for you and fits your unique lifestyle.

For your convenience, here are the most popular Intermittent Fasting Schedules.

Intermittent Fasting Aids In Weight Loss

The best and most obvious benefit of intermittent fasting for men is that it aids in weight loss.

During the hours you are eating, it’s important that you don’t pack in as much food as possible.

You want to eat the normal amount of meals you would for the time period.

Intermittent fasting will help you to eat fewer meals and snacks in a 24-hour period.

Intermittent fasting also helps to improve the function of the weight loss hormone.

As long as we dont snack, our insulin levels will go down, and our fat cells can release their stored sugar to be used as energy.

Studies have shown that alternate day fasting blood sugar levels, which can be beneficial for both diabetics and weight loss promotion.

Intermittent Fasting For Women Over 40

Research shows that around the age of 40, women begin to experience changes in their hormone production. And, since there is a correlation between intermittent fasting and hormone production, its only normal to wonder if there are any differences in the benefits of practicing intermittent fasting in your 40s.

Im now over 40 and can say that I continue to feel that there are benefits of IF and that I do not experience any physical differences between fasting in my 30s and now. If anything, I feel that it has helped me stay in a routine and stick to healthy eating habits.

I want to first note that you should first consult a licensed medical physician before you jump into intermittent fasting. IF isnt for everyone and therefore, its something to discuss with a professional.

The purpose of this post is to give you an overview of IF schedules, not to provide any professional/medical advice.

That said, when I was putting together this post and my Intermittent Fasting Guide for Women, I researched some 30+ clinical trials to see if there is anything that was specific to women in their 40s, 50s, and beyond.

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How To Stick To Intermittent Fasting

Of course, if youre preparing food for others kids, family members or a partner, outside of your eating window, you might struggle to avoid food.

You could try brushing your teeth after eating to trick your mind into thinking that meal-time is over. As well as this, be sure to remain hydrated try enjoying flavoured herbal teas, to keep taste buds happy.


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Youre Undergoing Normal Hormonal Changes

Midlife Rambler

According to data from the National Center for Health Statistics, both men and women undergo changes in hormone levels that help explain why middle age is prime time for putting on pounds.

For women, menopause which tends to happen between ages 45 and 55, according to the National Institute on Aging causes a significant drop in estrogen that encourages extra pounds to settle around the belly, explains Dr. Griebeler. This shift in fat storage may make the weight gain more noticeable and increase the risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, high cholesterol, and type 2 diabetes.

In addition, Griebeler notes, fluctuations in estrogen levels during perimenopause, the years leading up to menopause, may cause fluctuations in mood that make it more difficult to stick to a healthy diet and exercise plan. As a result, the average weight gain during the transition to menopause is about five pounds, according to UC San Diego Health.

Men, on the other hand, experience a significant drop in testosterone as they age. It begins to decline gradually around age 40 at a rate of about 1 to 2 percent per year, notes Harvard Health. Testosterone is responsible for, among other things, regulating fat distribution and muscle strength and mass. In other words, lower testosterone can make the body less effective at burning calories.

Also Check: Is Fasting Good For Your Heart

Is Not For Everybody

Like any dietary protocol, intermittent fasting is not an eating plan that suits everyone. As the 20:4 requires extended calorie restriction, it is recommended you speak with a trusted health practitioner before starting the plan.

The diet is not recommended for:

  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding women
  • Individuals under 18 years old
  • If youre underweight or have a history of an eating disorder

If you have a pre-existing medical condition such as insulin resistance or type 2 diabetes or are taking medications, it is strongly recommended you consult your general practitioner before considering the Warrier.

How To Safely Implement Intermittent Fasting

Getting started can be very simple, in fact, you may have already done intermittent fasting before. In our busy lifestyle, skipping or missing a morning meal has become a regular occurrence.

The easiest way to get started is to choose a method mentioned above and give it a go. However, do stop immediately if you experience any adverse effects.

You don’t have to follow a structured plan. To start, fast whenever it suits you, skipping a meal from time to time when you don’t feel hungry or dont have the time to cook. At the end of the day, it doesn’t matter which type of method you choose as long as it works for you and your lifestyle.

Also Check: When Fasting How Many Calories

Do Bcaas Or Eaas Break Intermittent Fasting

Yes, they do! Everything with calories breaks your fast. If you look at your container of BCAA and see 0 calories, its a lie. Supplement manufacturers get away with it because of an old loophole in FDA regulations which states protein shall not be declared on labels of products that contain only individual amino acids.57 In the real world, BCAAs give you 4.65 kcals per gram.58

Read more:

> > BCAA vs. EAA: Which Is Better For Your Gains?

Replies To Intermittent Fasting Over Age : The Complete Guide

Intermittent Fasting for WOMEN over Age 40: Quick Start Guide
  • Brian SJune 30, 2019

    Thomas You are the man. Im 47 years old and dropped 120lbs in 6 months following your recommendations. Thank You.

