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HomeDietReviews On Prolon Fasting Diet

Reviews On Prolon Fasting Diet

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What’s In Each Daily Box

My 5-Day ProLon Fasting Journey | ProLon Fasting Mimicking Diet Review | IntroWellness

Each daily box looks pretty small, but they’re packed full. Surprisingly full!

Here’s everything that was in the Day 1 box:

  • L-Bar Nut-based
  • Minestrone soup
  • L-Bar Choco Crisp

The other days of the fast mimicking diet are very similar, but they include L-Drink and may have minestrone & quinoa soup or hibiscus tea instead of the listed soup and tea.

Are There Side Effects To The Prolon Fasting Mimicking Diet

This fasting method has been clinically studied and documented for the benefits as well as the adverse effects.

I want to emphasize that you should consult your doctor before starting any new diet. Fasting diets, including this fasting mimicking diet, can be a pretty extreme change for your body to adjust to.

One of the side effects to this plan is caffeine-withdrawal headaches.

Since one of the biggest questions people have is: Can I drink coffee on the Prolon FMD? I want you to know that you can have one cup of black coffee each day. If you’re used to having caffeine every day, make sure you don’t skip that coffee.

The same study I talked about earlier reported that the most common adverse effects dieters experienced were mild to moderate feelings of:

Prolon also notes in the instructions that possible medical side effects could include low blood sugar, constipation and fainting.

If you have any concerns about these or any other potential adverse effects please contact Prolon or your doctor before starting the diet.

When you’re reading other Prolon reviews, be sure to note if they have information about the adverse effects. They’re very important!

Prolon Vs Other Types Of Fasting

ProLon is considered to be a type of periodic fasting, as opposed to time-restricted feeding and intermittent fasting .

The studies on ProLon’s outcomes are pretty remarkable, particularly given that the plan is just five days in length. One study published in Science Translational Medicine in 2019 compared a control group with no diet intervention to a group that followed ProLon five days a month for three months. The ProLon group lost body weight and belly fat while maintaining lean muscle mass. They also experienced reductions in blood pressure, cholesterol, and CRP, an inflammatory marker, in addition to an increase in stem cell production, as well as reduced levels of insulin-like growth factor , a hormone linked to cancer risk when elevated.

According to scientists, these health-protective results appear to be limited to the precise makeup of the ProLon plan and are not seen in other periodic fasts, such as a juice cleanse, or even a longer-term keto diet. The latter has actually been shown to trigger unhealthy outcomes, including constipation, vitamin and mineral deficiencies, and increased cholesterol.

In addition, the majority of the ProLon results were sustained, even after participants resumed their normal diets. For example, 115 days after the protocol, 60% of the weight lost and reductions in waist measurements were maintained.

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Our Weight Loss Supplement Recommendations

There exist several weight loss supplements with significant clinical backing in terms of both efficacy and safety. These supplements are not a substitute for healthy diet, but may be used in conjunction with a healthy diet.

We recommend dietary fiber as a safe and effective weight loss supplement, especially when combined with caloric restriction.

A landmark medical study found that moderate caloric restriction combined with dietary fiber intake caused an average weight loss of 16.03 pounds over 6 months. Thats a pace of 32 pounds per year of weight loss in overweight individuals simply by adding fiber to a moderately-restricted-calorie diet.

The fiber supplement we recommend is SuperGut Fiber Mix. It contains a clean and effective formulation: a blend of three different types of unflavored dietary fiber and zero additive ingredients. It can be mixed into liquids or foods. Interested consumers can buy SuperGut fiber at this link.

We recommend using two fiber mixes per day, which provides 16 grams of total fiber. Diet should provide the remaining fiber necessary to meet the 20 g minimum threshold.

Medium-chain triglyceride oil is another dietary supplement which has been shown in clinical trials to cause weight loss.

