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What Are The Best Intermittent Fasting Apps

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Fastient Allows You To Track All Your Nutritional Goals In One Place

Best Intermittent Fasting Apps of 2020 || The Most Complete Review

If you want to track your fasting times and monitor your diet, Fastient is one of the more comprehensive tracking apps available. It allows users to maintain a record of their food intake in addition to tracking their fasting windows. We love this feature for keto because it helps to ensure that youre getting all of the nutrients you need during your feeding windows.

Fastient has a clean, simple interface for simple data entry, and users appreciate the easy-to-read graphs for simple, straightforward progress monitoring. If you need to adjust your fasting plan based on these results, thats easy to do too.

Need a little push? We got you. !

Jenna has a Bachelor’s Degree from Lycoming College and her Master’s from Penn State, holding 3 years of writing experience between a variety of publications and HipKeto.

Zero Simple Fasting Tracker

One of the top intermittent fasting apps, Zero helps you improve your health and manage weight. Chief Medical Officer Dr. Peter Attia and some other worlds leading doctors and researchers advise the app for content creation and fasting protocols.

Unique Features of This Intermittent Fasting App

-> Stay on track by starting the timer and setting up your goal on this mobile application.

-> Get your progress in the form of charts and access the calendar view with the intermittent fasting app.

-> The journal helps you learn about your progress to help you adjust your goals with time on this mobile app.

-> You can also access premium content like videos, articles, audio segments, and more with the subscription on the fasting app.


Google Play Store Rating: 4.6

Apple App Store Rating: 4.8

Best Intermittent Fasting Apps

Here is the list of best free weight tracking apps and to make it easy for you, we have prepared this table based on their features, price, and platform availability.

However, all the apps are free to use, but you may need to pay for the subscriptions, in-app purchases, advanced features, and consultations.

  • Great tool for monitor weight
  • Check the progress in a timeline

Now lets discuss all these apps in detail to know more about them and find the reason why these apps are the best.

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Fastient Fasting Tracker & Journal App

Fastient is an easy intermittent fasting tracker tool that cleverly shows your progress before, during, and after fasting. Its features include the ability to track your everyday achievements and journal symptoms, mood, and weight, etc. The Fastient users can add and edit previous fasts.

Features of Fastient app:

  • Visualize your progress in the completion bar
  • View current statistics on a simple home screen quickly
  • Change the start time of your fast
  • Easily add a final goal to your fasting process
  • Current fast will be not added to your stats
  • See your weight loss, fasting, or feeding on a chart
  • Import previous fasts from other tracking mobile apps via .csv file
  • Access Fastient from any device or platform
  • Your data is safe delete your data and account whenever you want

Fastient works seamlessly with various types of fasts. Popular fasting regimes include:

  • Intermittent Fasting

I Am Not The Same Girl I Was Before This Journey

The 8 Best Intermittent Fasting Apps in 2020 [IOS &  Android]

My weight-loss experience has revealed the true me, and I dont ever want to go back to the girl I used to be. I wish I knew I had this type of willpower and strength in me all along because I have overcome so many obstacles since starting that I never thought I would achieve.

And I also wish I knew there would be people who still criticized me after losing weight. Now, the criticisms I get are not so much about my size, but about my method. People tend to discourage what they dont understand or don’t agree with, and I find that IF is one of those prickly topics.

When you find what works for you, as long as you’re in a good place physically and mentally while you do it, that’s great. You just have to ignore them and trust the process. No one can control your life except you.

Since starting ADF, I have lost 108 pounds over one year and two months. I am gaining muscle and my body is still changing every day.

Recommended Reading: How To Get Electrolytes While Fasting

Bodyfast Intermittent Fasting Tracker Diet Coach

With more than 19 million users worldwide, BodyFast helps you achieve the weight that you dream of. Improve your health condition and increase your energy levels with the use of this mobile app.

Unique Features of This Intermittent Fasting App

-> There are more than 10 fast options available on this mobile app for intermittent fasting.

-> Your weight and body measurements can be tracked to learn about your progress with this iPhone and Android app.

-> Get reminded of drinking water with the water tracker feature available on the fasting app.


Google Play Store Rating: 4.6

Apple App Store Rating: 4.7

Do you want to further improve your fitness level with workout mobile apps? We have got you covered with this comprehensive blog, Best HIIT Workout Apps for all Fitness Enthusiasts.

People Who Should Skip If

IF might be risky for people with conditions and chronic diseases like diabetes, blood pressure issues and heart disease, according to Harvard Health Publishing. If you take certain medications for these conditions, IF could also have negative side effects. Additionally, IF is not safe for pregnant women, children, and people at risk for hypoglycemia.

Now that youre familiar with the different types of IF, you can determine which intermittent fasting plan if any is right for you. While adopting one could help you reach your fitness goals, make sure youre putting your overall health and wellbeing first.

Editor’s note: The views expressed in this article are not intended to replace professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

About the author

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The Top 12 Best Apps For Intermittent Fasting

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Intermittent fasting has received much attention among health experts recently as a viable way to lose weight. Instead of following extreme diets, followers of this regimen restrict their food intake at certain times while eating normally at other times to lose weight.