  • SHARI BOWENJune 24, 2022

    @Raja Shahja wowthat is a really rude and hurtful thing to say. When people say things like that its usually because theyre hurting themselves. I hope whatever is hurting you is resolved soon and you can stop hurting others

  • John JohnsonJuly 17, 2022

    Hope someone can answer this. I work overnights for 3 days but then convert to a day time life on my 4 days off. I want to do a 18/6 fast schedule. Does it ruin everything in that my nights fasting schedule will be different than my day fasting schedule? This because obviously my time awake is different.

  • Brian SJuly 18, 2022

    @John Johnson Not at all dont sweat it, dont overthink itNot everyday needs to be 18/6 either16/8, 20/4, 14/10 on your switch days wont set you back, stay the course and youll see amazing results.

  • Paul CialiniJuly 21, 2022

    im 55 got to loose a tun did keto 3 yrs ago since then I had two hip replacements and a shattered femur repair plates nuts bolts rods etc. just getting back into the swing on keto and doing intermittent fasting great story that you have hats off to you thats a great accomplishment I hope I can do just as good

  • Huzefa Hamid

    @Tremain Cheerful Youre most welcome Tremain!

  • I wish I could copy this

  • marie coletti

    How can I copy your notes

  • Rayman67

    do you do it every day or what he suggests?

  • Are u watching carb intake

  • Recommended Reading: Meals To Eat When Fasting

    The Secret To Success At Intermittent Fasting

    Heres something that isnt talked about enough. If youre making a change in your life, your brain might freak out and make that change really difficult.

    Lets say youre used to having a full breakfast every morning as soon as you wake up. But today is the day youve decided that youre going to fast until noon. Easy peasy, right?

    Well, it might be. Or you might find yourself thinking about delicious breakfast foods. Your stomach may start growling. And the next thing you know, youre grabbing a Danish at 10:00 am because youre starving.

    Thats your brain doing its job: protecting you from danger.

    Youre trying something new by extending the time between meals. And your brain is freaking out. What if we cant get food ever again! What if food is always restricted? Where is my toast and bacon?

    Thats why I find that it helps to ease into fasting, rather than jumping into 16/8 Intermittent Fasting on the first day. If I ever follow off the fasting wagon , I can easily get started again with the 16/8 intermittent fasting 7 day meal plan. Easing into the program keeps your brain from freaking out and basically retrains it to expect that youll still be able to eat even when the first meal of the day is later than it used to be.

    A Sample Day Of A : 4 Fast

    7:00 am Wake and drink 500 mL of water with lemon

    9:00 am Eat 1 boiled egg white, a handful of berries or 1 cup of green tea

    1:00 pm Drink grapefruit juice, 1 cup of yoghurt or ½ cup of raw vegetables

    8:00 pm Eat dinner containing protein, healthy fats and complex carbs

    9:00 pm Drink 1 cup of warm milk with turmeric

    10:00 pm Eat desserts such as dark chocolate or fruit custard

    Don’t Miss: What You Can Have While Fasting

    If You Try Intermittent Fasting Ease In

    , the obstetrician-gynecologist who created the Galveston diet, suggests women who want to try IF ease into it, such as by pushing the morning meal back every few days until its finally close to noon.

    Dr. Roberts says IF dieters aiming for a 16/8 schedule can have a beverage in the morning. A cup of black coffee goes a long way toward keeping people happy in the morning, she says, adding that for most people on this plan the hardest part is not to snack at night.

    If you have a medical condition, its important to check with your physician before beginning any IF diet. And if youre unsure about how to implement it in a healthy way, arrange for a consultation with a dietitian.

    For women who are healthy or who have gotten the all-clear, there seems to be little downside in giving IF a try. You might finally drop some of those stubborn midlife pounds that havent otherwise budged.

    Can You Have Your Morning Coffee While Intermittent Fasting

    Midlife Rambler

    The number one question I see about Intermittent Fasting is this one: Am I breaking my fast if I start the day with a cup of coffee? The consensus seems to be that a cup of black coffee is totally fine.

    But what if you need your coffee to start the day and you cant drink it without cream and/or sugar?

    Intermittent Fasting purists will tell you that youve ruined your fast if you have a cup of coffee with cream and sugar. But heres what I think.

    Change is hard. Big changes are really hard.

    If you drink coffee and think you cant quit it, then go ahead and have your morning cup. Dont let that stop you from trying Intermittent Fasting.

    If you find that youre not losing weight or if you feel that you get too hungry after drinking your morning cup of coffee, you may want to focus on switching to black coffee first and come back to Intermittent Fasting later.

    Its always totally up to you.

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    Sowhat Is Intermittent Fasting Exactly

    Intermittent fasting is when you allow yourself to eat only during a specified window of time each day, explains Alissa Rumsey, RD, a NYC-based dietitian and the owner of Alissa Rumsey Nutrition and Wellness. It usually involves fasting for a certain number of hours or even days that are spaced out during the week, and theres no right way to do this, says Sonya Angelone, RD, a spokeswoman for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.