The effective dose range of MCT oil for weight loss is 1.7 g to 10 g per day. Bulletproof’s MCT oil provides 14 g in one tablespoon, so around two-thirds of one tablespoon should be a maximally-effective dosage.

How Does Prolon Work


The ProLon cleanse puts your body into a fasting state through a plant-based diet done over a 5-day period. This Fasting Mimicking Diet is not exactly fasting because you eat three times a day, but the purely plant diet is designed to trick your body into thinking it is fasting.

If followed correctly, ProLon promises similar weight loss effects to a true fast, but since you are still eating 3 times a day it is much safer than other forms of fasting.

Each day, you need to eat what is in your daily food kit. It contains breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

The ProLon diet follows a simple strategy over 3 months to get its full effects. Here is a quick breakdown of the ProLon plan, with more details to follow:

  • Prepare for your fast by eating more plant-based foods and cutting out all junk foods
  • Begin your 5-day ProLon FMD on the morning of Day 1
  • Follow the meal schedule provided in your ProLon food kit
  • For even better results, follow the meal transition plan on Day 6
  • Repeat the process 2 more times at the beginning of the next two months
  • While the 5-day food kits are the core of the ProLon diet plan, its recommended you spend a few days reducing your caloric intake and start eating a plant-based diet before you begin your FMD. This helps your body adjust to what may be a drastic change.

    Recommended Reading: 16/8 Fasting Meal Plan

    I Just Completed Day 2

    I just completed day 2. So far Ive found it pretty easy to stick to the plan. Ive found that drinking lots of water helps. The only negative is the flavor and texture of the soups. They are really awful tasting. The bars, crackers and olives are saving me.

    Date of experience:October 02, 2022

    Reply from ProLon

    Hi customer, thank you for your review. There are suggestions on our FAQ page on how to enhance the flavors of the soups under the “Eating During the ProLon 5- day Fast” tab. If you haven’t already we recommend joining our Facebook community. They offer more ideas and support during your fasting journey. This can be accessed on our website under the “Fasting Groups” tab. Keep up your intermittent fasting efforts. We’re rooting for you!

    Comparison: Prolon Vs Dr Kellyann

    The most comparable diet to the ProLon FMD is the Dr. Kellyann Cleanse & Reset because both are a 5-day diet plan with a focus on soup-based nutrition and some fasting. You may recognize Dr. Kellyann from her successful book, The Bone Broth Diet.

    Right from the get-go, you will see that the philosophies at each company are vastly different. ProLon is a health-focused diet that is backed by research and clinical testing, and targets a wider audience. In contrast, Dr. Kellyanns approach seems far more concerned with body image, and looking slim and sexy.

    That phrase, slim and sexy, is taken straight from Dr. Kellyanns website. The look and language of her program seems far more targeted at women. Her program talks about cellulite, lean muscle, and hair growth, and uses packaging that leans heavily on pinks and purples. ProLon, on the other hand, uses far more neutral language and aesthetics.

    The products sold by Dr. Kellyann seem far less health-oriented than the products at ProLon, as they do not explicitly state they are plant-based, or gluten-free. ProLon FMD is the superior product in this regard better for your health, as well as better for the planet and more accessible to a variety of dietary needs.

    Finally, the 5-day kit from Dr. Kellyann will run you from $219 to $279. ProLon is more affordable, at $187 for a 5-day kit or $179 per month with a subscription.

    Also Check: How Many Hours For Intermittent Fasting

    Is The Prolon Diet A Healthy Choice For You

    Fasting and fasting-mimicking diets are known to have some health benefits if followed correctly and done safely. However, in some cases, fasting can cause hypoglycemia and dehydration, among other symptoms.

    Fasting-mimicking diets may offer some health benefits, including lower blood pressure and better cardiovascular health. However, diets such as these are dangerous if not followed as intended. Always consult with a healthcare provider before fasting or following any type of diet.

    May Slow Aging And Mental Decline

    Prolon Fasting Mimicking Diet – Is It Worth It?

