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HomeAppFasting Apps That Sync With Fitbit

Fasting Apps That Sync With Fitbit

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What Are The Different Types Of Popular Intermittent Fasting Programs

Fitbit Inspire 2: How to Use for Beginners (Everything You Need to Know)

There are different philosophies when it comes to Intermittent fasting. The most common ones are as follows:

  • 16:8 Method The 16/8 method involves fasting every day for 1416 hours and restricting your daily eating window to 810 hours. Within the eating window, you can fit in two, three, or more meals. Also known as the Lean-Gain method
  • 19:5 Method A little more aggressive over the 16/8, where you fast for 19 hours and have a 5 hour time window to consume 2 meals. Popularly known as the fast 5 methods in IF circles.
  • Alternate Day Fasting The basic idea here is that you fast on one day, and then you eat what you want on the next day.
  • The warrior diet is a much stricter type of intermittent fasting, alternating between 20 hours of under-eating and 4 hours of unlimited intake.

Some folks also like to mix some of the above philosophies and popular diet philosophies, such as a Keto program.

If you have decided to pursue intermittent fasting, it is best to consult your physician to figure out which program is less risky, safe, and yield results for you.

Choose The Keto App Thats Right For You

Most of the apps on our list offer free versions for users to get started with. Some apps like Senza are great for beginners starting their transition to keto, while apps like Lazy Keto are helpful for users just looking for recipe ideas. We recommend testing multiple apps to find the one that accommodates your needs and preferences.

Do You Really Need Apps To Help With Intermittent Fasting

Once you have decided to start your intermittent fasting journey, you will require effective tools and techniques to keep you on the plan, keep you motivated, and healthy.

Achieving success with lifestyle change programs such as diet or fasting is dependent on many factors, but there are five important components:

  • Planning and calendaring
  • Making changes based on progress
  • Sustaining the achievements
  • Although some of the above ideas may sound simple and trivial, it can actually be tough to persevere without effective tools to help you latch on to a new habit.

    This is where smartphone and wearable apps come in handy and serve as an ally as you embark on this wellness journey via intermittent fasting.

    At a minimum, any app that you choose should help you effectively with the 5 key support components that we have identified above.

    In this article, we look at some of the most popular and successful apps that have proven handy for intermittent fasting and will provide clarity around some of the pros and cons of each app.

    Lets start with some of the most popular and promising apps for Intermittent Fasting:

    Also Check: What Is 16 8 Intermitten Fasting

    The Role Of Apps In Intermittent Fasting And Weight Loss

    The best intermittent fasting apps help you to track progress in several ways. It is convenient to record things easier and ensure consistency in it. Studies show that 77% of participants lose weight with the support of the best intermittent fasting apps. People can also avoid weight gain and ensure proper workouts. They can self-monitor a healthy diet and witness progress in their health. Further, peer-to-peer support levels up the motivation and encourages people to stay focused on their diet.

    Analytical dashboards boost the enthusiasm of the user. Best fasting apps with diet plans or healthy eating practices help the user to embrace a healthy lifestyle. Some also have sleep trackers or hydration trackers. Advanced fasting apps allow the user to integrate with Google Fit or Apple Health and provide better insights. Overall, these apps visualize your goal and help you achieve them.

    Ate Food Journal Health Log

    Fitbit Wont Sync: What to Do With Your Wearable?

    This is an easy-to-use app designed to keep the users motivated and helps them eliminate their bad eating habits and practice healthy habits. The app allows users to log in their meals quickly in three simple steps. The user can view the log of food they ate and improve their eating habits. They can automatically track their fasting, and the app allows them to share their day and their progress on social media platforms.

    Best app features:

    • Visual Food Diary: This feature allows the app users to click their meals rather than logging just what they ate. After all, images have a better impact on the mind than words, and they enable the app users to reflect on the meals truly.
    • Calculate Gaps: The app also helps to calculate the gap between each meal and amazingly track the time frame spent fasting. It allows the app user to better understand their body and promotes mindfulness so they eat what makes them feel better. Here, users can share their meals on social media, making them more accountable.
    • Google Play Store Rating: Not Available
    • Apple App Store Rating: 4.8

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    Strava Running And Cycling

    If youre looking for an app that lets you track all of your daily fitness activities and gives you helpful insights along the way, Strava is a great option. You can use it to record runs, cycling sessions, and more with your Fitbit tracker, which will sync with the app in real-time.

    Strava also has social aspects if running isnt your thing but you want some accountability or motivation from friends or family members, for example, Strava could be a good fit.

    Femometer Fasting: Understand Your Body Better

    Femometer Fasting lets you understand what happens on a particular IF diet plan. It reminds you about your eating window when its time. You can not only track your fasting hours but also your sleep schedule, water intake, food intake, etc. All these data together provide a Body Status which provides deep insights. Understand how your Fat turns out to be your fuel with Femometer. With this best fasting app get access to educational nutritional information too. The app is available on iOS with basic and premium versions.

