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30 Day Intermittent Fasting Challenge

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Day Weight Loss Challenge Ideas Made Simple

30-Day Intermittent Fasting Weight Loss Challenge (full meal plan)

These 30 day weight loss challenge ideas are designed to for weight loss in the fastest and simplest way possible! Go through our list to see which 30 day weight challenge is best suited for you. We have divided the challenges into 4 different categories based on the the type of weight loss.

  • 30 day challenges for quick weight loss through diets.
  • 30 day challenges for weight loss through healthy eating.
  • 30 day challenges for weight loss through exercise.
  • 30 day challenges for weight loss through a change in lifestyle.
  • What Is My Fasting Challenge

    My Fasting Challenge is an online, email-based intermittent fasting program.

    It takes on a new approach to conventional intermittent fasting methods, operating as a personal challenge to each user. The design focuses on ease of use for intermittent fasting beginners so they can effortlessly incorporate it into daily life.

    Features include personal insights and tracking to help users reach weight loss goals as soon as possible, in the safest way possible. Services include a healthy diet plan with meal ideas, simple recipes, and exercise plans to speed up results without causing fatigue.

    With daily updates via email, you can remain consistent with your fasting routine and consistent in your progress.

    The most remarkable thing about this tool is that its developed by professional nutritionists. They are the brains behind the program, ensuring you consume sufficient calories while on your fasting journey and mitigating any potentially harmful mistakes that IF newcomers make.

    Other features include monthly caloric intake evaluations, a personal progress tracking sheet, and access to like-minded people within the IF community through Instagram and a Facebook group.

    Here Are Some Of The Scientifically

  • Improved Metabolism – without any ‘magical teas,’ supplements or pills!
  • Improved Digestion – giving your digestive system scheduled breaks has been shown to have massive gut-healing effects.
  • Better Hormones – Fasting has been shown to naturally increase levels of Human Growth Hormone, which has direct effects on fat loss and muscle gain. Insulin sensitivity improves and levels of insulin drop dramatically. Lower insulin = higher fat burning.
  • Better Wind & Endurance – Ready to seriously improve your cardio capacity? Several studies have show significant increases in VO2 max on fasted athletes versus fed athletes.
  • Less hunger – Fasting for less hunger? Yes – you read that right! Many people who practice strategic intermittent fasting report less overall hunger and an easier time sticking to a restricted calorie diet. Many people also find that eating larger meals in a shorter time window is more satisfying than eating smaller meals spread out through a much longer eating window.
  • Better Sleep & Increased Energy – Proper Intermittent Fasting has been shown to balance our circadian rhythms, leading to better quality sleep and more energy throughout the day.
  • Clear Skin – while this may not be an issue for many of you, intermittent fasting can have a very positive impact on how our skin looks and feels – this is understood to be due to more balanced hormones.
  • Our 30-day Intermittent Fasting Challenge outlines a very simple and easy-to-follow format of this stye of eating,

    Recommended Reading: How To Do Intermittent Fasting Complete Guide

    How To Start & How To Do Intermittent Fasting

    One of the reasons I personally think Intermittent Fasting really took over is because of how easy it is to start it.

    Literally, the only thing you should really decide before you start is which Intermittent Fasting schedule type you are planning to follow.

    And before you make this decision, it is important to understand the various types of Intermittent Fasting. Thats how you will find the one that works the best for you and fits your unique lifestyle.

    For your convenience, here are the most popular Intermittent Fasting Schedules.

    Join Our Fasting Transformation

    21 Day Intermittent Fasting Challenge

    Making a lifestyle or dietary change may be difficult alone. You may have questions, need support, or simply want to talk to like-minded individuals on a similar journey. I recommend that you join ourfree. My team and I are there to support your journey along the way, not to mention our amazing community members who are full of wisdom and inspiring success stories. The community support will help you stay on target during the fasting challenge!

    Read Also: How Much Weight Can You Lose With Water Fasting

    Intermediate Fasting Meal Plan

    With this plan, you will be eating only between the hours of 12 p.m. and 6 p.m. for a full 18 hours of fasting within a 24-hour period.

