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Intermittent Fasting With Calorie Deficit

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Subject Dropout And Baseline Characteristics

FastingTwins: Severe Calorie Deficit When Intermittent Fasting Is Not Needed @hodgetwins

Of the 30 subjects that were randomized to the IFCR-L group, 1 subject dropped out due to scheduling conflicts and 1 subject dropped out because they could not adhere to the diet .1). Thus 28 subjects completed the IFCR-L protocol. Of the 30 subjects that were randomized to the IFCR-F group, 2 dropped out due to scheduling conflicts and 2 others dropped out because they could not adhere to the diet. Baseline characteristics of the IFCR-L and IFCR-F groups are reported in TableTable1.1. There were no differences between groups for age, ethnicity, menopausal status, waist circumference, BMI, plasma lipids, fasting glucose, or insulin.

Which Is Better Intermittent Fasting Or Calorie Restriction

As shown by the study illustrated in the text above, neither intermittent fasting nor calorie restriction is better than the other. They both can lead to weight loss, and both have their individual benefits. What really matters is which one works for you in achieving your weight goals, as well as which one your dietician recommends for you .

Do Calories Matter When Fasting Summary

  • Fasting studies have shown that reducing the hours we consume food causes weight loss without conscious food intake restrictions.
  • Consistent adherence to a fasting routine may reduce the need to count calories.
  • You can lose your ability to recognize true hunger due to a poor diet, resulting in an increased need to track your calorie intake.
  • Pairing intermittent fasting with a low carb/high-fat diet will give you a weight-loss edge and could reduce your need to track calories.

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Calorie Restriction And Fasting Diets: What Do We Know

You may have heard about calorie restriction and fasting diets and wondered why they’re getting so much attention in the news. Aren’t they just other terms for dieting to lose weight?

No, they’re not. Calorie restriction means reducing average daily caloric intake below what is typical or habitual, without malnutrition or deprivation of essential nutrients. In a fasting diet, a person does not eat at all or severely limits intake during certain times of the day, week, or month. A practical effect of a fasting diet may be fewer calories because there is less time for regular eating.

These eating patterns are being studied as possible ways to maintain good health and live longer. They are not temporary weight-loss plans. Interest in their potential health and aging benefits stems from decades of research with a variety of animals, including worms, crabs, snails, fruit flies, and rodents. In many experiments, calorie-restricted feeding delayed the onset of age-related disorders and, in some studies, extended lifespan.

Science Investigates: Fasting Vs Calorie Restriction

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People are always on the lookout for quick and easy ways to lose weight, which is why there are approximately 5 billion new diet books written every year thats our unscientific, but probably not inaccurate, estimate. Speaking of unscientific, the problem with the plans in these books is their so-called new approaches to weight loss havent been tested, well, scientifically. And when they get scientists to pay attention, the plans often fail to produce the stellar results they claim.

One weight-loss method thats gotten a lot of attention lately is fasting, where people go without eating for several hours or even a full day. Search the internet and Reddit boards, and youll find passionate devotees talking about the advantages of fasting for weight loss, muscle gain and other benefits, like improved mental clarity. And while there is research to back up some of these claims, much of it is preliminary or was conducted on animals.

Lately, researchers have been looking into fasting more deeply and are starting to fill this knowledge void. A study published this May in the Journal of the American Medical Association: Internal Medicinesought to find out whether fasting was any better or worse at helping people lose weight than a more traditional diet. Heres what they discovered:


The study looked at the effectiveness of two diets:



Recommended Reading: How Many Pounds Can You Lose On Intermittent Fasting

How Many Calories Should I Eat While Intermittent Fasting For Weight Loss

As you may already know, I dont recommend you worry about counting calories while intermittent fasting. However, it can be used as a troubleshooting strategy when you cant seem to lose weight. Furthermore, tracking calories can be useful to ensure you are eating ENOUGH. This post will address how intermittent fasting works aside from naturally decreasing your calorie intake. Then, I will show you how to determine how many calories you should eat while intermittent fasting for weight loss.