    • Understand your body during fasting hours
    • Log lifestyle habits

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    How Does Linking Work

    Fitbit trackers calculate your activity calories, daily step count, weigh-ins, and more, and sync them to the Fitbit website. MyNetDiary keeps track of your foods logged online or via mobile apps. By creating a link, you allow MyNetDiary to talk to Fitbit website and exchange the following data:

    • From Fitbit to MyNetDiary
    • Exercise burned calories
    • Daily step count
    • Body weight and body fat percentage
    • The amount of water you drink
  • From MyNetDiary to Fitbit
  • Daily foods – including food name, calories, fat, fiber, carbs, sodium and protein content.
  • Body weight and body fat percentage
  • The amount of water you drink
  • You can choose which data can be downloaded from Fitbit. Use Fitbit Settings page.

    What To Consider If You Opt For Fasting App Development

    All you need to KNOW BEFORE BUYING the Fitbit Charge 5!

    The process of mobile app development begins with shortlisting the best companies. It is advisable that the company has experience in serving the industries that you target. Especially, if you are a startup, ensure that company has worked with a startup earlier. Further, consider factors like years of experience, portfolio, case studies, testimonials, reviews from clutch or glassdoor, etc.

    Compare the parameters of different companies and select the one that suits you the best. Once finalized, jot down your requirements and frame a plan. Further, choose your preferred businessmodel. Most companies provide development teams or team augmentation. You can hire on cost-based models viz hourly or fixed bids.

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    Garmin Vivofit : Great Budget Option

    The VivoFit 4 is Garmins answer to Fitbits basic fitness trackers. The style is a significant departure from Garmins core smart watch style oerings, being more reminiscent of a Fitbit Charge.

    The VivoFit 4 lets Garmin fans take advantage of their popular web-based features without committing to a large, expensive smart watch style device.

    A few stand out features include: the extended battery life the Move bar Garmins popular Move IQ software and the toe-to-toe feature where you can challenge your family and friends to a step counting contest.

    Zero Simple Fasting Tracker

    This app is considered the worlds most popular fasting app for Intermittent Fasting. It was named after the amount of food one eats during fasting. It claims to be the best app that helps in getting on track with intermittent fasting habits. It also does a great job of helping in building practice.

    Its four main functionalities are:

    • Timer: It allows the user to set a timer and keep their day on track. Setting the reminders from start to finish and in between helps users in knowing where they are in their day.
    • Explore: This feature allows the app users to explore the app content library curated by Dr. Peter Attia, Chief Medical Officer. It motivates the users and encourages them to stay on track.
    • Statistics: This functionality enables the app users to view complete statistical analysis of their IF journey. They can see their heart rate, weight log, sleep schedule and how much they stuck to their fasting plan.
    • Journal: This is a great feature that enables the app users to log what and how they feel, allowing them a good understanding of how the IF plan works for them and inciting mindfulness.

    Its an entirely customizable app that even if the app user makes the plan, the app can accordingly customize itself and assist the app user. It also has a smooth and spotless interface thats convenient to use.

    • Google Play Store Rating: 4.6
    • Apple App Store Rating: 4.8

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    Should You Upgrade To The Zero Plus Premium Offering

    Most users starting on an IF program start with the basic free Zero app and manage their IF program well.

    However, if you are looking for an extra push, the zero plus premium offering provides you with some of these:

    • More clarity around your fast stages as you progress through anabolic, catabolic, fat-burning, and ketosis phases of the fast.
    • This is more of a motivation feature since you mostly already know this information based on the amount of time passed since you started fasting.
    • The premium app just sends a notification telling you that you are in a particular zone, such as the fat-burning zone.
  • The Zero plus coach option provides you with the ability to set a fasting pattern. It could definitely have potential in preventing cheat days or helping you get back on the program.
  • The data in your History is significantly richer, showing you how long you have spent in each fasting zone across all past fasts, as well as showing sleep hours vs. fast hours, fasting hours vs. weight and more.
  • We think that the incremental features offered via the new Zero Plus program may not be worth the $50 / $9.99 monthly for most users starting with an intermittent fast program.

    The app does not provide a detailed component to track your nutrition.

    If you think you need that extra push, Zero Plus currently provides a free 7-day trial that you can sign up and check out for yourself.

    Faq On Intermittent Fasting Apps

    How To Sync Fitbit To New Phone
    Which is the best free intermittent fasting app?

    Its all the matter of what youre looking for. From my experience,Life Fasting Tracker is definitely one of the top fasting apps overall. It is completely free to use unless you are looking for additional services, for example, personal coaching sessions or blood tests.

    But feel free to scroll through the list and find what would work the best for you. Almost all the apps on the list have a free version with all the necessary features to satisfy most intermittent fasting fans. Even if you opt for a premium version, it wont cost you much more than a cup of coffee.

    Which would be the best prolonged or water fasting app?

    To track your water fast or extended fast times, any fasting app will do the job. All of them either have various fasting schedules to choose from or manual fasting tracking where you can add your own eating and fasting windows.