    I personally practice this plan during the workweek. I’m not a breakfast person, so I just enjoy a few cups of herbal tea to start my day.

    Even though you are skipping breakfast, it’s still important to stay hydrated.

    Make sure to drink enough water. You can also have herbal tea,

    The catechins in tea have been shown to enhance the benefits of fasting by helping to further , so you can make it until lunch and not feel deprived.

    Since you’ve increased your fasting period an extra four hours, you need to make sure your first meal has enough healthy fats. The burger in the 8-to-6-window plan will work well, and you can add more fats in with your dressing or top with avocado!

    Nuts and seeds make great snacks that are high-fat and can be eaten around 2:30 p.m.

    Soaking these beforehand can help neutralize naturally occurring enzymes like phytates that can contribute to digestive problems. Eat dinner around 5:30 p.m., and just like in the 8-to-6-window plan, a dinner with some sort of wild-caught fish or another clean protein source with vegetables is a great option.

    • First meal, 12 p.m.: Grass-fed burger with avocado
    • Snack, 2:30 p.m.: Nuts and seeds
    • Second meal, 5:30 p.m.: Salmon and veggies

    Is It Also Good For People Who Are Within A Normal Weight Range

    ADF is not only beneficial for weight loss, but it can also offer health benefits for those who dont have obesity.

    A 3-week study analyzed individuals with average weight following a strict ADF diet with zero calories on fasting days.

    The researchers found that it resulted in increased fat burning, decreased fasting insulin, and a 4% decrease in fat mass .

    However, hunger levels remained quite high throughout the study.

    They speculated whether a modified ADF diet with one small meal on fasting days might be more tolerable for people who dont have obesity.

    Another controlled study involved individuals with overweight and average weight.

    It showed that following an ADF diet for 12 weeks reduced fat mass and produced favorable changes in risk factors for heart disease .

    That said, ADF generally provides much fewer calories than you need to maintain weight, which is the reason you ultimately lose weight.

    If youre not looking to lose weight or fat mass, or have average weight to begin with, other dietary methods will probably suit you better.


    Alternate-day fasting increases fat burning and reduces risk factors for heart disease in people with average weight.

    Theres no general rule regarding what you should eat or drink on fasting days, except that your total calorie intake shouldnt exceed around 500 calories.

    Its best to drink low calorie or calorie-free drinks on fasting days, such as:

    Here are a few examples of meals that are suitable for fasting days:

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    What To Eat During Intermittent Fasting

    A popular misconception is that you can allow yourself to eat anything while doing Intermittent Fasting, including fast food, sugary and highly processed dishes. If your goal is to lose weight, improve productivity and simply get healthier, it is essential to stick to healthy meals.

    This means eating whole foods and avoiding the usual suspects such as sugar, processed foods, empty carbs, etc.

    The type of diet you choose is up to you as long it is balanced and fits your lifestyle. For many, Keto Diet has proven to be a great supplement to Intermittent Fasting, as it may help you burn more fat.

    If you are still not sure how to implement a new healthier diet to support your Intermittent Fasting goals and make your Intermittent Fasting journey easier?

    Great news together with a professional dietitian, we have prepared a balanced 21-Day Intermittent Fasting meal plan . You can choose meal plans based on your gender, age, physical activity and diet .

    Is My Fasting Challenge Legit

    Day 1 || 30 Day Intermittent Fasting Challenge || Exercise and Diet Plan

    Yes, My Fasting Challenge is a legitimate business offering a tailored fasting program to people who want to benefit from intermittent fasting, whether to lose weight or to improve overall health and wellbeing.

    You can find multiple reviews online from real users who have tried and tested the My Fasting Challenge method.

    According to the official website, the company is based in Lithuania, with support for US customers located in Delaware.

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    Types Of Intermittent Fasting Strategies

    One of the most exciting things about intermittent fasting is that there are a variety of strategies that you can try based on your experience with fasting, schedule, health, and personal goals. Check out the 7 main types of intermittent strategies to find whats right for you to apply for the fasting challenge.