Intermittent Fasting Vs Calorie Restriction Results After Twelve Months

From the results, there are some important aspects we must look at. These aspects include the dropout rate and the change in weight. The dropout rate could indicate which approach is easier to stick to, and the weight change could demonstrate which approach is more effective in weight loss .

Out of the 100 participants, only 69 were able to complete the study. The dropout rate was highest from the alternate fasting group. Thirteen out of thirty-four dropped out. The calorie restriction group had ten dropouts out of thirty-five participants. The control group experienced a dropout of eight individuals out of thirty-one individuals. Individuals who dropped out from the alternate fasting said it was due to difficulties following the diet.

When it comes to weight loss, there was not a big difference between the two groups.The alternate fasting group experienced a total weight loss of 6%, while the intermittent fasting experienced a 5.3% weight loss .

This then goes to suggest that there is no approach that is better. It all depends on the individual. Are you able to handle intermittent fasting or daily calorie restriction? What advice has your dietician given you? If you have problems selecting the best approach for yourself, it is advisable to consult an expert as they can help you in choosing the best one for you.

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What Is Calorie Restriction

Calorie restriction is an umbrella term. Lets break it into two chunks:

  • Mild calorie restriction
  • Chronic calorie restriction
  • If you have body fat to lose, a mild calorie deficit of 5-20% per day can be a sustainable way to lose it. This mild energy deficit is generally the kind promoted by IF.

    Chronic calorie restriction, on the other hand, refers to a chronically insufficient dietusually 20-50% fewer calories per day than your metabolism demands. This is starvation.

    If youve ever watched History Channels hit show Alone, youre witnessing starvation up close. In the show, contestants try to outlast one another in brutal environments , and never get enough to eat.

    Everybody loses weight on Alone, much of it from muscle. No surprise there.

    If you havent seen Alone, you might have watched The Biggest Losera show in which severe calorie restriction spurs rapid and significant weight loss in overweight participants. And it works, at least while the cameras are rolling.

    But when the contestants return home and resume normal eating patterns, they invariably regain the lost weight. Why? Because their metabolisms have permanently slowed down, even beyond what would be predicted by weight loss. In other words, they burn fewer calories at rest. Not ideal for weight loss maintenance.

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    What Does Intermittent Fasting Do

    Science of Fasting S1E5 : intermittent fasting vs calorie deficit? Dr.Education (Eng)

    Intermittent fasting is about when you eat, not what you eat. Its essentially blocking out times during the day or during the week when you fast or refrain from eating. Some popular versions of intermittent fasting include

    • The 16:8 schedule
    • Alternate-day fasting, or periodic fasting with occasional consecutive fasting periods

    Scientists think when we stop eating for extended periods of time, our bodies undergo a metabolic switch, where the body moves from using glucose for energy to fatty acids and their descendants molecules called ketones .

    Matthew Phillips, a neurologist at Waikato Hospital in New Zealand, tells Inverse the switch gives our bodys cells a mild bioenergetic challenge of nutrient deprivation by hunkering down and focusing more on maintenance, stress resistance, repair, and metabolic efficiency, rather than growth.

    Intermittent fasting may or may not result in an intake of fewer calories naturally, and people who fast intermittently may or may not have weight loss in mind. Proponents of intermittent fasting talk about their reduced inflammation, improved energy, mental clarity, and improved diabetes management – but research on humans in the long term is not yet conclusive.

    What experts say about intermittent fasting vs. calorie restriction

    … there are health benefits that go beyond this calorie restriction.

    Even the man who has been referred to as the godfather of intermittent fasting says you cant lose weight without a calorie deficit.

