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HomeNewsAlternate Day Fasting Results 1 Month Female

Alternate Day Fasting Results 1 Month Female

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Intermittent Fasting For Weight Loss Before And After

Alternate Day Fasting One Month Results!! One Month Update With Measurements.

Now when we have all the numbers and statistics down, lets take a look at some real-life examples of intermittent fasting results, andbefore and after photos.

Here are 4 people who were open to share their Intermittent Fasting results and answer the questions you as a beginner might have: How long does it take to see results from intermittent fasting and how much weight you can lose with intermittent fasting?

Gigi Ghobrial


TIME: 7 months

My transformation was Intermittent Fasting combined with going to the gym. I lost a total of 52 lbs in 7 months.

I started with Intermittent Fasting and transitioned to one meal a day over time. Occasionally I would also do extended fasting. I love the flexibility of being able to enjoy life by eating well. Its not so much what I eat anymore, its when I eat thats important. Fasting changed my life, specifically my relationship with food!

Want to learn more about OMAD Fasting? Start with our 21-Day OMAD Fasting Challenge straight away!

Dionna Lofton


TIME: 6 months

In six months to mid-June I went from 223 lbs to 147 lbs, from size 20 pants to size 6 and from size 3XL shirts to L shirts. A few months later, Im at 137lbs and proudly wear a medium/size 6!

On weekdays I normally do 18/6 fasting eat between 11:30 am and 5:30 pm. During this journey, I learned to eat healthier and stay away from breads pasta and fatty salad dressings.

Tanzilur Rahman Tonmoy


TIME: 13 months

Benefits Of Intermittent Fasting One Month

Here is a brief bullet-point summary of the best benefits of intermittent fasting for one month, given all the ups and downs Ive experienced:

  • Sugar cravings zero: This is the biggest takeaway. If I never lost a single pound I would STILL do a 16:8 plan just to kill the sugar beast.
  • I still lost weight: Even with everything falling apart, I STILL got a good result. That kind of staying power is so important for someone who has problems with consistency.
  • Intermittent fasting is simple: I love the simplicity. Even when I fail I still won. Out of 31 days, I made my fasting window 30 times. I like easy wins.
  • Its sustainable: No matter how busy I get, how unmotivated I am or what other ills life throws my way, I can do this.
  • Its flexible: If Im hungry, I eat. Bottom line. The flexibility of picking right back up again without skipping a beat is freeing!
  • It doesnt hinder socializing: We had two holiday celebrations this month. Both times I fit fasting in without having to tell anybody what I was doing. This is important to me.
  • It saves money: Eating less sure does. This may be an unconventional approach to saving money, sure, but it does help!
  • Might Intermittent Fasting Help Womens Heart Health

    Both review articles found evidence that intermittent fasting offers improvements related to heart health, an important area for midlife women since heart disease risk rises during this time.

    The JAMA Network Open writers found several studies where adults on IF diets improved their low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, total cholesterol, triglycerides, blood sugar, fasting insulin, insulin resistance, and blood pressure.

    Many of these benefits occurred in people who were overweight or obese.

    Similarly, the Annual Review of Nutrition analysis documented decreases in blood pressure and insulin resistance in some, as well as LDL cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

    Also Check: How Soon Can You Lose Weight With Intermittent Fasting

    Intermittent Fasters: Two Ways To Know

    Inverse talked to five intermittent fasters on Reddit to find out: how do you know your intermittent fasting regimen works?

    Their responses echo some of the researchers replies, too: They observed changes within their body and these changes tended to include weight loss. Heres what they had to say:

    • I started for weight maintenance, and its been good for that, writes Patrick, a 30-year-old based in Australia.
    • My resting heart rate has gone down by 40 points , writes Reddit user u/mogli_170, who is 27 years old. My weight has reduced a significant amount .
    • The reasons that I feel that is working for me are that Im losing weight in a steady way, writes Reddit user u/RS_Stylish, who is a 24-year-old man.
    • I guess I know its working because its the steadiest, most consistent weight loss Ive ever achieved, writes Reddit user u/Miszteek, who is a 35-year-old woman. I fasted for two weeks sans exercise and lost the same amount of weight as the two weeks in which I did exercise.

    Essentially these responses boil down to two quantifiable things: Steady weight loss and a lower resting heart rate.

    But much of the fasters enthusiasm for the regimen seems to stem from other, more qualitative factors intermittent fasting was something people could realistically maintain, and intermittent fasting resulted, perhaps most crucially, in a change of their relationship with food and dieting.

    A Quick Note About Measurements With Intermittent Fasting

    i lost 145 pounds by intermittent fasting on the keto diet

    So, we all know that the scale is definitely a love-hate thing, but its important. What I did was get a biometric scale that tracks more than just body weight. The one I use and recommend is the Renpho Bluetooth BMI Scale. This scale is so awesome because its 1/3rd of the price of the wildly popular Fitbit Aria scale and has everything you need to track your progress.

    I like it a lot because it syncs seamlessly to my iphone and comes with a free app for tracking all my data. So thats how I was able to effortlessly calculate body fat lost in all my charts!