As a weight-loss technique, intermittent fasting has been around for ages, but it started to gain attention in 2012 thanks to a BBC documentary by Dr. Michael Mosley called Eat Fast, Live Longer and the book The Fast Diet. Subsequent books increased the interest in intermittent fasting.

Although many people think of fasting as a somewhat painful religious ritual where one foregoes food for extended amounts of time, intermittent fasting is different, with many medical experts indicating that it is a viable weight-loss method. Harvard University Health notes that intermittent fasting not only makes intuitive sense but that it also seems to work with the human bodys circadian rhythms.

To that end, the world of technology has joined the intermittent fasting bandwagon with the creation of apps that make losing weight just a little bit easier. We have gathered and analyzed the best apps for intermittent fasting on the market. The main points used to evaluate these apps were: basic features, premium or add-on features, user experience and user interface. Finally, we have also included a short description of to whom the app is targeted for each review.

Anskningar Om Intermittent Fasta: Detta R Fastic

DoFasting Review | TOP Intermittent Fasting Apps 2021

Fastic är en av mest populära intermittenta fasta -appar den har över 10 miljoner användare. Och det är att Fastic håller sig till användarnas behov, nybörjare och avancerade, män och kvinnor. Det är väldigt lätt att komma igång med intermittent fasta med hjälp av Fastic, börja jobba!

Fastic erbjuder dig en fasta timer och fasta faser: du kan registrera dina framsteg, hålla reda på mängden vatten du dricker och få påminnelser om det. Den innehåller också en stegräknare, och bäst av allt, den stöder styrketräning. Och den kan synkroniseras med Google Fit.

Det inkluderar mer än 1000 recept, dagliga och veckovisa utmaningar som kommer att utgöra en utmaning för dig. Du kan ansluta till Fastic -gemenskapen för att dela framsteg, recept, åsikter och slutligen ha ett moraliskt stöd under hela processen. Du kan börja med ljus -planen, gå igenom det måttliga och fortsätt med det intensiva: allt beror på ditt fysiska tillstånd. Märk väl, sätta dig realistiska mål.

Du kan ladda ner den på iOS och Android.

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These Handy Intermittent Fasting Apps Will Keep You On Track Whether Youre Fasting For The First Time Or Building A Consistent Schedule

Intermittent fasting is pretty straightforward, especially when it comes to popular diets. You simply limit the hours you can eat during the day to a specific window. Outside of this window, fast meaning, eat nothing. This simple diet can give your metabolism the kick it needs, help you lose weight and even help stabilize blood sugar levels.

Theres just one tricky aspect to this new way of eating: You need to really commit to your chosen diet and its schedule, eating only during select hours and fasting for longer. Thats why turning to intermittent fasting apps can be particularly helpful.

No matter which kind of intermittent fasting you opt for, an app can make everything easier. Thanks to the increasing popularity of intermittent fasting diets, theres now a wealth of handy mobile apps available so you can stay on track right from your smartphone or tablet. From planning meals to tracking fasts, the right app will help you master every little detail of your intermittent fasting plan.

Check out the following intermittent fasting apps, all of which will make scheduling, tracking and monitoring your progress a breeze:

Anskningar Om Intermittent Fasta

Intermittent fasta är en behandling där du äter under vissa timmar på dygnet. Det finns olika tidsluckor där du kan äta, beroende på vilken typ av fasta du vill och kan följa och även efter dina behov. Fastan som sådan är rekommenderas minst en gång i veckan för att rena kroppen från toxiner och överskott. Fastan, även om traditionellt för katoliker följs under fastan, liksom på onsdagar och fredagar under hela året, har stora fördelar för kroppen och hälsan.

Med det kan du gå ner i vikt om du följer den ordentligt. Det är inte värt att bingeing på kolhydratrik mat under de timmar då det är tillåtet att äta. För att se resultat är det bäst att äta hälsosamt och balanserat. Och, naturligtvis, glöm inte att följa med mycket vatten och måttlig fysisk aktivitet.

Är intermittent fasta bra? Är det hälsosamt? Det är en naturligt sätt att gå ner i vikt och använda kroppens fettlager. Som vi redan förutsåg fungerar det som en detox, men det hjälper också kontrollera blodsockernivån, minskar inflammation, förebygger sjukdomar och förbättrar ämnesomsättningen. Å andra sidan kommer du att ha mycket mer energi och du kommer att vara mer uppmärksam och pigg i din dag till dag. Känner du dig alltid trött och motig? Intermittent fasta kan hjälpa dig att må bättre och till och med hjälpa dig att vila bättre.

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But Is It Really Healthy To Fast For 16 Hours

For starters, this diet might be hard to maintain. Say goodbye to dinner parties and late-night dates. And god forbid a friend is late to that 5 p.m. dinner you scheduled.

It may be sustainable if you stick to the strict regimen, Warren says. However, this is difficult to maintain in real-life scenarios like social functions.