    One of the main reasons Dr. Longo developed the Fasting Mimicking Diet was to slow the aging process and risk of certain diseases by promoting the bodys ability to self-repair through cellular regeneration.

    Autophagy is a process in which old, damaged cells are recycled to produce new, healthier ones.

    Intermittent fasting has been shown to optimize autophagy, which may protect against mental decline and slow cellular aging.

    A study in mice found that short-term food restriction led to a dramatic increase of autophagy in nerve cells .

    Another study in rats with dementia showed that alternate-day food deprivation for 12 weeks led to greater reductions in oxidative damage to brain tissue and reduced mental deficits compared to a control diet .

    Other animal studies have demonstrated that fasting increases the generation of nerve cells and enhances brain function .

    Whats more, intermittent fasting has been shown to decrease insulin-like growth factor a hormone that, at high levels, can increase the risk of certain cancer, such as breast cancer .

    However, more human studies need to be carried out to fully understand how fasting may impact aging and disease risk.


    The Fasting Mimicking Diet may promote weight loss, enhance autophagy, and reduce blood sugar, cholesterol, and inflammation.

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    What Is Prolons Shipping Policy

    ProLon ships to the US, the UK, Canada and 17 other countries. ProLon offers free shipping to the US, and typically takes between 4-7 business days to receive your order.

    If ProLon is sold in your region, then there are no customs or duties on your order. Just be sure you order it from your countrys online storefront, all of which can be accessed from ProLons International Orders page.

    Why You Should Trust Us

    Over the past two decades, Innerbody Research has helped tens of millions of readers make more informed decisions involving staying healthy and living healthier lifestyles.

    We extensively test each health product and service we review. We try our best to give you, our readers, unbiased exploration of at-home health services, free of marketing jargon or gimmicks. We base our evaluations on adherence to quality, the latest medical evidence and health standards, and a simple question: would we buy the product or service ourselves if it werent part of our job, and would we recommend it to family and friends?

    Additionally, like all health-related content on this website, this review of ProLon was thoroughly vetted by one or more members of our Medical Review Board for accuracy.

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    Key Benefits Of The Prolon Fmd

    The FMD technique allows you to enjoy food while experiencing the physical effects of a fast. Your body may feel the benefits of the ProLon FMD in a variety of ways. The FMD has the potential to:

    Now that we know how the ProLon fasting diet impacts your body, you might be asking yourself another question: how will it impact my daily life? This ProLon diet review has some answers for you.

    Evidence To Support Claims

    TOPAZ HORIZON: Review: ProLon diet

    There is substantial evidence of the benefits of intermittent fasting, from stress management to better brain health, and improved cellular function.

    It may also be beneficial for weight loss and improving body composition.

    Although fasting has benefits, not eating for extended periods of time has downsides such as decreased immune function, fatigue, and low blood sugar or blood pressure.

    It is also difficult to stick with for most people.

    Considering the benefits and challenges of fasting, having an alternative in the ProLon diet is a great way to circumvent some of those downsides.

    The ProLon diet was developed by health researchers and has quite a bit of evidence to support its claims.

    A 2017 study compared the effect of ProLon versus an unrestricted diet on various health markers.

    One hundred subjects followed either a normal diet or three rounds of ProLon for a three-month period.

    Those on the ProLon diet had significantly reduced body fat, lower blood pressure, improved blood sugar, lower inflammation, and better blood lipid levels.

    Subjects lost an average of 6 pounds. These results were sustained for up to 115 days after following the program.

    There is on-going research to continue to understand the benefits of ProLon and how it can improve health.

    Recommended Reading: Intermittent Fasting For Fat Burning

    Can You Drink Coffee On The Prolon Diet

    Yes, you can drink a little bit of coffee each day. That said, it is still recommended you avoid it if you can. The scientists at L-Nutra suggest that if you need to have your java, keep it to 90 mg of caffeine per day or less. Thats the equivalent of an 8 oz cup of black coffee, two cups of black or green caffeinated tea, or up to 6 cups of decaffeinated coffee.