    Intermittent Fasting Side Effects For Me

    • Constantly thirsty, carrying water became a must
    • Headache for the first few days
    • Had an empty stomach in the morning
    • More bowel movement during the day
    • I craved apples during the day

    The part that was the most interesting to me was the fasting period of 14 hours and sometimes 15 hours. I did not realize how many time I get a snack or nibble on something until these past 30 days. The longest I was able to go was 15 hours, anything longer was just going to make me sick. Im sure not everyone is the same but for me that was my limit. Most intermittent fasting articles recommend fasting for 16 hours and eating during the 8 hour window.

    During my fasting state, I actually was asleep! So the only time I was not eating was 6am to 10am, and in the evening, I stopped eating at 7pm. At first I did have 3 meals but by the end of the 1st week I went down to two meals. I also still followed my Low-Carb diet with many Vegan meals in between.

    Don’t Miss: What Is Intermittent Fasting And How To Do It

    Fasting Stimulates Cellular Autophagy

    Autophagy is a process thats part of your innate immune system. It allows your body to get rid of old and damaged cells, leaving room for new and healthy ones, restrict viral infections and the replication of cellular parasites, and protect your body from abnormal tissue cell growth and toxicity.

    Intermittent fasting stimulates cellular autophagy and makes your body stronger and healthier . In particular, fasting helps your body regenerate healthier mitochondria which are the intracellular organelles that create energy.

    This process of recycling old and damaged mitochondria for new and healthier versions is called mitophagy and it is one of the greatest discoveries in the anti-aging world. This is another great benefit of taking part in the fasting challenge!

    Warrior Fast And Omad

    Pin on Fasting

    The Warrior Fast is one of the most advanced intermittent fasting strategies. It has a 19 to 21-hour fasting window. The One Meal a Day Diet goes a step beyond as it involves 23 hours of fasting and only 1 hour of eating. While these intermittent fasting strategies provide very high fat-burning and ketosis benefits, it is for more advanced people only who have mastered daily 16-hour or 18-hour fasting and regular 24-hour fasting methods.

    How to do it: For the Warrior Fast, if you eat dinner at 6 pm, you are ready for your next meal between 1 and 3 pm with a 3 to 5-hour window. If you are doing OMAD, if you finished your meal at 6 pm, you can eat at 5 pm the next day.

    Remember, it is important to eat a very large meal during your eating window to meet your caloric and nutrient needs. You may learn about the Simple Fast, Brunch Fast, Cycle Fast, Strong Fast, and Warrior Fast from this article. You may learn more about OMAD here.

    Don’t Miss: How To Keto Diet And Intermittent Fasting

    What To Drink During Intermittent Fasting

    To get all the health benefits of Intermittent Fasting such as fat loss, increased metabolic rate, lower blood sugar levels, boost in the immune system and others, you have to restrict from consuming any caloric food. But you can still consume non-caloric beverages because they do not break your fast and allow you to get all the benefits of fasting.

    This is because non-caloric beverages do not cause the release of insulin, and as a consequence, do not interfere with fat burning and autophagy .

    This would include:

    • Plain black coffee
    • Plain tea

    Got more questions about Intermittent Fasting Drinks? Weve got more information in our blog post What Can You Drink During Intermittent Fasting.

    Fasting Improves Immune Regulation

    Fasting helps your body to put more energy and focus on the process of immune regulations. Fasting flushes out your digestive system, detoxifies your body, and reduces bad bacteria in your gut.

    As a result, your body can put more energy into other areas, such as reducing the release of inflammatory cytokines and making your body stronger . This is a great benefit you will experience during the fasting challenge.

    Don’t Miss: How To Lose Weight With Keto And Intermittent Fasting

    What Is Intermittent Fasting

    Intermittent fasting has become famous worldwide due to its scientifically proven benefits. It involves fasting within a specific period and eating only for the rest of the day or week.

    There are many forms of intermittent fasting, but the most popular is fasting within 16 hours.

    There are good reasons why the 16/8 method is so popular.

    Because of its simple rules, which can effortlessly be tailored around your daily work routine, beginners achieve the best results with 16/8 intermittent fasting.

    Dinner: Salmon & Veggies At : 30 Pm

    30 Day Intermittent Fasting Weight Loss Challenge – Day 1

    Salmon is an excellent source of omega-3 healthy fats, and dark green veggies like kale and broccoli are high in antioxidants.