    Don’t Miss: What Can I Eat When Doing Intermittent Fasting

    Alternate Day Fasting: Schedule Benefits And Meal Plan

    Tags: fasting, intermittent fasting

    Alternate Day Fasting calls for feasting on healthy foods for one day and then entirely fasting the next. In this guide, well explore the benefits of an alternate day fasting schedule, while also highlighting some potential pitfalls and how to avoid them.

    Does Adf Help With Weight Loss And Maintenance

    Its a distinct possibility. Research suggests ADF may help you lose weight and keep it off, but it looks like its no more effective than your garden-variety calorie-cutting diet.

    But turn that frown upside down!

    • With ADF you might preserve more non-fat weight aka lean muscle than with conventional energy-restriction diets.
    • According to a 2017 research review, adults who are overweight or have obesity could lose 2.5 percent of their body weight when following ADF for 3 weeks. A small study back in 2007 also suggested folks could lose 8 percent of their weight in 12 weeks with ADF.
    • ADF could help you win the battle of the belly bulge. A small 2013 study found that participants waist circumferences decreased by up to 7.3 cm in 8 weeks.

    Also Check: What Food To Eat To Break Intermittent Fasting

    Intermittent Fasting How Did I Get Started

    Back in 2017 I realized I had a problem a growing problem: Im my mid 40s and for the last few years my waistline has been getting bigger while Ive been getting tired a lot more. I kind of felt like this

    At first I thought maybe it was Low-T but blood tests confirmed that wasnt the issue.

    Next I turned to my diet being honest with myself I knew my diet could be improved, so I experimented with various lifestyle changes unfortunately, nothing felt right.

    Thats when I heard about Intermittent Fasting for weight loss and decided to look into it.

    Now, as weve discussed before, there aremany different types of intermittent fasting diets. Heres a link to an article I wrote about the various IF diet plans

    For my part I just wanted to do the EASIEST kind of intermittent fasting because, to be brutally honest with you, I didnt really believe that IF would work for me so I was mostly doing it just to say I tried it but not really expecting to stick with it.

    Boy am I glad I was wrong!

    I chose the 14/10 Intermittent Fasting schedule to get started basically what that means is that I didnt eat for 14 hours and then ate all my food in a 10 hour window.

    What does that look like in real life?

    Basically my plan was to stop eating around 6pm and then not eat again until 8am the next day. That boils down to simply skipping late night snacks.

    Furthermore the idea of not eating anything for 10 hours was really scary!

    What Is Intermittent Fasting And How Did I Do It

    Alternate Day Fasting ONE MONTH Results!! Weigh In, Measurements, and Overview Of The Month.

    There are a lot of different ways to tackle intermittent fasting. From cutting out a single meal in the day, to cutting out food for a full 24 hours, there are quite a few formats to choose from.

    I went for the 16:8 intermittent fasting option, as I can hardly go a morning without eating, I thought it would be unlikely Id last a full 24 hours.

    Basically, 16:8 means you can eat for 8 hours of the day, and for the remaining 16 you dont touch a morsel. If you think about it, thats about the equivalent of sleeping all night, then not having breakfast. So as far as fasting goes, its not the most intense format, but the intermittent fasting results online show great weight loss!

    One thing to note with this is, during those eight hours you should eat as you normally do. So the aim is to be cutting your calories down by not eating for 16 hours. Therefore, you shouldnt be shovelling in the food during your eating 8 hours to make up for the missed meal, as this wont give you any intermittent fasting results.

    Instead, think about what youd normally eat and make healthy choices. During my eight hours, I ate two hearty meals that were packed with veggies, proteins, healthy fats and loads of vitamins. I also had two snacks during this time. Think a mid-afternoon banana and a high-protein yogurt after my evening meal.

    That way, I didnt end up over-eating during my feeding hours and I felt more energetic and healthy as I was eating nutritious meals.

    Also Check: Intermittent Fasting And Workout Schedule

    Other Intermittent Fasting Results

    While weight loss is by no doubt the most desirable Intermittent Fasting result among most of the people who have started our Intermittent Fasting Challenge, its not the only benefit you can expect from fasting.

    When we asked people to name other positive changes they have noticed after starting with Intermittent Fasting, we saw several other great benefits.

    The most common benefit of intermittent fasting turns out to be increased energy levels.

    How come less food leads to increased energy? This could be contributed to your body not using the energy to digest food and/or having to think what you should eat next.

    People have also experienced multiple other benefits like improved metabolism and immune system, more mental clarity and better sleep.

    Alternate Day Fasting: All You Need To Know

    Quick Navigation
    What is Alternate Day Fasting | How to do Alternate Day Fasting | How it Works | Weight loss | Benefits | Side Effects | Safety

    The most recommended weight loss intervention for obese people is calories restriction. However, people find it challenging to adhere to a conventional weight loss regime as food intake needs to be limited every day. Also, adherence to daily calorie restriction starts decreasing after a certain amount of time. Alternate day fasting can help you overcome this issue where you will fast for a day alternated with a regular eating day.