    Intermittent Fasting For Women Over Age : Quick Start Guide

    Try Ujidos Matcha Green Tea !

    Complete guide to intermittent fasting for women over the age of 40!

    This video does contain a paid partnership with a brand that helps to support this channel. It is because of brands like this that we are able to provide the content that we do for free.

    My new book, Intermittent Fasting Made Easy, releases March 22nd, 2022! Be the first to get it by preordering here:

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    Intermittent Fasting For Women Over : Results

    As you can see, intermittent fasting can be a healthy lifestyle that offers a range of benefits, from burning fat stored in those problem areas to fat-burning to addressing nutritional deficiencies and more.

    Its a great option for women over 40 who have been struggling to lose weight and who are tired of trying every diet under the sun to no avail!

    Look at these fabulous results:

    Read Also: Dr Berg Keto And Intermittent Fasting

    Why Is Intermittent Fasting Bad

    Over Age 50 Intermittent Fasting : Complete Benefits Guide

    Restricting food intake to certain periods of time can cause some people to eat more than usual during eating periods in an attempt to make up for hours spent fasting, says Dr Ruxton. This may lead to weight gain, digestive problems and the development of unhealthy eating habits. Intermittent fasting may also cause short-term negative side effects at the start such as hunger, weakness and fatigue though these often subside once a routine is established.

    You should also be wary about missing out on essential goodness. Restricting food intake could also reduce intake of vitamins and minerals, says Dr Ruxton. In fact, any change of food/diet regime can prejudice vitamin and mineral intake. Take a multi-vitamin and multi-mineral supplement providing recommended amounts of a wide range of micronutrients.

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    How Does It Differ From The 1: 8 Method

    This plan may sound very similar to the 16:8 intermittent fast with just a smaller feeding window, however, it is actually very different to execute. Heres why:

  • You are fasting the majority of the day whereas on the 16:8 most of your fasting time is done while you are sleeping which makes it much easier to stick to.
  • You are able to eat a small portion of specific foods during your 20-hour fasting window on the Warrior Diet.
  • The four-hour eating window makes it much more difficult to consume your daily calories and meet your nutrient needs in such a limited time. Its much easier to achieve this in eight hours.
  • The original Warrior Diet places a much greater emphasis on the types of food you should be eating throughout the day and during your four-hour overeating period. Although the modern 20:4 diet has relaxed to allow you to eat what you want in your 4-hour window.
  • The original Warrior Diet also included an exercise plan to maximise the fitness and weight loss benefits while dieting.
  • Are There Any Long

    There is a growing body of research that suggests intermittent fasting does have health benefits outside of weight loss. One study published in Cell Metabolism in 2018 linked intermittent fasting and lower insulin levels and blood pressure. Researchers followed a small group of obese men with prediabetessome were put on a 16:8 diet, while others ate over a period of 12 hours. Both groups didnt gain or lose weight. But after five weeks, the men in the 16:8 group had much lower insulin levels and better insulin sensitivity. They also significantly lowered their blood pressure and said they had decreased appetites. They werent as hungry as they were beforeeven though they were fasting.

    It might seem counterintuitive, but appetite control is a big benefit of fasting. A recent study in the journal Obesityshowed that people who ate only during a six-hour window, compared to following a normal eating schedule, felt less hungry than the control group, even though both groups ate the same amount of calories. Intermittent fasting has also been linked to increased neuroplasticity, or the brain’s ability to form new synaptic connections and fight injury.

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    Is Intermittent Fasting Recommended As A Weight Loss Method For Women Over 40

    Women in their 40s are approaching menopause and struggle with the weight around the abdomen that can be hard to dislodge. It is not surprising these women are especially interested in a dietary approach directed at them.

    However, the decision about whether intermittent fasting is right needs to take into account a number of factors. Mary Claire Haver, MD, the OBGYN who created the Galveston diet, suggests women who want to try intermittent fasting slowly incorporate it, such as starting your first meal a few hours back until it reaches noon.

    If you have a medical condition, it is important to talk with your doctor before beginning any intermittent fasting diet. Also, if you are struggling with how to implement it, arrange for a consultation with a dietitian.

    Where To Learn More About Intermittent Fasting

    Midlife Rambler

    Would you like to access the full 21-day Intermittent Fasting plan and get a detailed 16/8 Intermittent Fasting guide? Also, receive Intermittent Fasting food list, learn more about Intermittent Fasting and have somebody help you to implement it to your life successfully?

    Join our 21-Day Intermittent Fasting Challenge and get all the information you need in one place to successfully master the intermittent fasting lifestyle. And finally, lose that weight youve been dreaming of!

    Wait no more and sign up to the 21-Day Intermittent Fasting Challenge here.

    I recommend starting here to learn more aboutthese types of fasting which are the MOST popular, starting with 16/8 Fasting,click on these guides below to learn more:


    In some articles, we include products we think are useful for our readers. When you buy through these links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission at no cost to you. Read more here.

    Information on this document and our website is for educational and informational purposes only. You should not rely on this information as a substitute, nor does it replace professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

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