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    Plasma Lipid And Ldl Particle Size Determination

    Plasma total cholesterol, direct LDL cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, and triglyceride concentrations were measured in duplicate by enzymatic kits . The interassay coefficient of variations for total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, and triglycerides were 2.4%, 3.7%, 4.0%, and 3.5%, respectively. LDL particle size was measured by linear polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis . High-resolution 3% polyacrylamide gel tubes were used for electrophoresis. Briefly, 25 L of sample was mixed with 200 L of liquid loading gel containing Sudan black, and added to the gel tubes. After photopolymerization at room temperature for 30 min, samples were electrophoresed for 1 h . Lipoware computer software was then used to divide LDL into small , medium , and large particles.

    Weight Loss Requires A Caloric Deficit Intermittent Fasting Does This Automatically

    The reason any weight loss diet works is because it reduces your total calorie intake .

    This means youll burn more calories than you consume , leading to weight loss.

    Intermittent fasting is no exception to this rule.

    Skipping entire meals greatly reduces your calorie intake So much so that you dont really have to worry about calories in the meals you do eat.

    For example, youll save about 500 calories each day by skipping a breakfast of peanut butter toast and orange juice, as well as whatever you might eat or drink for morning tea.

    Given the average woman might aim for 1600-1800 calories per day to lose weight, thats a whopping 30% of calories saved instantly.

    If you skip the morning food, even indulging in two large 750 calorie meals later that day, plus a 300 calorie dessert would keep most on track for weight loss.

    Summary: Weight loss requires you to consume fewer calories than you burn. Missing one meal per day by fasting can save around 30% of calories in one go.

    Read Also: What To Do While Fasting

    Intermittent Fasting No Better Than Calorie Restriction For Weight Loss Finds Study

    but don’t write it off just yet. Image: New Africa/Shutterstock

    Somebody has probably at some point told you about a weight-loss technique called intermittent fasting. It comes in many forms, but the basic idea is to change not what you eat, but when you eat and if certain Hollywood A-listers are to be believed, the effects are nothing short of miraculous.

    Others, though, arent so convinced. And if the results of a newly published year-long trial are to be believed, the skeptics have it right.

    We found that the 8-hour time-restricted-eating regimen did not produce greater weight loss than the regimen of daily calorie restriction, with both regimens resulting in similar caloric deficits, reports the paper, published this week in the New England Journal of Medicine.

    In addition, time-restricted eating and daily calorie restriction produced similar effects with respect to reductions in body fat, visceral fat, blood pressure, glucose levels, and lipid levels over the 12-month intervention period, the authors add.

    Intermittent fasting as a method of controlling obesity is fairly controversial in the scientific world, with the majority of evidence being what researchers call low-quality.

    They received dietary counseling from trained health coaches, and dietary information booklets with portion advice and sample menus to follow. More than that, they were told to record their food intake scrupulously, using a written food log, photographs, and a custom mobile app.

    Why I Chose To Try Time

    Pin on Health &  Fitness

    The definition of intermittent fasting is pretty basic. Its really just a period of eating, followed by a period of not eating, says Krista Varady, PhD, an associate professor in the department of kinesiology and nutrition at the University of Illinois in Chicago. For over a decade, Dr. Varady has researched the effects of intermittent fasting. Intermittent fasting is kind of an umbrella term, but there are three major types of intermittent fasting. Theres alternate-day fasting, which means that you would eat fewer than 500 calories every other day and eat however many calories you want on the remaining days of the week. Theres also whats called the 5:2 approach to intermittent fasting, which means you would eat fewer than 500 calories for two days per week and however many you want on the other days. And then theres whats called time-restricted eating, which means you can eat within a certain window of time each day, like between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m., says Varady.

    Given that I was becoming more active through exercise, I wasnt sure that taking in only 500 calories a day would be the best idea for maintaining my energy levels. With that in mind, I decided to try time-restricted eating instead.

    RELATED: Is Intermittent Fasting Safe for People With Diabetes?

    Recommended Reading: Low Carb Diet With Intermittent Fasting

    Whats The Evidence From Human Studies Of Fasting

    Most research to date has focused on the weight-loss aspect of fasting, primarily in obese people, and only a few small clinical trials have been conducted. More work is needed to determine which, if any, types of fasting diets have long-term benefits.