Halle Berry uses intermittent fasting as part of her diet routine. Here’s how:

Beyond the downer of not being able to go out for a late-night fancy dinner, in rare cases the 16:8 diet could potentially lead to disordered eating, too, notes Hunnes. For example, if youre someone who doesnt do well with long periods of fasting, you might follow a 16-hour fast with a binge or even start to prolong fasting periods longer than you should. Both would be signs that the diets not working for you and that it could progress to something more serious like an eating disorder, she says.

If you eat too late, you could also potentially interfere with the quality of your sleepso its best to eat earlier in the day, suggests Hunnes.

That said, two recent studies in Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolismshow obese adults can stick to the 16:8 diet without developing or exacerbating body image issues, disordered eating patterns, or sleeping problems.

Best Intermittent Fasting Appsquick Review

7 Beste Intermittent Fasting Apps in 2021

Following is the wrap-up of the best simple fasting apps you can find on the market incase you want to quickly choose. All these options come with free and paid versions.

1. Best Overall Fasting App: Zero

Offering the best features you can get with a free version and supports your mobile whether be it Android or iPhone. Get for iOS or Android.

2. Best Collaborative Fasting App: LIFE Fasting Tracker

Create instant social circles and share your diet plan & progress with your friends, family, trainer, physician, or whoever you would like to.

3. Best Advanced Fasting App: BodyFast

Switch between multiple diets you plans want to abide by, regarding your needs or aims with the mind-blowing list of fasting options.

4. Best Innovative Fasting App: Window

Toggle between multiple Windows that particularly include eating and fasting, that too, in multiple overviews like calendar and statistics. Get for

5. Best Versatile App: InFasting

Conveniently create and update a journal where you write down your feelings and events to record your body transformation and track progress. Get for

6. Best Multifunctional Fasting App: Fastic

Get inspired by hundreds of recipe ideas offering healthy, nutritious, and delicious ingredients to further make your diet effective.

With the overview at hand, its time for a little chit-chat on each option with the aim of giving you further information on them.

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Intermittent Fasting Mobile App: Conclusion

There are many intermittent fasting mobile apps available on the Google Play Store and Apple App Store. These are some of the best fasting apps. All these mobile apps are full of features and can help you lose weight and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Which one will you choose from the list of these iOS and Android fasting apps? Do let us know your views in the comments section below.

Are you looking for some of the apps that can help you relax? Do check out our list of .

Get Your Own Intermittent Fasting App

VerveLogic is a mobile app development company that can help you create a mobile app of your own. We have some of the best mobile app developers to help you receive a robust and functional mobile app. Making use of the latest tools and technologies, we aim at receiving one-hundred percent client satisfaction. Feel free to request a free quote for your app development.

How To Make Intermittent Fasting Apps

Having a clear idea about the best intermittent fasting apps functions may be enough for most people. This segment is for those who want to take it up a notch and make their intermittent fasting apps or know about them. Intermittent fasting apps are straightforward. There is significantly less that can go wrong with these apps.

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How Does The Intermittent Fasting App Work

Unlike starvation, Intermittent Fasting is the voluntary and controlled manner of not consuming any foods. Intermittent Fasting apps help you to track down your daily intermittent fasting activity at ease. Most IF apps are designed to assist people to carry their fasting activity around 12 to 16 hours a day.

When you begin your fasting it will start showing you the percentage of time remaining for you to eat. Also, you can check the log activity where you can get the entire summary of your fasting activity on day/week/monthly wise.

Bodyfast Intermittent Fasting: Coach Diet Tracker

TOP 6 Intermittent Fasting Apps (2020 Edition)

This is the best fasting app that is going to guide in your journey of losing weight.

This app also helps you to burn calories.

  • 5M+ Downloads
  • More than 10 fasting plans are available on this app.
  • Also, track the weight and height of your body.
  • On this app multiple notification setting is available.
  • This app makes a simple break from eating and loses weight.


  • This app every day keeps track of our body and body weight.
  • And also quite easy to use compared to our fasting apps.
  • This app also works even without internet connectivity.
  • This app is a free version and easy to download.


  • The app keeps on crashing and makes it quite difficult to use.
  • Contain may other technical issues.
  • Does not contain much information.
  • This app is also very basic even for the beginner.

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Fasting App Fasting Tracker & Intermittent Fast

This app is going to help you in losing weight in a quite new and effective manner.

This app is a simple intermittent fasting app which helps us to take care of our health.

And also quite easy to use.

These intermittent fasting apps help us to burn our body weight and maintain our body.

And help us to lose weight without doing any type of exercise and dieting.

  • 1M+ Downloads
  • Consist of various intermittent fasting plans and schedules.
  • This app is best for beginners and also for experienced.
  • Also, provide you proper and customize fasting planning.
  • This app also sets a timer when we have to start/end.
  • Also, you can check your fasting status and track your weight.
  • Give tips to lose weight most naturally and safely.


  • This app exactly tells what is going on in our body.
  • It also gives the motivation to lose weight.
  • It can also track our fast in a quite simple and easy manner.
  • Also, get a notification when we progress in losing weight.
  • Visual graphs are also available which help us to guess the weight fluctuation in our body.


  • Quite difficult to edit the fasting time.
  • The app consists of too many ads.
  • A major issue on this app is date and time adjustment.

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