    Salmon is one of my personal favorites for its taste and nutrient density, and you can select any wild-caught seafood of your choice.

    Serve alongside some of your favorite vegetables roasted in coconut oil, and you have a quick and easy superfood meal.


    • 4 cloves garlic, finely diced


  • Preheat oven to 400°F.
  • Mix together lemon juice, ghee, and garlic.
  • Place salmon in foil and pour lemon and ghee mixture over the top.
  • Wrap salmon with the foil and place on a baking sheet.
  • Bake for 15 minutes or until salmon is cooked through.
  • If your oven size allows, you can roast your vegetables alongside salmon on a separate baking sheet.
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    Let’s Get You Lighter

    My name is Esta Morenikeji. I created the 30-Day Intermittent Fasting programme to teach people the proper way to use intermittent fasting to lose weight and keep it off, improve health and have more energy.

    In December 2019, more than 150 people participated in the first round of the programme, and the results were impressive. The average weight loss was 5kg, and most weight lost by a single person was 12kg .

    Question: “Does one actually need to pay N10,000 for intermittent fasting? Just get Zero app or any app and start fasting right away. You can Google the internet on more information or search for Facebook groups on intermittent fasting to know more. It’s so incredibly easy!”

    Here’s my answer: One doesn’t need to pay for intermittent fasting. There are free intermittent fasting apps, and free information and free Facebook anyone interested in IF can use.The reason I’m charging for my 30-Day Intermittent Fasting Challenge is that 30-Day Intermittent Fasting isn’t just an IF challenge. It’s an IF-based programme that’s specifically designed for weight loss. There are other components of the programme that’s beyond intermittent fasting. My lack of creativity at naming the programme is what makes it sounds like a mere intermittent fasting challenge. I should have given it a fancy name instead of just “intermittent fasting challenge.” I’ve thought about changing the name, but I’ve decided to keep it as it is!

    Day Alternate Day Fasting Challenge:

    The alternate day fasting challenge only allows you to eat 500-600 calories during the 2-3 days of the week that you fast. During the rest of the week you are allowed to eat normally. Research suggests that alternate day fasting doesnt lead to an overabundance of food intake on non-fasting days unlike a lot of other diets. This is likely caused by the release of peptide YY , a hormone that makes you feel full and prevents overeating.

    Expected weight loss in 30 days: 7 pounds

    Don’t Miss: What Is Considered Intermittent Fasting

    Intermittent Fasting And Chronic Disease

    Intermittent fasting may help to reduce hyper-inflammatory processes, normalize immune function, and improve autoimmunity. It also improves the anaerobic metabolism of sugar, reduces inflammation, lowers free radical damage, fights cancer cells, and as a result prevent or improves chronic diseases .

    If you want to learn more about the benefits of intermittent fasting, I recommend this article.

    How To Do Alternate

    30 Day Intermittent Fasting Challenge by Nancy Wilson

    Alternate-day fasting is an intermittent fasting approach.

    The basic idea is that you fast on one day and then eat what you want the next day.

    This way you only need to restrict what you eat half of the time.

    On fasting days, youre allowed to drink as many calorie-free beverages as you like. Examples include:

    • water
    • unsweetened coffee
    • tea

    If youre following a modified ADF approach, youre also allowed to eat about 500 calories on fasting days, or 2025% of your energy requirements .

    The most popular version of this diet is called The Every Other Day Diet by Dr. Krista Varady, who has conducted most of the studies on ADF.

    The health and weight loss benefits seem to be the same regardless of whether the fasting-day calories are consumed at lunch or dinner, or as small meals throughout the day .

    Some people may find that alternate day fasting is easier to stick to than other types of diets.

    However, a yearlong study found that adherence when following alternate day fasting was not superior to everyday calorie restriction .

    Most of the studies on alternate-day fasting used the modified version, with 500 calories on fasting days. This is considered much more sustainable than doing full fasts on fasting days, but its just as effective.

    In this article, the terms alternate-day fasting or ADF generally apply to the modified approach with about 500 calories on fasting days.

    Recommended Reading: Are There Any Free Fasting Apps

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