    Observational studies have been conducted in people who practice fasting in one form or another. In an observational study, the investigator does not determine the treatment to offer and does not randomize subjects into a control group or experimental group. Instead, the investigator records data from real-life situations.

    For example, one observational study compared people who routinely fasted to those who did not fast. It found that those who routinely fasted were less likely to have clogged arteries or coronary artery disease. However, the study did not control for other factors that could have affected the results, such as the kind of diet, quality of food consumed, or use of nutritional supplements.

    Recommended Reading: What Is 16 Hour Intermittent Fasting

    Coronary Heart Disease Risk Indicator Assessment

    Blood pressure and heart rate were measured in triplicate each week using a digital automatic blood pressure/heart rate monitor with the subject in a seated position after a 10-min rest. Fasting plasma glucose was measured in duplicate at week 1, 3, and 10 with a glucose hexokinase reagent kit . Insulin, C-reactive protein , homocysteine, adiponectin, and leptin were assessed in duplicate at week 1, 3, and 10 by ELISA .

    Don’t Miss: Does Intermittent Fasting Work Without Exercise

    Adherence To Diets And Physical Activity Maintenance

    During the weight loss period , adherence to the liquid meal protocol was 92 ± 3% in the IFCR-L group over the course of the 8 weeks. IFCR-F subjects achieved their energy restriction goal on 80 ± 2% of the CR days during each week. As for fast day compliance, there were no differences between groups . The degree of CR achieved during the weight loss period by the IFCR-L group was greater than that achieved by the IFCR-F . The macronutrient composition of the IFCR-L diet did not differ from that of the IFCR-F diet during the 8-week intervention. Alterations in physical activity habits were quantified by the use of a pattern recognition monitor . There were no differences in activity energy expenditure between baseline and post-treatment in the IFCR-L group , and the IFCR-F group .

    Intermittent Fasting Vs Calorie Restriction Weight Loss

    How to Build a Lean Physique Effortlessly – Calorie Deficit Intermittent Fasting

    Most of the people have always gone for calorie restriction when it comes to weight loss. Many believe that calorie restriction is effective as in practice all you need to do is make sure you consume fewer calories than you would use daily. Every person has a certain amount of calories they need every day. In calorie restriction as long as you consume almost 500 calories less your body is known to use, you should experience weight loss .

    Intermittent fasting works just like calorie restriction with it focusing more on weekly calorie averages than daily calorie averages. As discussed above, intermittent fasting is choosing periods of no eating or eating the least minimum the body needs for normal functioning during fast hours or fast days. During feast days or hours, on the other hand, one can eat as much as they possibly can or want to. Intermittent fasting also results in weight loss. The question that then comes to mind is, between intermittent fasting and calorie restriction, which approach results is better when it comes to weight loss, which is easier to follow and so on .

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    Don’t Miss: Top Apps For Intermittent Fasting

    Does Intermittent Fasting Work

    Intermittent fasting does have its benefits, but its not for everyone. The theory behind why it may help you lose weight is that after a period of time without food, the body uses up its stores of glucose and starts burning fat stores for energy. Also, since you dont eat for long stretches of time, you may eat less overall. But the question remains as to how effective this eating strategy is for producing sustainable weight loss.

    The method may work as long as you dont overdo what you eat when you can eat. But a recent study published in the New England Journal of Medicine found that intermittent fasting may be no more effective than traditional calorie counting.

    If you want to see long-term weight-loss results and health benefits, its still best to focus on eating healthy foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean protein and healthy fats, no matter when you eat them.

    Fasting for 12 hours overnight, from dinner to breakfast, may also provide some benefits and its easy to do since much of the time is spent sleeping. It helps restrict nighttime eating, so it may aid in weight loss. It also gives your body a chance to focus on cellular repair, helps reduce insulin resistance and may improve mental clarity.

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