    If you find it hard to follow a strict diet every day, alternate-day fasting can be the perfect choice for you. It is believed that you can achieve up to 3 to 7% of weight loss within 2 to 3 months with this diet approach. Alternate day fasting also improvesblood pressure, insulin sensitivity, and lipid profiles. However, discussing your medical condition with a doctor is recommended before following this restrictive diet pattern.

    Don’t Miss: What Is Allowed In Intermittent Fasting

    What Are The Possible Benefits Of Alternate

    Why do people look to ADF? Well, its possible alternate-day fasting could help:

    • change body composition
    • manage or prevent type 2 diabetes
    • improve heart health
    • boost cell breakdown and regeneration

    Those are all pretty legit reasons to consider eating not eating eating not eating eating not eating eating.

    Intrigued? Want more than just this little introductory nibble? Then keep on keepin on to learn about:

    • what alternate-day fasting is

    What, that one sentence in the intro didnt do it for ya?! OK, yeah, we understand.

    After Six Months Of Intermittent Fasting

    f3053 26017585 lb i am about 190 in the left pic low carb with175=85 lb] I am about 190 in the left pic. Low carb with …” alt=”F/30/53 [260>175=85 lb] I am about 190 in the left pic. Low carb with …”>

    Heres where I was at the end of 6 months with Intermittent Fasting for weight loss

    My Results:

    • Weight: 156
    • Waist: 34.2
    • Belly: 34.5

    A note on weight during this time period I started doing more workouts and my muscle mass increased so I was fine with still being over 155 lbs goal.

    A note on measurements I used a loose tape measure and let my stomach out as naturally as possible in order to know my real results. . Although my belly measured 34.5 incheas with a loose tape measure I could finally comfortably wear 32-inch waist pants again. Woo Hoo!

    For me Intermittent Fasting proved to be been a grand success but after 6 months I wasnt about to give up

    Don’t Miss: Do’s And Don Ts Of Fasting

    Whats The Bottom Line For Midlife Women And Intermittent Fasting

    Liskov says she favors a time-restricted eating plan known as 12/12, where food is eaten for half the day, generally between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. This pattern of eating has helped many people lower their energy intakes, lose weight, and reduce the amount of unhealthy nutrients eaten, she says. A key reason is that many people eat healthy foods during the day but then devolve to snacks of sweets and chips before bedtime.

    Its important to be sure youre eating healthy foods during the eating window, rather than filling up on nutritionally empty calories, says Carol Roberts, MD, a functional medicine physician in Naples, Florida, who recommends IF to some of her patients. If youre on a junk food diet, its not going to be good for you to eat for fewer hours. Better food selection is also important, she says.

    To work long-term, an IF eating plan also has to mesh with your lifestyle, experts say. If you regularly go out socially for breakfast or eat dinner late at night, for example, aiming to fast during these times is not sustainable.

    , the obstetrician-gynecologist who created the Galveston diet, suggests women who want to try IF ease into it, such as by pushing the morning meal back every few days until its finally close to noon.

    Dr. Roberts says mornings arent the hardest part for most IF dieters aiming for a 16/8 schedule. A cup of black coffee goes a long way toward keeping people happy in the morning. The hardest part for many is to not snack at night, she says.

    And The Cons Of Alternate Day Fasting

    Theres always the possibility you may end up bingeing on the feast days, as youre so hungry after a fasting day. Research with mice found that alternate day fasting didnt result in weight loss as the rodents simply gorged themselves on the days when they were able to eat, easily compensating for all the calories they had saved by fasting ever other day.

    This is easier to do than you might think, too. For example, with this diet, a woman who normally needs 2,000 calories a day to maintain her weight would alternate between having 400 calories on one day and 2,000 calories the next giving a total of 2,400 calories over the two days instead of the normal 4,000 calories.

    However, having a chicken korma with pilau rice, a naan bread, a couple of poppadoms with chutney and two large glasses of wine alone contains around 2,300 calories. Add this to a normal 400-calorie breakfast, a normal 600-calorie lunch, 300 calories worth of snacks plus 400 calories on a fasting day and your calorie intake over the two days is 4,000 calories the same as youd normally eat, therefore totally undoing the calorie savings of a fasting day.

    Recommended Reading: How Long Is Intermediate Fasting

    Starting The Day With Water Really Is Smart

    I’ve previously tried to throw back a bottle of agua before drinking coffee, and I’ve stuck with it for a day or two. But then I’m right back to Starbucks before the thought of water even crosses my headspace. While Bates’ plan called for having at least an eight-ounce glass immediately after getting up in the morning, I’d often finish a whole 32-ounce bottle before having some food.

    What’s more: While following the diet, I really tried to zero in on whether I actually felt hungry before I ate. Drinking water before reaching for food was one major thing that helped me better recognize my hunger levels. It’s one of the intermittent fasting results that’s stuck with me since finishing the plan, and a habit I actually aim to maintain. After all, experts do say we tend to mistake thirst for hunger. So when you’re fully hydrated and still ready for food, then you know it’s time to take a bite.

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