    A handy feature for water fasts would be hydration or water intake tracking. My favorite fasting apps like DoFasting have a feature to track your daily water intake and these apps offer various fasting schedules, which would make them the perfect water fasting apps.

    How does Life Fasting app work?

    Overall, Life Fasting App is easy and straight-forward to use and has all the necessary features you need to do intermittent fasting. Plus, their fasting tracker is the most flexible and easy to use Ive seen you can fully customize your fasting and eating times.

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    Fastic App Provides Comprehensive Support For Many Types Of If Plans

    The fast app provides you with comprehensive support and guidance as you progress through your intermittent fasting program in a simple and easy to understand user interface.

    Much like the Zero app, Fastic provides you with a simple, clean app interface that will help you plan your daily tasks as you progress through the various fasting zones.

    The fasting timer is the apps core feature and will allow you to set your fasting times individually.

    FASTIC can also recommend a suitable fasting period daily.

    One of the key advantages of Fastic is that it claims to have a built-in nutrition tracker.

    With the FASTIC nutrition tracker, you can track your nutrition habits to overview your everyday nutrition.

    The app also has a built-in feature to track your water intake throughout the day as your fasting progresses.

    This makes it easier since you dont have to use a separate app like Waterminder to track your H2O intake.

    The app also has a daily weight tracker function and little lessons that explain the science behind fasting-driven metabolism in an easy-to-understand way.

    The Fastic App automatically computes your BMI and keeps track of your weight-loss as you progress through your IF program.

    Final Thoughts On These Fitbit Compatible Apps

    Your FitBit can be utilized in a number of ways that you may not expect. If you download all of these apps , you maximize the results you get out of your fitness program.

    And fortunately, most of these apps don’t even cost money unless you want to upgrade to the premium version. That means you don’t need to spend a lot of money beyond what you initially invest in the FitBit.

    Many people struggle with their weight loss goals. But if you regularly wear your FitBit and push yourself to hit a specific daily step count, then you’ll find it’s not hard to hit your specific fitness goals.

    If you’d like to learn more about walking, increasing your step count, and how to lose weight with this simple habit, then I recommend reading more articles on our site like:

    Read Also: Fasting Blood Glucose Normal Range

    How Intermittent Fasting Apps Can Help

    Fat loss is a great benefit of Intermittent Fasting, but thats not it the other benefits consist of:

    Intermittent fasting makes the day simpler

    IF brings additional simplicity to life. Before starting Intermittent Fasting, most people are in the habit of unconscious eating throughout the day however, it is changed with Intermittent Fasting as it restricts people to have just two to three meals a day. This way, it saves people from stressing about their meals throughout the day and brings in much-needed discipline.

    Intermittent fasting helps live longer

    Many studies have verified that restricting calories helps extend your life, as when one starves, the body finds ways to lengthen life. However, people mostly like to enjoy life, and the thought of starving restricts them from doing so hence Intermittent Fasting can be the answer to them. IF activates many of the same mechanisms to extend life as calorie restriction. So the people receive the benefits of a longer life without starving.

    Intermittent fasting may reduce cancer risk

    Intermittent fasting is way easier than dieting

    Does Fitbit Have Any Plans To Sync With Fasting Apps

    Fitbit Sense In-Depth Review: 7 New Things To Know!
    • Float this Topic for Current User

    07-23-202007:44 – last edited on 07-15-202110:14 by WilsonFitbit

    07-23-202007:44 – last edited on 07-15-202110:14 by WilsonFitbit

    Hi all, question:

    I use Fitbit HR Charge 3 every day. I started FASTING for health reasons . Is FIBIT planning on an App or at least to sync with 3rd party FASTING apps? It will be very cool to monitor the health impact through our watch.

    Good question, @foxsierracharli – I can relate. Ive been practicing intermittent fasting – 12/12 and find I feel much better. And Im losing weight and experiencing fewer cravings. I dont see any fasting apps available and Fitbit does not announce schedules of app releases. Neither do the 3rd party developers so all we can do is keep an eye out for new releases. But if you use the Fitbit food tracking feature, you can personally watch to see how you feel and how your sleep tracks when you fast. Personally, I found I sleep much better when I eat nothing in the evening.

    07-23-202008:51 – edited 07-27-202013:47

    07-23-202008:51 – edited 07-27-202013:47

    I have the same question, I would love a fasting app where you could put in days/time you’re not eating, reminders for when to eat, and adjust daily calorie maximums so that it tells you when you’ve hit your max for the day!

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    What To Look For In The Best Fasting App

    • The best fasting app free must allow you to self-monitor your progress. You should be able to make choices and record your habits.
    • The best free fasting app provides feedback on your performance that helps you identify blocks and overcome them. The app must have goal-setting options. Further, it should be customizable according to the focus: weight, fitness, or strict diet.
    • Some of the best free fasting apps have journaling features to relieve stress and create space for positive talk.
    • The best intermittent fasting app free must-have stressmanagement features such as mindful eating, easy relaxation methods, etc. to ensure it does not affect the diet cycle.
    • Some of the best intermittent fasting app free provide communitysupport that helps the users to inspire and stay motivated.

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