    Day : I Really Want A Snack

    Tuesday is my hungriest day. There is no afternoon snack, no Choco Crisp Bar. Just one nut bar, tomato soup, kale crackers, minestrone soup, and the energy drink, which I carry everywhere like a security blanket.

    I need to finish up an article and I feel a little dopey, so I admit to the scientist Im interviewing that Im on a fasting diet. Shes intrigued and wants to know all about the biochemistry behind it. Everyone, actually, wants to know about this crazy diet Im on.

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    So Much Easier Than Water Fasting

    I’ve done a few therapeutic water fasts over the years and I absolutely hated every minute. I’ve always had the most miserable time ever. Prolon fasting however is a game changer. Yes it’s hard, but there are those times every day that you know you are going to eat!! Follow the “instructions” for the soups and they shouldn’t be hard or gritty . I am lucky that I enjoy olives, the crackers and the nut bars were delicious, it’s food after all : ) I have just completed round 3. It really does get easier with each round. My one criticism – the beautiful packaging and plastic bottle are completely unnecessary. I think Prolon should scale that down a bit. THANK YOU Prof Longo for the decades of hard work and study.

    Date of experience:October 07, 2022

    Reply from ProLon

    Hi Lesley, thank you for your review. Congratulations on completing multiple rounds of ProLon! We’re thrilled you enjoy the benefits and flavors. We are constantly striving to improve our products and packaging. Thank you for the suggestions and tips. Cheers to rejuvenation!

    Slows Aging And Boosts Cellular Regeneration

    Prolon Fasting Mimicking Diet: a day-by-day review

    Among the main reasons, Dr. Longo created the Fasting Mimicking Diet was to slow aging and the risk of deadly diseases by boosting cellular regeneration .

    Intermittent fasting optimizes autophagy , thus slowing cellular aging and providing protection against cognitive decline.

    A study in mice revealed that a short-term diet restriction caused a dramatic spike of autophagy within nerve cells. Alternative animal studies have shown that fasting boosts brain function by increasing the generation of nerve cells.

    Read Also: Intermittent Fasting 16/8 App

    Products Similar To Prolon

    Explanation of Price

    This is how much it costs to start on the respective program. We always recommend trying a product before making a large investment.

    • = Initial product cost is less than $5
    • = Initial product cost is between $6 and $50
    • = Initial product cost is between $51 and $150
    • = Initial product cost is $151 or more

    My Review And Results Of The Prolon Diet

    I wasnt following the Prolon Diet program to lose weight, but I did lose 5 lbs during the 5 days. 8 lbs if you count the three extra pounds I weighed the morning after Christmas!

    Heres the scale. I should have taken a photo of the 110.8 lbs, but I wasnt thinking it would be so different.

    While its impossible to know if I experienced any anti-aging benefits, I did feel great during the 5 days.

    • I had plenty of energy.
    • I was 100% more productive at work
    • And I wasnt bloated at all. (even though the manufacturer doesnt claim this as an effect of ProLon. I tend to overeat on low calorie food because I like to feel full, but as a result, I always feel bloated! On this program, the food is minimal, so my stomach was flatter than its been in awhile.

    Could I have achieved the same feeling by limiting my calories on my own? I think I could, although it would be harder. The reason following the program worked for me was because I was mentally committed to the full 5 days, and I didnt have to think about or calculate my food intake. The more time I spend in the kitchen preparing food, the more I eat. But with the box of pre-made food, I spent almost zero time in the kitchen, eliminating most temptations.

    What surprised me was how bored I was! I am shocked at how often I thought about going to get a snack, just to entertain myself! I hope moving forward, I can catch myself before I reach for food out of boredom.

    Recommended Reading: 12 12 Fasting Weight Loss

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